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Antidumping Law and Practice of the European Union


[内容简介] 本书对欧盟反倾销法的产生、发展和完善,反倾销法的体系,欧盟立法和实践对不同国家涉案产品的反倾销处理等进行了分析。


作 者:
编 辑:王茵
出版时间: 2004年09月
语 种:中文
中图分类:E 军事


 第一章 欧盟反倾销法的产生、发展及现行体系

  第一节 共同贸易政策与欧盟统一反倾销规则的产生

   一 共同贸易政策




   二 欧盟统一反倾销规则的产生





  第二节 欧盟反倾销法的历次修订

   一 (EEC)459/68号法规和(ECSC)329/77号建议的修改





   二 (EEC)3017/79号法规的颁布与(EEC)459/68号法规的废除

   三 (EEC)3017/79号法规和(ECSC)3018/79号建议的修改

   四 (EEC)2176/84号法规的颁布与(EEC)3017/79号法规的废除

   五 (EEC)2176/84号法规的修改与组装条款的首次出现

   六 (EEC)2423/88号法规的颁布与(EEC)2176/84号法规的废除

   七 (EEC)2423/88号法规的修改与程序性规则的进一步完善



   八 (EC)3283/94号法规的颁布与(EEC)2423/88号法规的废除

   九 (EC)384/96号法规的颁布与(EC)3283/94号法规的废除

  第三节 欧盟反倾销法的现行体系

   一 欧盟条约法

   二 反倾销基本法



   三 基本法的扩大适用法

   四 重复征税处理法

   五 争端裁定实施法

   六 退税调查指南

   七 “非典”影响公告

   八 反倾销措施自动适用公告

 第二章 欧盟反倾销中的国家类别及不同反倾销处理

  第一节 不同国家类别的区分

   一 按是否为世贸组织成员进行的国家归类

   二 按是否与欧盟有特殊安排进行的国家归类

   三 按是否为涉案产品的原产地国进行的国家归类



   四 按经济体制进行的国家归类

  第二节 不同经济体制的国家类别

   一 非市场经济国家




   二 转型经济国家



  第三节 不同国家类别适用反倾销机制的比较

   一 除了世贸组织成员之外的非市场经济国家






   二 转型经济国家






   三 世贸组织中的非市场经济成员

   四 其他国家

  第四节 欧盟确定替代国和代表性市场的立法和实践

   一 反倾销替代国的确定

   二 代表性市场的确定

  第五节 简单评价

 第三章 正常价值和出口价格的确定

  第一节 欧盟确定正常价值的一般规定

   一 世贸组织《反倾销协议》的有关规定




   二 欧盟反倾销基本法规的有关规定




   三 正常价值确定方法的实质

  第二节 正常价值确定方法的区分标准

   一 产品的相似性标准



   二 相似产品客户的独立性标准

   三 贸易过程标准



   四 国内销售的代表性标准




   五 出口国市场状况标准

   六 替代国的可获得性标准

  第三节 生产成本、SG&A费用和利润的确定

   一 生产成本、SG&A费用和利润在确定正常价值中的作用

   二 生产成本和SG&A费用的计算






   三 合理数额的SG&A费用和利润的确定*




  第四节 反倾销正常价值的确定步骤

  第五节 出口价格的确定

   一 世贸组织《反倾销协议》的有关规定




   二 欧盟确定出口价格的立法和实践




 第四章 倾销幅度的确定

  第一节 倾销幅度的确定方法

   一 欧盟有关倾销幅度确定方法的规定




   二 倾销幅度确定方法的运用




  第二节 正常价值和出口价格的比较所应遵循的原则

   一 公平比较原则

   二 产品类型的相似性原则

   三 在相同贸易水平上进行比较

   四 尽可能就几乎同一时期的销售进行比较

   五 差异调整原则

  第三节 影响价格和价格可比性的差异及其调整

   一 物理特征

   二 进口费用和间接税

   三 折扣、回扣和数量

   四 贸易水平

   五 运输、保险、保管、装卸及附加费

   六 包装费用

   七 信贷费用

   八 售后费用

   九 佣金

   十 货币兑换

   十一 其他差异

  第四节 倾销幅度的表现形式、加权平均倾销幅度与微小倾销幅度

   一 倾销幅度的表现形式

   二 加权平均倾销幅度

   三 微小倾销幅度

  第五节 欧盟确定倾销幅度中的“零”做法及其争议*

   一 “零”做法及其运作

   二 “零”做法的特点及其效果分析

