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Sailed to the East: Global Mapping of Macao


[内容简介] 澳门是欧洲商人、传教士和探险者在东亚建立的第一个居留地。在四百六十多年的交汇过程中,澳门成为联系东西方经济和文化的重要节点。本书以古地图为视角,引领读者重温西方人从海上东来后的这段历史,解读全球化早期进程中东西方之间的互动。


编 辑:祝得彬;杨潇
出版时间: 2015年02月
语 种:中文;英文
中图分类:K1 世界史



 上编 综合研究







  The Introduction of the Concept “ASIA” into China and the Chinese Responses*


   2.The introduction of the concept of Asia into China

   3.Chinese responses to the European concept of Asia during the late Ming and early Qing dynasties

   4.Chinese responses during the middle and late Qing:Wei Yuan’s commentary on the five-continent theory

   5.Final remarks





  The Origin of Portuguese Cartography(14th - 16th Centuries)





   一 想象与现实之间的中国

   二 捷足先登的葡萄牙人

   三 荷兰制图业的黄金时代

   四 引领欧洲制图业的法国

   五 珠江口上群雄逐鹿

  History in Cartography

   I.China:Eastern Eden coming nearer

   II.16th century:Portuguese Stepping forward as Precedents

   III.17th Century:Netherlands Claiming an Oriental Kingdom

   IV.France Led the European Cartography Industry

   V.19th century:Competing at the Pearl River Estuary









  A Transnational Reading of Macao in Global Maps

   Approaches to Map Reading of Macao

   Macao in Eurocentric Spatial Order

   Exposing Macao and China to the World

   China in the European Geographic Imagination and Visualization

   Macao,Pirates,and Marginalized People

   Macao in Thematic Maps

   Conclusion:Re-integration of Macao Studies





  A Cultural Gateway

   I.Safe Haven for Private Initiatives

   II.Launching Pad for Official Opening

   III.Lasting Model for Over a Century

 下编 单图研究


   一 《坤舆万国全图》的版本及收藏情况

   二 彩绘本《坤舆万国全图》的收藏情况及作者推测







   三 关于中国国家图书馆收藏的彩绘本《坤舆万国全图》

  The Colored Manuscript Copies of Kunyu Wanguo Quantu:A New Study

   I Editions and Collections of Kunyu Wanguo Quantu

   II.The Collection and Author’s Speculation about the Multi-colored Manuscript Copies of Kunyu Wanguo Quantu

    1.The Map in Nanjing Museum

    2.The Map in Seoul National University

    3.The Map in Kitamura Collection in Osaka

    4.The Map in Kendall Whaling Museum

    5.Nicolas’s Map

    6.The Map in the National Library of China(NLC)

   III On the Multi-colored Manuscript Copy of Kunyu Wanguo Quantu in National Library of China






  Animals in Matteo Ricci’s World Map of 1602

   I.Land and Sea Animals on Ricci’s World Map of 1602 and Its Colored Copies

   II.Descriptions of Animals in the New World and the Connections to Animals in the Old World

   III.Legendary Animals in Asia and Europe and Their Symbolic and Metaphorical Meanings









  Literature Review of New China Map(CHINEA,olimSinarumreginis,nouadescripto)Drawn by Luiz Jorge de Barbuda

   I.Initial Studies,Significant Findings

   II.“Pictures and Truth” — Obtaining Knowledge through Images

   III.Verification ofAuthorship













  Questions about Michael Boym’s the Atlas of China

   I.Universal Map of China

    1.The collection in Vatican Apostolic Library

    2.The collection in the Library of Paris Marine Hydrographic Bureau of France

    3.The collection in British Philipps Museum

    4.The published concise edition by Guillaume Sanson(1670)

   II.The Great Khitan,previously known as Seres,present Chinese empire:15 realms,18 maps

   III.The Great Latitude and Longitude Table of China

   IV.A Brief Description of Chinese Empire

   V.Atlas of China in the Middle of the 17th Century(?)

   VI.The Pearl River Estuary and Macao in the Atlas of China















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Gong Ying-yan & Ma Qiong,“New Historical Documents on Li Zhizao,” Journal of Zhejiang University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition),No.3,2008.

Huang Yinong,Two-Headed Snakes,Shanghai:Shanghai Ancient Book Publishing House,2006.

Li Yuqin & Liu Mingqiang,“One Historical Story of Matteo Ricci,” Journal of Zhaoqing University,No.4,2011.

Liu Mingqiang,“Shaozhou Sub-prefect Liu Liaofan during Wanli Reign and His Biography of Matteo Ricci,” Journal of Shaoguan University(Social Science Edition),No. 11,2010.

Sun Chengsheng,“The Transmission of Crystalline Spheres Theory to Late Ming China and Its Influence,” Studies in the History of Natural Sciences,No.2,2011.

Wang Yongjie,“A Research on the Sources of Three Legends in the World Maps of Matteo Ricci and Giulio Aleni,” Journal of Chinese Historical Geography,No.3,2013.

Wu Guoyi,“Differentiation and Analysis of Li Zhizao's Family Background and Life Experiences,” TsingHua Journal of Chinese Studies(Taiwan),No. 4,2013.

Hsia Po-Chia,A Jesuit in the Forbidden City:Matteo Ricci(1552-1610),translated by Xiang Hongyan and others,Shanghai:Shanghai Ancient Book Publishing House,2012.

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