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中国经济特区研究 NO.3图书

Studies on China's Special Economic Zones


[内容简介] 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地——深圳大学中国经济特区研究中心连续出版的研究集刊,集中反映国内外关于中国经济特区研究的最新学术成果、研究进展和政策主张。


作 者: 袁易明
编 辑:高雁
出版时间: 2010年06月
语 种:中文
中图分类:F0 经济学












   一 深圳经济发展的特点

   二 对深圳经济增长现象的理论研究




   三 深圳经济作为内生专业劳动力增长案例的价值

   四 深圳跨越产业升级的实践与我国经济模式转变的争论



   一 中国现代化的特殊道路

   二 中国经济特区的成功因素

   三 中国经济特区的历史贡献

   四 中国经济特区的基本经验

   五 中国经济特区的双重新使命



   一 深圳过去三十年快速发展为未来奠定了良好基础

   二 深圳经济社会发展处于新的起点和面临重大转型

   三 深圳未来需要加快提高知识、技术、管理和政策水平



   一 制度变革引发产业发展

   二 异乎寻常的产业发展

   三 制度变革创造产业动力

   四 结语


   一 术语和定义

   二 经济特区和产业集群:“自上而下”还是“自下而上”

   三 中国经济特区:市场经济的试验场







   四 中国的产业集群:地方经济发展的引擎










   五 对中国经济特区和产业集群成功经验的一些思考








   六 中国经济特区和产业集群持续发展所面临的挑战






   七 政策含义






   八 结论


   一 养老保险的三种筹资实践模式





   二 养老保险筹资模式选择理论——“艾伦条件”







   三 “艾伦条件”对深圳的验证



   四 深圳未来养老情况预测










   五 基本结论与建议






   一 引言

   二 天津滨海新区产业发展的“三元结构”特征

    (一) 天津滨海新区的产业结构特征


   三 新的产业结构调整的“种子”隐藏在应对金融危机冲击的积极反应之中

   四 天津滨海新区战略性新兴产业启动和发展的动力机制和路径

   五 总结和政策建议


   一 深圳事业单位改革




     3. 转为企业









   二 深圳事业单位改革的基础及其一般意义




   三 深圳事业单位改革的启示





   一 引言



   二 产业转型的成本分析




   三 数理模型建立



   四 深圳产业转型中的资产专用性分析



   五 结论及政策建议








   一 党的十一届三中全会为我国证券市场的创建和发展指引了方向






   二 社会主义初级阶段理论是我国证券市场形成的基石




   三 社会主义市场经济体制是我国证券市场形成的重要依托



   四 建立在证券市场基础上的股份制经济是历史发展的必然




   五 创建经济特区的思路是开拓和发展深圳证券市场的强大推动力




   六 邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想和科学发展观是我国证券市场建立和发展的指导思想





   一 深圳市“8·10”股市风波的深刻教训




   二 深圳资本市场初创阶段的一些收获和经验教训在深圳




   三 深圳股市试点的辐射作用


   一 地方分权的推进状况




   二 国家与地方的财政状况



   三 地方财政的现状与对策





   一 创立经济特区是经济起飞的重要策略

   二 中国经济特区的成功经验及其对非洲国家的借鉴作用

   三 中国经济特区的问题、挑战与未来任务

   四 中国产业集群发展的经验及其对非洲国家的借鉴作用

 Exclusive Interview

  China’s SEZs Enjoy Great Theoretial and Practial Significance

   1.The Contribution of China’s Special Economic Zones to China’s Modernization

   2.The Enlightenment and Lessons of China’s Special Economic Zones Model for Other Developing Countries

   3.The Implications of China’s Special Economic Zones for the Development Economics

   4.Will China’s Special Economic Zones Come to an End?How will be Their Future Development

  Shenzhen SEZs has an Important Referential Significance to Africa

   1.Are Africa Countries Interesting in the Model of China’s SEZs?

   2.How Can We Understand the Development Experience of China’s SEZs?

   3.What Key Messages has the World Bank Drawn from the Trip?