   三 “零”做法与《反倾销协议》做法的相互关系

   四 争议的提起

   五 不同世贸组织成员对欧盟“零”做法的看法






   六 上诉机构裁定

   七 简单评价

 第五章 损害及损害程度的确定

  第一节 欧盟有关确定损害的规定

   一 世贸组织《反倾销协议》的有关规定




   二 欧盟反倾销基本法规的有关规定




  第二节 共同体产业的确定

   一 共同体产业的定义

   二 共同体产业的例外情况



  第三节 倾销进口的数量和倾销进口对价格的影响

   一 倾销进口的数量




   二 倾销进口对价格的影响


    2.削价(price undercutting)幅度

    3.压价(price underselling)幅度

  第四节 累积评估

  第五节 倾销进口对共同体产业的影响

  第六节 损害程度的确定

 第六章 反倾销申诉、立案和调查的开展

  第一节 调查和程序的区别

  第二节 申诉及审查

   一 申诉的提起







   二 申诉的审查




   三 申诉的驳回和撤诉



  第三节 立案

   一 立案的形式、条件和时限



   二 立案的公告及通知



   三 立案的效果





  第四节 期间与时限

   一 调查期间和参考期间

   二 调查时限

  第五节 问卷调查

   一 问卷调查的意义

   二 主要的反倾销问卷





   三 问卷调查的时限规定




  第六节 抽样调查

   一 采取抽样调查的情形及要求



   二 样本或调查对象的选择

   三 抽样调查对反倾销结果的影响




   四 抽样调查中的不合作及其处理

  第七节 实地核查

   一 实地核查的对象及目的

   二 到第三国开展实地核查的特殊规定

   三 事先通知拟核查信息的性质

   四 无法或延期开展实地核查情况下的反倾销处理



  第八节 听证

   一 听证及其申请时限和条件

   二 利益对立双方的会面

  第九节 披露

   一 临时披露



   二 最终披露




  第十节 保密

   一 保密信息的界定

   二 保密信息的非保密概要的提供




   三 不受保密条款影响的信息披露

   四 欧盟机构及成员国对信息的保密义务

   五 使用信息的目的性要求

  第十一节 不合作

   一 不合作的表现

   二 不合作的后果

   三 对于所有方面均不理想的信息的处理

   四 不采纳证据或信息时的处理

   五 其他可获得的事实的使用

 第七章 调查结果与反倾销措施

  第一节 反倾销措施的要件与反倾销调查结果

   一 反倾销措施的要件

   二 倾销进口与共同体产业损害之间的因果关系



   三 共同体利益





   四 反倾销调查结果与反倾销调查的终止





  第二节 反倾销措施

   一 临时反倾销措施





   二 最终反倾销措施和最终收取临时反倾销税





   三 反倾销措施的形式

  第三节 不歧视原则和分别待遇原则

   一 不歧视原则



   二 分别待遇原则




  第四节 承诺

   一 承诺的提出




   二 承诺的接受与驳回



   三 承诺协议




   四 承诺的效果



   五 调查结论对承诺的影响



   六 承诺的执行和监督

   七 承诺的违反和撤回





  第五节 避免重复征税和从低征税

   一 避免重复征税



   二 从低征税



  第六节 进口登记程序和反倾销措施的追溯适用

   一 进口登记程序





   二 反倾销措施的追溯适用



   三 反倾销措施被撤销后的追溯适用诉求

  第七节 反倾销措施的到期与中止

   一 反倾销措施的到期

   二 反倾销措施的中止



 第八章 反倾销措施的复审

  第一节 各项反倾销复审制度的确立和完善

  第二节 日落复审

   一 日落复审的立案



   二 日落复审调查的开展

   三 倾销与损害持续和复发的可能性审查




   四 日落复审调查对反倾销措施的影响

  第三节 临时复审

   一 临时复审的立案



   二 临时复审调查的开展

   三 重大情势变化和反倾销措施的预期效果审查

   四 临时复审调查对反倾销措施的影响

   五 临时复审和日落复审相互交织进行问题




   六 临时复审的特殊情形:部分复审

   七 基于特殊目的进行的临时复审

  第四节 新出口商复审

   一 新出口商复审的立案




   二 修改反倾销措施和进行进口登记

   三 新出口商复审调查的开展

   四 新出口商复审对反倾销措施的影响与新出口商豁免制度

  第五节 反吸收调查

   一 反吸收调查的立案

