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China and Israel through the Eyes of Scholars and Journalists


[内容简介] 本书作者团队以国内该领域一流的专家学者为主,并选取两位具有代表性的以方作者参与,同时邀请了新华社驻耶路撒冷记者参与撰稿,全书分为文化篇、经济篇、科技篇、中以关系篇,内容集中反映了中以两国建交以来60余年相互关系以及在经济、社会、文化各个领域的友好交往,全面、客观、多角度地反映了以色列的全貌。


作 者: 杨光
编 辑:王玉敏;梁帆
出版时间: 2015年04月
语 种:中文;英文
中图分类:D8 外交、国际关系



 Editorial Board Members

 Editorial Board





   一 研究阶段



   二 研究机构的建立

   三 大量研究成果的问世

   四 犹太研究在高校的开展

   五 犹太研究的国际交流

   六 学术贡献与社会影响




   一 宗教性

   二 民族性

   三 世界性









   一 大马士革门

   二 以色列的时尚

   三 “老大哥”真人秀

   四 考古和诗人


   一 首访中国

   二 故地重游

   三 上海变了

   四 北京印象



   一 缺水问题与节水技术

   二 先进的农业技术

   三 技术推广

   四 以色列在中国促进西部省份开发中的作用


   一 中、以两国地理、气候特征比较



   二 中(黄河流域)、以两国水资源比较



   三 中、以两国水资源战略比较分析







   四 结语
















   一 信仰维系民族存在

   二 凝聚力是不可战胜的力量

   三 无条件锻造统一的国家军队

   四 财富在头脑中积累

   五 法制建设重中之重


   一 教育方针的灵活性

   二 教育体系的独特性

   三 教育经费的稳步增长

   四 教育与社会生产相结合


   一 显著差异




   二 差异成因




   三 启示



   一 亲善的历史交往,最佳建交机遇的丧失

   二 中国的政策调整和中以关系

   三 支持阿拉伯解放事业,但不否认以色列的生存权

   四 中以建交后双边关系的发展与障碍


   一 从建国到建交:一波三折的中以关系

   二 建交以来:中以关系的全面稳步发展

   三 规律性因素:中以关系发展的动力和障碍















































  Jewish Studies in China*

   Ⅰ.Stages of Study



   Ⅱ. The Establishment of Research Institutes

   Ⅲ. Voluminous Publications

   Ⅳ. Jewish Studies at Universities and Colleges

   Ⅴ. International Exchanges of Jewish Studies

   Ⅵ. Academic Contribution and Social Impact

    (Ⅰ)Contribution to Middle Eastern Studies

    (Ⅱ)The Promotion of Studies on the History of the Jewish Diaspora in China

  Characteristics of Jewish Culture*

   Ⅰ. Religious Dimension

   Ⅱ. Ethnic Dimension

   Ⅲ. Global Dimension

  A Comparative Study of Hebrew Prophets and Confucian Scholars*







  Notes on Israel*

   Ⅰ. Damascus Gate

   Ⅱ. Israel’s Fashion

   Ⅲ. The Reality Show “Big Brother”

   Ⅳ. The Archaeologist and the Poet

  Visit to China Again

   Ⅰ. First Visit to China

   Ⅱ. Revisiting China

   Ⅲ. A New Shanghai

   Ⅳ. Beijing Impression


  Agricultural Challenges in Western China: Sino-Israeli Partnership*

   Ⅰ. Water Scarcity and Water-saving Technologies

   Ⅱ. Advanced Agricultural Technologies

   Ⅲ. Technology Promotion

   Ⅳ. Israel ’ s Role in China

  Comparative Analysis of Chinese and Israeli Water Strategy*

   Ⅰ. Comparative Analysis of Chinese and Israeli Geographic and Climatological Characteristics



   Ⅱ. Comparison of Water Resources in China(Yellow River Basin)and Israel



   Ⅲ. Comparative Analysis of Israeli and Chinese Water Strategy



     1. Laws and Regulations

     2. Water Pricing Mechanism

     3. Water Conservation Awareness

     4. Technological Measures

   Ⅳ. Conclusion

  Economic Development and Environmental Protection in IsraelThe Proceedings of the Third International Symposium of Biopolitics,BIO PO LITICS, Vol.3(1991)">*

   Ⅰ.Strict Emission and Fuel Standards

   Ⅱ.High air quality standard

   Ⅲ.Rising volume and proportion of sewage impounded

   Ⅳ.Better waste disposal management

   Ⅴ.Improve the environment for the public

   Ⅵ.Improving city and trourism environment

   Ⅶ.Improving beach environment and water quality

   Ⅷ Expanding and enhancing toxic waste treatment

   Ⅸ.Establish emergency response agency for chemical disasters

   Ⅹ.Expansion of nature conservation areas

   Ⅺ.Restoring Mediterranean woodlands and forests

   Ⅻ.Promoting afforestation

 Technology and Education

  Sixty Year’s of Support:Israel and Its Soft Power*

   Ⅰ.Ethnic existence sustained by faith

   Ⅱ.Cohesiveness as an invincible force

   Ⅲ.Forging a unified national army at all costs

   Ⅳ.Accumulation of wealth in the mind

   Ⅴ.Legal construction as a priority

  Characteristics of the Israeli Education System*

   Ⅰ.A flexible education policy

   Ⅱ.A unique education system

   Ⅲ.Stable growth of education expenditure

   Ⅳ.Integrating education with social production

  A Comparative Study on Vocational Education in China and Israel*

   Ⅰ.Significant differences

    (Ⅰ)Different conceptualization

    (Ⅱ)Differences in curriculum design

    (Ⅲ)Differences in the caliber of teachers

   Ⅱ.Reasons for the differences

    (Ⅰ)Traditional factors

    (Ⅱ)Institutional factors

    (Ⅲ)Economic factors

   Ⅲ.Lessons to be learned

 China-Israel Relations

  Sixty Years of China-Israel Relations:An Overview*

   Ⅰ.Amicable historical exchanges and missing the best opportunity to establish diplomatic relations

   Ⅱ.China’s policy adjustment and the freezing of China-Israeli relations

   Ⅲ.Supporting the Arab Liberation Movement while not denying Israel’s right to exist

   Ⅳ.Developments and obstacles in China-Israel relations after the establishment of formal diplomatic relations

  An Analysis of the Evolution and Current State of China-Israel Relations*

   Ⅰ.From the founding of the two countries to the establishment of diplomatic ties:A turbulent journey

   Ⅱ.Post-formalization:steady and comprehensive development in bilateral relations

   Ⅲ.Routine factors:driving forces and obstacles in China-Israel relations

    (Ⅰ)Forces sustaining the momentum of bilateral relations

    (Ⅱ)Sources of setbacks

  Chronicle of Major Events in China-Israel Relations (1949-2013)*











































 Chief Editor


