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Achievements of Belt and Road Forum on International Cooperation and Exchange in Cultural Heritage (2017)


[内容简介] 2017年5月,由国际民间艺术组织、中国工艺美术学会、暨南大学文化遗产创意产业研究院主办的“一带一路”文化遗产合作与交流国际高峰论坛(2017)在北京召开。论坛以文化遗产保护与发展为主题,共同探讨如何响应“一带一路”伟大倡议,交流、分享各国博物馆对于文化遗产的保护活化经验,充分体现了民心相通、文明互鉴,各美其美、美美与共的中国哲学理念。本书为该论坛论文集,内容主要包括序言、论文汇编(10篇文章)、论坛开幕式集锦等几大部分。


作 者: 陈平 李凌川
编 辑:范迎
出版时间: 2018年10月
语 种:中文;英文
中图分类:G1 世界各国文化与文化事业

 序 “一带一路”文化遗产再利用与创意产业发展

  一 合作与共赢——以丝绸之路申遗为例

  二 文化遗产保护的目的与发展观

  三 借鉴成功经验,让文化遗产走近人们的生活

  四 文化遗产与旅游经济的密切关系

  五 文化遗产与城市经济的相互提升关系




  六 让文化遗产活在当下且惠及后人




  一 引言

  二 民俗艺术家培训

  三 传统应用艺术展览

  四 现代民间应用艺术盛会


  一 艺术和手工艺相关法律规定和体制框架

  二 节日和展会






  一 引言

  二 讨论

  三 手工艺的定义

  四 当地赋权

  五 创业

  六 吸引游客

  七 结语




  一 博物馆藏品负责人

  二 如何解决问题,获得成功

  三 行动结果

  四 新挑战

  五 结语





  一 文化领域国家管理体制的规范性法律框架


  二 俄罗斯波列诺夫国家手工艺博物馆在民间手工艺保护与发展方面的经验







  一 灯塔的功能以及佛兰芒的其他相关信息

  二 表述、尺度和习俗

  三 保护非物质文化遗产、灾害和记忆

  四 六项建议

 附录一 论坛开幕式集锦

  1 开幕式日程

  2 论坛讨论日程

  3 论坛嘉宾致辞

  4 开幕式精彩回顾

  5 研讨会照片


 附录二 暨南大学文化遗产创意产业研究院揭牌仪式回顾

  1 研究院揭牌仪式

  2 研究院揭牌仪式嘉宾致辞

  3 研究院首批国际特约研究员简介

 Foreword Re-utilization of Cultural Heritage and Development of Creative Industry along “Belt and Road”

  Ⅰ Partnership for win-win:Case study on the application for listing the Silk Road as a world heritage site

  Ⅱ Purpose of cultural heritage protection and views on its development

  Ⅲ Learning from successful experiences and getting cultural heritage closer to people’s life

  Ⅳ Close relationship between cultural heritage and tourist economy

  Ⅴ Mutual improvement of cultural heritage and a city’s economy

   1.Cultural relics protection model:a foundation and a platform open to the public:Take the former home of Goethe as an example

   2.Utilizing and revitalizing cultural heritage,elevating cultural and creative industry

   3.Restoring traditional festival,rebuilding cultural space

  Ⅵ Revitalizing cultural heritage today for the benefit of our posterities


 The Protection and Development of Crafts and Folk Art in Egypt

 The Protection and Development of Crafts and Folk Art in Latvia

  Ⅰ Introduction

  Ⅱ Training of folk artists

  Ⅲ Exhibitions of traditional applied art

  Ⅳ Contemporary folk applied art events

 Protection and Development of Crafts and Folk Arts

  Ⅰ Legal and Institutional Framework of Traditional Arts and Crafts

  Ⅱ Festivals and Fairs

   A.The National Festival of Bulgarian Folklore-Koprivshtitsa

   B.International fair of traditional crafts,open air museum ETAR,Gabrovo

   C.Spring and Autumn Fair of Crafts,Plovdiv


 Inheritance and Protection of Handicraft



  Definition of handicrafts



  Attracting tourists



 Egypt Handicrafts:the Art and the Heritage


  Head of the Repository Collection

  How to solve problem and win out

  Results of actions

  New challenges


 Protection and Sustainable Development of Arts,Craft and People Traditions in Italy


 Russian Experience in the Field of Conservation Folk Arts and Crafts

  Ⅰ Normative Legal Framework of the State System of Regulation in the Spheres of Culture

  Ⅱ Experience of Polenov State Russian House of Folk Arts in the Field of Conservation and Development of Folk Crafts

 Native American Traditions in the Southwest

  Yaqui Easter Celebration

  The Apache Mountain Spirit Dance

  The Ritual of the Hopi


  Internet sources:

 Co-operation,International Conventions and Global Disasters and Challenges

  The Functions of a Lighthouse and other Faro Associations

  “Article 7-Cultural heritage and dialogue

  Article 8-Environment,heritage and quality of life

  Article 10-Cultural heritage and economic activity

  Words,Bandwidth and Conventions

  Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage,Disasters and Memory

  Six Suggestions

 AppendixⅠ Forum Opening Ceremony Events

  1 Schedule of the Dialogue Forum

  2 Discussion Proceedings of the Dialogue Forum

  3 Speeches by Forum Guests

 AppendixⅡ Achievement of Founding Ceremony of Academy of Cultural Heritage and Creativity of Jinan University

  Introduction of Guest Researcher


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