   二 反吸收调查的开展





   三 反吸收调查结果对反倾销措施的影响

  第六节 反规避调查

   一 规避反倾销措施的四种形态

   二 规避反倾销措施的方式或行为

   三 反规避调查的立案

   四 反规避调查对反倾销措施的影响

   五 反规避措施的豁免程序





   六 反规避措施的复审

  第七节 复审期限及其强化

  第八节 复审的若干共性问题

   一 基本法规有关程序和开展调查的规定的适用

   二 个别出口商排除适用反倾销措施对反倾销程序的影响

   三 调查方法的一贯性

   四 出口价格的可靠性审查

 第九章 退税调查

  第一节 退税与退税调查

   一 临时保证金的退还

   二 最终反倾销税和临时反倾销税的退还



  第二节 退税调查制度的确立和发展

   一 反倾销税的不同收取机制与确立退税调查制度的意义

   二 退税调查制度的确立和发展








  第三节 退税调查申请的提出

   一 退税调查申请需满足的条件



   二 合格申请人

   三 申请的提交




   四 反复申请

  第四节 退税调查的开展

   一 收集和核实信息





   二 实际倾销幅度的确定




   三 不合作及其后果




   四 保密

   五 披露

   六 调查时限

   七 合并调查

  第五节 退税调查的结果

   一 退税数额的确定

   二 税额的退还及期限

   三 退税决定的撤回

  第六节 复审制度调整功能比较与退税调查制度的局限性分析

   一 欧盟反倾销各种复审制度的调整功能之比较




   二 退税调查制度的局限性分析

 第十章 欧盟机构及成员国对反倾销法的实施

  第一节 欧委会的实施

   一 欧委会反倾销调查机构




   二 反倾销的具体调查

   三 反倾销调查的结果与反倾销措施的采取

   四 反倾销措施的维持、变更和撤销




   五 反倾销措施的到期终止

   六 反倾销措施的中止

   七 反倾销税的退还和免除

   八 欧委会反倾销决定和建议的做出程序

   九 反倾销措施的执行及监督

  第二节 成员国的实施与咨询委员会磋商机制

   一 提请立案

   二 参加调查




   三 通过咨询委员会磋商来过问和监督反倾销事务




   四 提议采取紧急措施

   五 执行反倾销措施




  第三节 欧盟部长理事会的实施与表决机制

   一 欧盟部长理事会在反倾销决策中的表决机制及其重大改革

   二 欧盟部长理事会对其专属事项的决议







   三 欧盟部长理事会对欧委会决定的否决权

   四 欧盟部长理事会对欧委会未能直接做出决定的事项的决定权



  第四节 欧洲议会在欧盟反倾销法实施中的作用

   一 发布贸易保护措施报告

   二 通过向欧委会提出问题的方式影响反倾销政策

   三 要求欧委会提交反倾销年度报告

 第十一章 欧盟反倾销的司法审查

  第一节 行使反倾销司法审查权的法院

   一 欧洲初审法院

   二 欧洲司法法院

   三 成员国法院

  第二节 共同体机构的自由裁量权及其司法监督

   一 对个案进行司法审查的详略程度

   二 共同体机构的自由裁量权













  第三节 共同体机构行为事项的可诉性问题

   一 就是否立案的决定提起的反倾销诉讼




   二 临时反倾销措施






   三 最终反倾销措施

   四 终止调查或程序

  第四节 起诉方资格

 第十二章 欧盟反倾销法与区域和多边体制

  第一节 欧洲经济一体化与反倾销制度创新*

  第二节 欧洲经济一体化对世界反倾销的影响

  第三节 欧盟扩大中的反倾销问题

   一 反倾销措施适用范围的扩大问题

   二 反倾销工具的使用频率问题

   三 反倾销程序的难易问题

   四 对现行反倾销措施的处理问题

   五 欧盟对世贸组织反倾销机制的影响力问题

  第四节 欧盟反倾销措施的争议与裁定实施:棉织床单案评析*

   一 欧盟对印度产品采取反倾销措施

   二 争议的提起

   三 专家组裁定

   四 欧盟和印度分别上诉

   五 上诉机构裁定

   六 欧盟对争端解决机构裁定的实施

   七 相关评价

  第五节 欧盟反倾销司法审查与多边体制

   一 世贸组织反倾销司法审查条款与欧盟反倾销司法审查的比较

   二 国际条约在法院司法审查中的适用

   三 法院对立案决定不可诉之裁判与共同体有关快速解决反倾销立案争端的看法

  第六节 多边反倾销规则与欧盟反倾销法的相互影响

   一 欧盟反倾销立法和立场推动多边反倾销规则的发展



   二 多边反倾销规则和机制推动欧盟反倾销法的发展

   三 欧盟反倾销法的未来走向

 附录 欧盟反倾销法编纂文本(英文)

