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Human Rights and WTO Legal System


[内容简介] 本书结合国际上人权与贸易关系问题的最近实践动向和研究热点,比较全面地梳理联合国和WTO等国际组织在人权与贸易关系问题上的立场、原则与实践,比较系统地介绍国外机构和学者对这一问题的研究和理论,对我国实践部门和学术研究全面、深入把握有关的实践和理论发展打下基础。在比较全面地研究国际层面上有关人权与贸易关系的实践与理论的基础上,从发展中国家立场出发,结合中国的实际情况,探讨我国对这一问题应确立的原则立场和采取的具体策略。具体包括如何在WTO新规则的制订中保证我们在人权与贸易关系上的发言权,维护我国的利益;如何促进发展中国家的贸易利益以及在人权特别是发展权、生存权方面的保护与促进;如何提供理论依据,以应对和防范西方国家利用WTO以及国际贸易法中的规则、借口人权问题实施贸易保护主义,或以贸易问题干涉和操控发展中国家的人权政策和实践。


作 者: 刘敬东
编 辑:李玉清;徐辉琪
出版时间: 2010年11月
语 种:中文
中图分类:D9 法律



 第一章 “人权入世”思潮的国际背景

  第一节 劳动权是人权吗?

  第二节 冷战结束:劳动权与国际人权走向联合

  第三节 劳动权与贸易挂钩:美国的政策及其争论

   一 美国普惠制(GSP)中的劳动权条款

   二 “加勒比盆地启动计划”

   三 “海外私人投资公司计划”

   四 1998年“综合贸易和竞争法案”

  第四节 令人羡慕的GATT/WTO法律体制


 第二章 “人权入世”的法理之辩

  第一节 “宪政化”理论与利益平衡理论

  第二节 国际人权法与WTO法关系分析

  第三节 “赫特尔案”的启示


 第三章 人权保护还是贸易保护?

  第一节 经济学家的理论质疑

  第二节 对劳动权贸易政策的考察

  第三节 虚伪的“保护”:美国峰科技公司案

  第四节 美国推行劳动权标准的国际实践考察

  第五节 伪装的保护主义?


 第四章 ILO/WTO联合执行机制评价

  第一节 方案中的联合专家组程序

  第二节 方案中的救济措施

  第三节 几点评价


 第五章 WTO法律制度:促进人权?

  第一节 游行者的胜利——西雅图会议*

  第二节 关于国际人权法的争论

  第三节 融合的障碍——截然不同的法律体制

  第四节 WTO促进人权——“硬币的另一面”

  第五节 利益平衡理论——WTO法与人权的协调


 第六章 WTO法与人权关系的国际法分析

  第一节 自我包容性与国际法碎片化

  第二节 WTO有权处理人权问题吗?

  第三节 法律等级之争

  第四节 规则之间的潜在冲突


 第七章 国际贸易中人权政策的实证考察

  第一节 贸易中的人权政策分类

  第二节 附人权条件的贸易措施

  第三节 WTO体制内的附人权条件贸易措施


 第八章 WTO国际人权事务实践

  第一节 WTO与联合国安理会决议

  第二节 WTO与其他国际组织决议

  第三节 WTO与金伯利进程


 第九章 附人权条件的单边贸易限制

  第一节 单边贸易限制与一般国际法规则

  第二节 WTO法与单边贸易限制

  第三节 地区性(或双边)贸易协定中的人权条款

  第四节 普惠制中的人权条款


 第十章 人权与WTO规则——联合国研究报告评述

  第一节 研究报告的出台背景

  第二节 报告的主要结论分析

  第三节 对报告的几点评价


 第十一章 TRIPs协定与健康权

  第一节 关于“南非案例”的激辩

  第二节 WTO《多哈宣言》

  第三节 2003年总理事会决议

  第四节 关于TRIPs协定条款修订

  第五节 《多哈宣言》任重道远


 第十二章 人权法与WTO协定条款解释

  第一节 对“非歧视”原则的人权法解释

  第二节 WTO协定条款解释与人权条约之适用

  第三节 对“一般例外”条款的解释

  第四节 关于解释的“补充资料”

  第五节 非WTO法的国际法规则的适用

  第六节 《技术性贸易壁垒协定》条款的“启示”


 第十三章 WTO人权事务监督机制

  第一节 建立WTO人权监督机制的理由

  第二节 WTO人权事务监督的方式探讨——欧盟模式







5. 戴维·M.沃克:《牛津法律大辞典》,李双元等译,法律出版社,2003。


7.〔德〕E. U.彼得斯曼:《国际经济法的宪法功能与宪法问题》,何志鹏等译,高等教育出版社,2004。











18. 2007年国家商务部产业损害调查局课题:《WTO反倾销案件判决执行情况研究》。




1.UN Resolution 61/170,19. Dec.2006.