  The History,Present and Future of China’s Special Economic Zones*

 Theoretical Study

  A Theoretical Study of Economic Growth in Shenzhen

   1 Characteristics of Economic Development in Shenzhen

   2 Theoretical Study on the Phenomenon of Economic Growth in Shenzhen

    2.1 Traditional Mainstream Economic Growth Theories Can’t Explain Shenzhen’s Economic Miracle

    2.2 An Endogenous Specialized Labor Growth Model

    2.3 Empirical Applications of Specialized Labor Model

   3 Shenzhen is a Case of Endogenous Specialized Labor Growth

   4 The Disputes on China Economic Transformation and Shenzhen’s Experience

 General Analysis

  Essentials of China’s Special Economic Zones

   1 The Special Way of China’s Modernization

   2 The Success Factors for China’s Special Economic Zones

   3 The Historical Contribution of China’s Special Economic Zones

   4 The Basic Experience of China’s Special Economic Zones

   5 The Double New Missions of China’s Special Economic Zones

  Special Economic Zones and China’s Road**

  Shenzhen:New Origin*

   1 The Past Thirty-year Developments Lay the Foundation for the Future Developments

   2 The Developments of Shenzhen are in New Origin and Facing Crucial Transitions

   3 Knowledge,Skill and Management are Needed to be Improved for Shenzhen Futures

 Special Analysis

  What Creates the Shenzhen Industrial Miracle*

   1 Industrial Development Ignited by Institutional Change

   2 Hyper Normal Industrial Development

    2.1 The Degree of Shenzhen’s Industrialization and Comment

    2.2 The Level of Shenzhen’s Industrialization

   3 Economic Reforms Create Driving Forces

   4 Conclusions

  China’s Two Powerful Growth Engines:Special Economic Zones and Industrial Clusters

   1 Terms and Definitions

   2 SEZs and Clusters:“Top-down” verse “Bottom-up”

   3 Special Economic Zones in China:A Testing Lab for the Market Economy

   4 Industrial Clusters in China:A Competitive Engine for the Local Economy

   5 Some Reflections on the Experiences of China’s SEZs and Industrial Clusters

   6 Challenges for the Sustainable Development of China’s SEZs and Industrial Clusters

   7 Policy Implications

   8 Conclusion

  Research on Social Pension Insurance Financing Model in Shenzhen Thirty Years Reforms

   1 Three Financing Models of Pension Insurance

    1.1 Three Models

    1.2 Comparison and Choices of the Three Models

     1.Comparison of the Three Models

     2.Correlative Factors of Model Choice

   2 Choice Theory of Pension Insurance Financing—Allen Condition

    2.1 Allen Condition

    2.2 Development of the Allen Condition

    2.3 Relevant Discussion in Domestic

   3 Allen Condition Tests to Shenzhen

    3.1 Testing of the Allen Condition

    3.2 Brief Summary

   4 The Prediction of Future Endowment Insurance in Shenzhen

    4.1 Prediction of Parameters of the Allen Condition

     1.Prediction of Aggregate Scale of the Insured

     2.The Long Change of the Age Structure of the Insured

     3.The Long Prediction of the Balance of Payments of Pension

     4.The regression analysis of the economy and growth rate of wage in future

    4.2 Brief Summary

   5 The Main Conclusions and Suggestions

    5.1 Conclusions

    5.2 Primary Suggestions

     1.Parting Management of the Two Accounts

     2.Maintenance and Appreciation Values of the Pension Insurance

  Post-crisis Industrial Development in Tianjin Binhai*

   1 Introduction

   2 “Triple Structure” in Industrial Development in Tianjin Binhai

    2.1 Features of Industrial Development in Tianjin Binhai

    2.2 The Formation and Development of Existing Industrial Structure in Tianjin Binhai

   3 The “Seed” of the New Round Industrial Restructuring is Hidden in Positive Reactions We are Made to Resist Financial Crisis

   4 Dynamical Mechanism and Development Path of New Strategic Industries in Tianjin Binhai

   5 Conclusions and Policy Suggestions

  On Rebuilding Development Mechanism of Social Programs

   1 The Reform of Shenzhen’s Public Institutions

    1.1 The Classified Reform for Shenzhen’s Public Institutions

     1.Absorption into the Administrative Order

     2.Cancellation or Withdrawing of Institution Establishment

     3.Institutions Changed into Enterprises

     4.Retaining and Integrative Recombination

    1.2 Innovation of the Structure and Mechanism of Shenzhen’s Public Institutions

     1.Exploring the Managerial and Operational Mode of Statutory Body

     2.Establishing and Improving the Corporate Governance Structure of Public Institutions

     3.Promoting the Reform of the Financial Allocation Supply Mode for Municipal Public Institutions

     4.Propelling the Public Institutions to Change from the Administrative Grade Management to Job Grade and Performance Management

     5.Deepening the Custody System Reform of the Municipal Parks

     6.Comprehensively Boosting the Personnel System Reform of the Public Institutions

   2 The Foundation and General Sense of Reforming Shenzhen’s Public Institutions

    2.1 Redefining the Public Institutions’ Functions and Solving the Location Problem of Public Institutions

    2.2 Practicing the Separation between Management and Execution to Innovate the Organization Form of the Public Institutions