  Antidumping Regulation of the European Union(Consolidated by the Author)

   Article 1

   Article 2

   Article 3

   Article 4

   Article 5

   Article 6

   Article 7

   Article 8

   Article 9

   Article 10

   Article 11

   Article 12

   Article 13

   Article 14

   Article 15

   Article 16

   Article 17

   Article 18

   Article 19

   Article 20

   Article 21

   Article 22

   Article 23a [ex regulation (EC)No 936/2002 as amended by (EC)No 1310/2002.Annex ommitted]

   Article 23b [ex regulation (EC)No 452/2003]

   Article 23

   Article 24




1.Juseph Cunnane and Clive Stanbrook (1983):“Dumping and Subsidies:the Law and Procedures Governing the Imposition of Anti-dumping and Countervailing Duties in the European Commuity”,European Business Publications,London and Brussels,1983.

2.Ivo Van Bael and Jean-Francois Bellis(1996):“Anti-dumping and other Trade Protection Laws of the EC”,3rd edition,CCH Europe,1996.

3.Wolfgang Müller,Nicholas Khan and Hans-Adolf Neumann (1998),“EC Anti-dumping Law-A Commentary on Regulation 384/96”,John Wiley & Sons Ltd,1998.


5.Nicholas Moussis(2000):“Guide to European Policies”,6th edition,European Study Service,2000.

6.Philip Bentley,QC (1995):“The Law,Calculus and Statistics of Dumping Margins”,European Business Law Review,December 1995,p.299.


8.Dan Horovitz (2001):“Post-ECSC Regulatios of Steel in an Enlarging Europe and a Globalizing World”,International Trade Law & Regulation,2001.8,Volume 7,issue 4.p.113.



11.Xin Zhang(2002):“Domestic Effect of the WTO Agreement in China:Trend and Implications”,the Journal of World Investment,October 2002,Vol.3.No.5.

12.Cliff Stevenson (2002):“An Update to the Global Trade Protection Report of April 2002”,a paper submitted to the Conference on Global Trade Relations,Brussels,22 October 2002.




16.欧盟反倾销基本法规[(EC)384/96号法规]:Council Regulation (EC)No 384/96 of 22 December 1995 on protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the European Community,OJ L56/1,1996.3.6.

17.(EC)2331/96号法规:Council Regulation (EC)No 2331/96 of 2 December 1996 amending Regulation (EC)No 384/96 on protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the European Community,OJ L317/1,1996.12.6.

18.(EC)905/98 号法规:Council Regulation (EC)No 905/98 of 27 April 1998 amending Regulation (EC)No 384/96 on protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the European Community,OJ L128/13,1998.4.30.

19.(EC)2238/2000号法规:Council Regulation (EC)No 2238/2000 of 9 October 2000 amending Regulation (EC)No 384/96 on protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the European Community,OJ L257/2,2000.10.11.

20.(EC)1515/2001号法规:Council Regulation (EC)No 1515/2001 of 23 July 2001 on the measures that may be taken by the Community following a report adopted by the WTO Dispute Settlement Body concerning anti-dumping and anti-subsidy matters,OJ L201/10,2001.7.26.

21.(EC)963/2002号法规:Council Regulation (EC)No 963/2002 of 3 June 2002 laying down transitional provisions concerning anti-dumping and anti-subsidy measures adopted pursuant to Commission Decisions No 2277/96/ECSC and No 1889/98/ECSC as well as pending anti-dumping and anti-subsidy investigations,complaints and applications pursuant to those Decisions. OJ L149/3,2002.6.7.