2.Anthony E. Cassinatis:‘Human rights related trade measures under international law:the legality of trade measures imported in response to violations of human rights obligations under general international law’ Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,Leiden,Boston,2007.

3.John H Jackson:Preamble,‘Human rights and international trade’,Edited by Thomas Cottier,Joost Pauwelyn and Elisabeth Burgi Bonanomi,Oxford University Press 2005.

4.Thomas Cottier,Joost Pauwelyn,and Elisabeth Burch,‘Linking trade regulation and human rights in international law:an overview,‘Human rights and international trade’,Edited by Thomas Cottier,Joost Pauwelyn and Elisabeth Burgi Bonanomi,Oxford University Press,2005.

5.Virginia A. Leary:‘The paradox of worker’s rights as human rights’,included in ‘human rights,labor rights and international trade’,edited by Lance A. Coupa and Stephen F. Diamond,University of Pennsylvania Press,1996.

6.David Montgomery:‘Labor rights and human rights-a historical perspective,’ included in ‘human rights,labor rights and international trade’,edited by Lance A. Coupa and

7.Stephen F. Diamond,University of Pennsylvania Press,1996.Virginia A. Leary:‘The paradox of worker’s rights as human rights’,included in ‘human rights,labor rights and international trade’,edited by Lance A. Coupa and Stephen F. Diamond,University of Pennsylvania Press,1996.

8.David Montgomery:‘Labor rights and human rights-a historical perspective,’ included in ‘human rights,labor rights and international trade’,edited by Lance A. Coupa and Stephen F. Diamond,University of Pennsylvania Press,1996.

9.Denis Macshane:“Human rights and labor rights-A European perspective”. included in ‘human rights,labor rights and international trade’,edited by Lance A. Coupa and Stephen F. Diamond,University of Pennsylvania Press,1996.

10.Stephen Herzenberg:“In from the margins:morality,economics and international labor rights”,. included in ‘human rights,labor rights and international trade’,edited by Lance

11.A. Coupa and Stephen F. Diamond,University of Pennsylvania Press,1996.

12.Philip Alston:‘Labor rights provisions in US trade law-Aggressive unilateralism?’. included in ‘human rights,labor rights and international trade’,edited by Lance A. Coupa and Stephen F. Diamond,University of Pennsylvania Press,1996.

13.Stephen F. Diamond:‘Labor rights in the global economy-a case study of the North American Free Trade Agreement’,. included in ‘human rights,labor rights and international trade’,edited by Lance A. Coupa and Stephen F. Diamond,University of Pennsylvania Press,1996.

14.Philip Alston:‘Labor rights provisions in US trade law-Aggressive unilateralism?’.included in ‘human rights,labor rights and international trade’,edited by Lance A. Coupa and Stephen F. Diamond,University of Pennsylvania Press,1996.

15.Terry Colligsworth:‘International Worker Rights Enforcement-proposals following a test case,.included in ‘human rights,labor rights and international trade’,edited by Lance A. Coupa and Stephen F. Diamond,University of Pennsylvania Press,1996.

16.John H. Jackson & William J. Davey:“Legal problems of international economic relations”,West publishing Co.,1986,2nd.

17.Ehlermann,‘Six years on the bench of the world trade courts:some personal experiences as member of the appellate body of the WTO’,in F. Ortino and E-U Petersman,the WTO Dispute Settlement System,1995-2003,499,529.

18.J.H Jackson,‘International economic law:Jurisprudence and contours’,1999,93 ASIL Proceedings 98,102.

19.J.Pauwelyn,‘Conflict of norms in public international law:how law relates to other rules of international law’,Cambridge university press,2003.

20.James Bacchus:“Groping Toward Grotius:The WTO and the International Rule of Law”,Harvard International Law Journal,summer 2003,volume 44,Number 2.

21.E-U Petersmann,‘From the Hobbesian international law of coexistence to modern integration law:the WTO dispute settlement system’ (1998),1 JIEL.183.

22.A.F Lowenfeld,International economic law (2002)150.

23.‘From intention to action:a ILO-GATT/WTO enforcement regime for international labor rights’,included in ‘human rights,labor rights and international trade’,edited by Lance A. Coupa and Stephen F. Diamond,University of Pennsylvania Press,1996.

24.Holger Hestermeyer:‘Human rights and the WTO-The case of patents and access to medicines’,Oxford University Press,2007.

25.From intention to action:a ILO-GATT/WTO enforcement regime for international labor rights’,included in ‘human rights,labor rights and international trade’,edited by Lance A. Coupa and Stephen F. Diamond,University of Pennsylvania Press,1996.

26.P Alston:‘Resisting the merger and Acquisition of human rights by treaty law by treaty law:a replay to Petersman’,European Journal of International Law,(2002)13(815)7.

27.Ernst-Ulrich Petersmanm:“Theories of justice,human rights and the constitution of the international markets”,2003,printed in Italy in Dec. 2003 European university institute.