    2.3 The Coordination and Strategy of Reform

   3 The Inspiration Drawn from the Reform of Shen zhen’s Public Institutions

    3.1 The Government Reform and the Reform of Social Programs

    3.2 The Government Function and Provision of the Public Products and Services

    3.3 The Reform of the Public Institutions Calling on the Innovation of Social Programs Supporter

  Influence of Asset Specificity to the Industry Transformation in Shenzhen

   1 Introduction

    1.1 The Background of the Paper

    1.2 Literature Review

   2 Costs of Industry Transformation

    2.1 Transaction Costs

    2.2 Lock-in Effect

    2.3 Opportunism Behaviors

   3 Foundation of Mathematical Model

    3.1 Basic Assumptions

    3.2 Foundation of the Model

   4 Analysis of the Asset Specificity during the Industry Transformation in Shenzhen

    4.1 The Measurement of Specialization Index in Shenzhen

    4.2 Specialization Level & Asset Specificity in Shenzhen

   5 Conclusions and Policy Proposals

    5.1 Government Should Attach Great Importance to Asset Specificity Hindering the Industry Rransformation

    5.2 Establishing Second-hand Market for the Specific Asset

    5.3 Accelerating E-commerce and Logistics Industries in Shenzhen

    5.4 Encouraging the Transformation and Upgrading within the Industry,rather than Cross-industry Transformation

    5.5 The Government Should Establish Credibility Files for Enterprises

 Review and Lesson

  Textual Research of Formation and Development Background of Shenzhen Securities Market

   1 The Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the CPC Guided the Direction of Establishment and Development for Chinese Securities Market

    1.1 The Main Task of the Party in the New Era was Defined

    1.2 Ideological Line of the Party in the New Era Was Made Clearly

    1.3 The Strategic Ideas of System Change Were Put Forward

    1.4 The Policy of Opening to the Outside World?Was Firstly Proposed

    1.5 Ideas of Developing Special Economic Zones Were Put Forward

   2 Primary Stage of Socialism Is the Cornerstone of the Formation of Chinese Securities Market

    2.1 It is Favorable to Recognize Our Country’s Actual Conditions and to Build Our Confidence to Concentrate Our Efforts on Socialist Modernization

    2.2 We Should Firmly Implant the Thought of Developing Commercial Economy in Mind

    2.3 We Must Persist in the General Policy of Carrying Out Reforms All-round and Opening to the Outside World

   3 The Socialist Market Economic System Is an Important Basis for the Formation of Chinese Securities Market

    3.1 The Establishment of Chinese Socialist Market Economic System

    3.2 The Socialist Market Economic System is an Important Basis for the Formation of Securities Market in the Special Economic Zone

   4 Stockholding Economy Basing on the Security Exchange Market had Become a Historical Necessity

    4.1 The Developing Route of Shenzhen’s Stockholding Economy

    4.2 The Necessity and Specificity of the Development of Shenzhen’s Shareholding Economy

    4.3 Continual Regulations Imposed on Development Procedure of Shareholding Economy is an Important Carrier for the Improvement of Our Security Exchange Market

   5 The Thought of Founding Special Economic Zone is a Strong Driving Force to Establish and Develop Shenzhen Stock Market

    5.1 The Special Economic Zones’ Founding Modes and Mechanism of Market Economy is a Strong Driving Force to Shenzhen Stock Market

    5.2 The Special Economic Zones’ Opening and Extraversion Strategy is a Strong Driving Force to Shenzhen Stock Market

    5.3 The Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Played the Role of “Test” and “Path-finding” to Promote Shenzhen Securities Market

   6 The Deng Xiaoping Theory,the Important Thought of Three Presents and the Scientific Outlook of Development are the Three Important Guiding Ideologies to the Establishment and Development of Chinese Security Market

    6.1 The Relationship Between the Deng Xiaoping Theory and Chinese Security Market

    6.2 Relationship Between the Important Thought of Three Representative Theory and the Development of Chinese Security Market

    6.3 The Relation between the Scientific Outlook of Development and the Development of Chinese Stock Market

  The Rocky Road to Success

   1 A Profound Lesson from the “8·10” Stock Market Disturbance

    1.1 Backgrounds of the “8·10”Stock Market Disturbance

    1.2 Distribution Program in the Process of Giving Birth

    1.3 Municipal Committee’s Effort to Calm Down the Turmoil

   2 Achievements and Experience in the Early-Stage of Capital Market in Shenzhen

    2.1 Several Barriers Shenzhen Equity Markets Overcame

    2.2 Preliminary Achievements Shenzhen Stock Market Made in the Early Stage

    2.3 Our Understanding of the Socialist Market Economy was Improved in Many Aspects

   3 The Radiation Effects of the Pilot in Shenzhen Stock Market


   第1節 地方分権の進捗状況

    (一) 国と地方の役割分担論議


    (三) 税財源移譲問題

   第2節 国と地方の財政状況



   第3節 地方財政の現状と対策




  Overview of South-South Experience Exchange between East Asia and Africa on Special Economic Zones and Competitive Clusters in China*

   1 Establishing Special Economic Zones is an Important Strategy for Economic Take-off

   2 China’s Successful Experience in Special Economic Zones and Its Reference to African Countries

   3 Challenges and Future Tasks for China’s Special Economic Zones

   4 China’s Experience in Industrial Clusters and Its Reference to African Countries










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