22.(EC)1310/2002号法规:Council Regulation (EC)No 1310/2002 of 19 July 2002 amending Regulation (EC)No 963/2002 laying down transitional provisions concerning anti-dumping and anti-subsidy measures adopted pursuant to Commission Decisions No 2277/96/ECSC and No 1889/98/ECSC as well as pending anti-dumping and anti-subsidy investigations,complaints and applications pursuant to those Decisions. OJ L192/9,2002.7.20.

23.(EC)452/2003号法规:Council Regulation (EC)No 452/2003 of 6 March 2003 on measures that the Community may take in relation to the combined effect of anti-dumping or anti-subsidy measures with safeguard measures,OJ L69/8,2003.3.13.

24.(EC)1972/2002号法规:Council Regulation (EC)No 1972/2002 of 5 November 2002 amending Regulation (EC)No 384/96 on the protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the European Community. OJ L305/1,2002.11.7.

25.(EC)461/2004号法规:Council Regulation (EC)No 461/2004 of 8 March 2004 amending Regulation (EC)No 384/96 on the protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the European Community. OJ L77/12,2004.3.13.

26.退税调查指南(2002):Commission Notice Concerning the Reimbursement of Anti-Dumping Duties (2002/C 127/06),OJ C127/10,2002.5.29.

27.实施争端裁定公告:Notice regarding the anti-dumping measures in force following a ruling of the Dispute Settlement Body of the World Trade Organization adopted on 12 March 2001(2002/C 111/04). OJ C111/4,2002.5.8.

28.“非典”影响公告:Notice on the consequences of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)on anti-dumping and anti-subsidy investigations,(2003/C191/02),OJ C191/2,2003.8.13.

29.反倾销措施自动适用公告(2004):Notice regarding the application of anti-dumping and anti-subsidy measures in force in the Community following enlargement to include the Czech Republic,the Republic of Estonia,the Republic of Cyprus,the Republic of Latvia,the Republic of Lithuania,the Republic of Hungary,the Republic of Malta,the Republic of Poland,the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic and the possibility of review (2004/C 91/02). OJ C 91/2,2004.4.15.

30.《欧洲煤钢共同体条约》(《巴黎条约》):Treaty Establishing the European Coal and Steel Community,Paris,18 April 1951.(Draft English Text).

31.《欧洲经济共同体条约》:Treaty Establishing the European Economic Community,Rome,25 March 1957.

32.《欧洲原子能共同体条约》:Treaty Establishing the European Automic Energy Community,Paris,Rome,25 March 1957.

33.《尼斯条约》:Treaty of Nice Amending the Treaty on European Union,the Treaties Establishing the European Communities and Certain Related Acts. OJ C80/1,2001.3.10.

34.《欧盟条约》(内含《欧洲共同体条约》):Treaty on European Union (consolidated version). OJ C325/5,2002.12.24.

35.共同贸易政策行动计划(1962):Council Decision on a programme of action in matters of common commercial policy. OJ 90/2353,1962.10.5.

36.(EEC)459/68号法规:Regulation (EEC)No 459/68 of the Council of 5 April 1968 on protection against dumping or the granting of bounties or subsidies by countries which are not members of the European Economic Community. OJ L93/1,1948.4.17.

37.(EEC)109/70号法规:Regulation (EEC)No 109/70 of the Council of 19 December 1969 establishing common rules for imports from state-trading countries. OJ L19/1,1970.1.26.

38.(EEC,Euratom)1182/71号法规:Council Regulation (EEC,Euratom)No 1182/71 of 3 June 1971 determining the rules applicable to periods,dates and time-limits. OJ L124/1,1971.6.8.

39.(EEC)2011/73号法规:Regulation (EEC)No 2011/73 of the Council of 24 July 1973 amending Regulation (EEC)No 459/68 on protection against dumping or the of bounties or subsidies by countries which are not members of European Economic Community. OJ L206/3,1973.07.27.

40.(ECSC)329/77号建议:Commission Recommendation of 15 April 1977 on protection against dumping or the granting of bounties or subsidies by countries which are not members of the European Coal and Steel Community. OJ L114/6,1977.5.5.

41.(EEC)1411/77号法规:Council Regulation (EEC)No 1411/77 of 27 June 1977 amending Regulation (EEC)No 459/68 on protection against dumping or the granting of bounties or subsidies by countries which are not members of the European Economic Community. OJ L160/4,1977.6.30.

42.(ECSC)3004/77号建议:Commission Recommendation No 3004/77/ECSC of 28 December 1977 modifying Recommendation 77/329/ECSC on protection against dumping or the granting of bounties or subsidies by countries which are not members of the European Coal and Steel Community. OJ L352/13,1977.12.31.