28.R.Michael Gadbow and Michael T. Medwig:‘Multinational enterprises and international labor standards’,included in ‘human rights,labor rights and international trade’,edited by Lance A. Coupa and Stephen F. Diamond,University of Pennsylvania Press,1996.

29.Frank E. Deale:‘The Pico Case-Testing international labor rights in U.S courts’,included in ‘human rights,labor rights and international trade’,edited by Lance A. Coupa and Stephen F. Diamond,University of Pennsylvania Press,1996.

30.Terry Colligsworth:‘International Worker Rights Enforcement-proposals following a test case,.included in ‘human rights,labor rights and international trade’,edited by Lance A. Coupa and Stephen F. Diamond,University of Pennsylvania Press,1996.

31.Daniel S. Ehrenberg:From intention to action-A ILO-GATT/WTO Enforcement Regime for International Labor Rights. included in ‘human rights,labor rights and international trade’,edited by Lance A. Coupa and Stephen F. Diamond,University of Pennsylvania Press,1996.

32.James Harrison:‘The human rights impact of the world trade organization’,Oxford and Portland,Oregon,Hart Publishing,2007.

33.Panizzon:《Good faith in the jurisprudence of the WTO》,Oxford and Portland,Oregon,Hart Publishing,2006。

34.J.Weiler,‘The role of lawyers and the echos of diplomats:reflections on the international and external legitimacy of dispute settlement’ ‘The multilateral trading system at the millennium’,Washington,Brookings Institute Press,2001.

35.联合国人权事务高级专员办公室自2001~2003年连续发表了4份有关WTO法律体制与人权之间关系的专题报告,他们分别是:‘The impact of the agreement on trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights on human rights’(27,Jun. 2001);‘Globalization and its impact on the full enjoyment of human rights’(15,Jan.2002);‘Liberalization of trade and services and human rights’ (25,Jun.2002);‘Human rights,trade and investment’(2,July.2003).

36.Restatement of the law third,foreign relations law of the United States,St. Paul,American law institute published,1987,Vol. 2,161,para.702.

37.Christine Breining-Kaufmann:‘The legal matrix of human rights and trade law:state obligations versus private rights and obligations’,‘Human rights and international trade’,Edited by Thomas Cottier,Joost Pauwelyn and Elisabeth Burgi Bonanomi,Oxford University Press,2005.

38.Prabhash Ranjan:‘International trade and human rights:conflicting obligations’,Edited by Thomas Cottier,Joost Pauwelyn and Elisabeth Burgi Bonanomi,Oxford University Press,2005.

39.Kevin R. Gray:‘Conflict diamonds and the WTO:Not the best opportunity to be missed for the trade-human rights interface’,Edited by Thomas Cottier,Joost Pauwelyn and Elisabeth Burgi Bonanomi,Oxford University Press,2005.

40.Lorand Bartels:‘The appellate body report in European Communities-conditions for the granting of tariff preferences to developing countries and its implications for conditionality in GSP programmes’,Edited by Thomas Cottier,Joost Pauwelyn and Elisabeth Burgi Bonanomi,Oxford University Press,2005.

41.Grogory Shaffer and Yuonne Apea:‘GSP programmes and their historical-political-institutional context’,Edited by Thomas Cottier,Joost Pauwelyn and Elisabeth Burgi Bonanomi,Oxford University Press,2005.

42.Jane Bradley:‘The enabling clause and the applied rules of interpretation’,Edited by Thomas Cottier,Joost Pauwelyn and Elisabeth Burgi Bonanomi,Oxford University Press,2005.

43.Paul Hunt,the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health,report of the special rapporteur,Addendum,mission to the WTO,E/CN.4/2004/49/add.1,1 Mar.2004.

44.G.Marceau,‘WTO dispute settlement and human rights’ 2002,13 European Journal of international economic law,753-814,at 786ff.

45.Holger Hestermeyer:‘Human rights and the WTO—The case of patents and access to medicines’,Oxford University Press,2007,xxxiv.

简 介:20世纪初以来,传统法律制度与观念面临着经济全球化浪潮的冲击。作为经济全球化的产物,世界贸易法律体制的演进反映了各国经济合作实践发展的客观需要和潜在规律。要全面深入地解释GATT/WTO实践及其规律,需要建立一种全新视角的分析语境,从而在长期割裂的国际法与国内法体系之间架起一座沟通的桥梁。本书揭示经济全球化背景下国际法...

作者: 陈辉庭
出版时间: 2014年11月

简 介:本书以对中国现代重大问题的研究为重点,以中国社会发展情况的调研、发展问题的诊断以及与发展经验关联的社会科学理论与方法研讨为主题,鼓励从学科综合、交叉的角度,对处于国际视野中的中国社会化经济改革及其发展中的主要问题进行深入探讨。

作者: 李汉林
出版时间: 2013年12月