43.基础价格声明(1977):European Commission statement concerning basic prices of certain iron and steel products. OJ L353/1,1977.12.31.

44.(EEC)2532/78号法规:Council Regulation (EEC)No 2532/78 of 16 October 1978 on common rules for imports from the People’s Republic of China. OJ L306/1,1978.10.31.

45.(ECSC)158/79号建议:Commission Recommendation No 158/79/ECSC of 29 January 1979 amending recommendation 77/329/ECSC on protection against dumping or the granting of bounties or subsidies by countries which are not members of the European Coal and Steel Community. OJ L021/14,1979.1.30.

46.(EEC)925/79号法规:Council Regulation (EEC)No 925/79 of 8 May 1979 on common rules for imports from State-trading countries. OJ L131/1,1979.5.29.

47.(EEC)1681/79号法规:Council Regulation (EEC)No 1681/79 of 1 August 1979 amending Regulation (EEC)No 459/68 on protection against dumping or the granting of bounties or subsidies by countries which are not members of the European Economic Community. OJ L196/1,1979.8.2.

48.(EEC)3017/79号法规:Council Regulation (EEC)No 3017/79 of 20 December 1979 on protection against dumped or subsidized imports from countries not members of the European Economic Community. OJ L339/1,1979.12.31.

49.(ECSC)3018/79号建议:Commission Recommendation No 3018/79/ECSC of 21 December 1979 on protection against dumped or subsidized imports from countries not members of the European Coal and Steel Community. OJ L339/15,1979.12.31.

50.(EEC)1580/82号法规:Council Regulation (EEC)No 1580/82 of 14 June 1982 amending Regulation (EEC)No 3017/79 on protection against dumped or subsidized imports from countries not members of the European Economic Community. OJ L178/9,1982.6.22.

51.反倾销行动决议(1982):Resolution on the Community’s Anti-Dumping Activities. OJ C11/37,1982.1.18.

52.(ECSC)1995/82号建议:Commission Recommendation No 1995/82/ECSC of 22 July 1982 amending Recommendation No 3018/79/ECSC on protection against dumped or subsidized imports from countries not members of the European Coal and Steel Community. OJ L215/28,1982.7.23.

53.(ECSC)3025/82号建议:Commission Recommendation No 3025/82/ECSC of 12 November 1982 amending Recommendation No 3018/79/ECSC on protection against dumped or subsidized imports from countries not members of the European Coal and Steel Community. OJ L317/17,1982.11.13.

54.(EEC)2176/84号法规:Council Regulation (EEC)No 2176/84 of 23 July 1984 on protection against dumped or subsidized imports from countries not members of the European Economic Community,OJ L201/1,1984.7.30.

55.(ECSC)2177/84号决定:Refers to Commission Decision No 2177/84/ECSC of 27 July 1984 on protection against dumped or subsidized imports from countries not members of the European Coal and Steel Community. OJ L201/17,1984.7.30.

56.退税调查指南(1986):Commission notice concerning the reimbursement of anti-dumping duties. OJ C266/2,1986.10.22.

57.(EEC)1761/87号法规:Council Regulation (EEC)No 1761/87 of 22 June 1987 amending Regulation (EEC)No 2176/84 on protection against dumped or subsidized imports from countries not members of the European Economic Community. OJ L167/9,1987.6.26.

58.(EEC)2423/88号法规:Council Regulation (EEC)No 2423/88 of 11 July 1988 on protection against dumped or subsidized imports from countries not members of the European Economic Community. OJ L209/1,1988.8.2.

59.(ECSC)2424/88号法规:Commission Decision No 2424/88/ECSC of 29 July 1988 on protection against dumped or subsidized imports from countries not members of the European Coal and Steel Community. OJ L209/18,1988.8.2.

60.(ECSC,EEC,Euratom)951/88号决定:Council Decision 88/591/ECSC,EEC,Euratom establishing a Court of First Instance of the European Communities. OJ L319/1,1988.11.25.

61.《欧洲初审法院规程》:The Rules of Procedure of the Court of First Instance of the European Communities of 2 May 1991.OJ L136/1,1991.5.30.

62.《欧洲司法法院规程》:The Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice of the European Communities of 19 June 1991.OJ L176/7,1991.7.4.

63.(EEC)848/92号法规:Council Regulation (EEC)No 848/92 of 31 March 1992 amending Regulations (EEC)No 288/82,No 1765/82 and (EEC)No 3420/83 in order to establish the import arrangements for products originating in the independent States resulting from the former Soviet Union and suspend the application of certain quantitative restrictions to the Yugoslav Republic of Montenegro. OJ L89/1,1992.4.4.

64.(EEC)2913/92号欧盟海关法典:Council Regulation (EEC)No 2913/92 of 12 October 1992 establishing the Community Customs Code. OJ L302/1,1992.10.19.

65.(EEC)1013/93号法规:Council Regulation (EEC)No 1013/93 of 26 April 1993 amending the autonomous import arrangements for products originating in Bulgaria or Romania. OJ L105/1,1993.4.30.

66.(EEC)2454/93号法规:Commission Regulation (EEC)No 2454/93 of 2 July 1993 laying down provisions for the implementation of Council Regulation (EEC)No 2913/92.OJ L253/1,1993.10.11.

67.(Euratom,ECSC,EC)149/94号决定:Council Decision of 7 March 1994 amending Decision 93/350/Euratom,ECSC,EEC amending Decision 88/591/ECSC,EEC,Euratom establishing a Court of First Instance of the European Communities. OJ L66/29,1994.3.10.

68.(EEC)519/94号法规:Council Regulation (EC)No 519/94 of 7 March 1994 on common rules for imports from certain third countries and repealing Regulations (EEC)No 1765/82,1766/82 and 3420/83. OJ L67/89,1994.3.10.

69.(EC)521/94号法规:Council Regulation (EC)No 521/94 of 7 March 1994 on the introduction of time limits for investigation procedures carried out against dumped or subsidized imports from countries not members of the European Community and amending Regulation (EEC)No 2423/88. OJ L66/7,1994.3.10.

70.(EC)522/94号法规:Council Regulation (EC)No 522/94 of 7 March 1994 on the streamlining of decision-making procedures for certain Community instruments of commercial defense and amending Regulations (EEC)No 2641/84 and No 2423/88. OJ L66/10,1994.3.10.

71.(EC)3283/94号法规:Council Regulation (EC)No 3283/94 of 22 December 1994 on protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the European Community. OJ L349/1,1994.12.31.

72.(EC)355/95号法规:Council Regulation (EC)No 355/95 of 20 February 1995 amending Regulation (EC)No 3283/94 on protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the European Community. OJ L41/2,1995.2.23.

73.反倾销措施自动适用公告(1995):Notice regarding the application of anti-dumping measures in force in the Community following enlargement to include Austria,Finland and Sweden. OJ C40/5,1995.2.17.

74.(EEC)839/95号法规:Council Regulation (EC)No 839/95 of 10 April 1995 amending the list of countries mentioned in Annex I to Regulation (EC)No 519/94. OJ L85/9,1995.3.11.

75.(EC)1251/95号法规:Council Regulation (EC)No 1251/95 of 29 May 1995 amending Regulation (EC)No 3283/94 on protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the European Community. OJ L122/1,1995.6.2.

76.(EC)1/95号决定:Decision No 1/95 of the EC-Turkey Association Council of 22 December 1995 on implementing the final phase of the Customs Union. OJ L35/1,1996.2.13.

77.(ECSC)2277/96号决定:Commission Decision No 2277/96/ECSC of 28 November 1996 on protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the European Coal and Steel Community. OJ L308/1,1996.11.29

78.(ECSC)1000/1999号决定:Commission Decision No 1000/1999/ECSC of 11 May 1999 amending Decision No 2277/96/ECSC on protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the European Coal and Steel Community. OJ L 122/35,1999.5.12.

79.(ECSC)435/2001号决定:Commission Decision No 435/2001/ECSC of 2 March 2001 amending Decision No 2277/96/ECSC on protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the European Coal and Steel Community. OJ L63/14,2001.3.3.

80.(EC)427/2003号法规:Council Regulation (EC)No 427/2003 of 3 March 2003 on a transitional product-specific safeguard mechanism for imports originating in the People’s Republic of China and amending Regulation (EC)No 519/94 on common rules for imports from certain third countries. OJ L65/9,2003.3.8.

81.“6.15报告”:European Commission Proposal for a Council Regulation Amending Regulation (EC)No 384/96 on Protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the European Community,Com (2000)363 final,2000/0160 (ACC).

82.(1996)145号建议:Proposal for a Council Regulation (EC)amending Regulation (EC)No 384/96 on protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the European Community. Com/96/0145 final.

83.(EEC)955/79号法规:Council Regulation (EEC)No 955/79 of 15 May 1979 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on a certain herbicide originating in Romania. OJ L121/5,1979.5.17.

84.第79/C207/04号公告:Notice of initiation of a proceeding concerning imports of saccharin and its salts originating in China,Japan and the United States of America. OJ C207/4,1979.8.17.

85.第79/C212/03号公告:notice of initiation of a proceeding concerning imports of mechanical alarm clocks originating in china,czechoslovakia,the german democratic republic,hong kong and the ussr. OJ C212/3,1979.8.24.

86.(EEC)2599/79号法规:Commission Regulation (EEC)No 2599/79 of 22 November 1979 imposing a provisional anti-dumping duty on certain sodium carbonate originating in the Soviet Union. OJ L297/12,1979.11.24.

87.(EEC)720/90号法规:Commission Regulation (EEC)No 720/90 of 22 March 1990 imposing a provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of silicon metal originating in the People’s Republic of China. OJ L80/9,1990.3.22.

88.(EEC)1937/90号法规:Commission Regulation (EEC)No 1937/90 of 4 July 1990 imposing a provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of pure silk typewriter ribbon fabrics originating in the people’s Republic of China,and accepting an undertaking offered by the exporter. OJ L174/27,1990.7.4.

89.(EEC)3068/92号法规:Council Regulation (EEC)No 3068/92 of 23 October 1992 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of potassium chloride originating in Belarus,Russia or Ukraine. OJ L308/41,1992.10.24

90.第93/377/EEC号决定:Commission Decision of 22 June 1993 terminating the proceeding to review anti-dumping measures applicable to certain imports of gas-fuelled,non-refillable pocket flint lighters originating in the People’s Republic of China. OJ L158/43,1993.6.30.

91.(EEC)2474/93号法规:Council Regulation (EEC)No 2474/93 of 8 September 1993 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports into the Community of bicycles originating in the People’s Republic of China and collecting definitively the provisional anti-dumping duty. OJ L 228/1,1993.9.9.

92.(EC)371/94号法规:Commission Regulation (EC)No 371/94 of 17 February 1994 imposing a provisional anti-dumping duty on imports into the Community of large aluminium electrolytic capacitors originating in the Republic of Korea and Taiwan. OJ L48/10,1994.2.19.

93.第95/C84/04号公告:Notice of initiation of anti-dumping proceedings concerning imports of certain magnetic disks (3,5“microdisks)originating in Canada,Indonesia,Macao and Thailand. OJ C84/4,1995.4.6.

94.(EC)1645/95号法规:Commission Regulation (EC)No 1645/95 of 5 July 1995 imposing a provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of microwave ovens originating in the People’ s Republic of China,the Republic of Korea,Thailand and Malaysia. OJ No L156/5,1995.7.7.

95.(EC)1878/95号法规:Commission Regulation (EC)No 1878/95 of 28 July 1995 imposing a provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of refractory chamottes originating in the People’s Republic of China. OJ No L179/56,1995.7.29

96.第95/381/EC号决定:Commission Decision of 15 September 1995 concerning an application for the refund of anti-dumping duties collected on imports of espadrilles originating in the People’s Republic of China (Importmaatschappij Intermedium BV)(Only the Dutch text is authentic). OJ L229/10,1995.9.26.

97.(EC)2318/95号法规:Commission Regulation (EC)No 2318/95 of 27 September 1995 imposing a provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of certain tube or pipe fittings,of iron or steel,originating in the People’s Republic of China,Croatia and Thailand and terminating the anti-dumping proceeding in respect of imports of these fittings,originating in the Slovak Republic and Taiwan,OJ No L234/4,1995.10.3.

98.(EC)2352/95号法规:Commission Regulation (EC)No 2352/95 of 6 October 1995 imposing a provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of coumarin originating in the People’s Republic of China,OJ No L239/4,1995.10.7.

99.(EC)2380/95号法规:Council Regulation (EC)No 2380/95 of 2 October 1995 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of plain paper photocopiers originating in Japan. OJ L244/1,1995.10.12.

100.(EC)1465/96号法规:Commission Regulation (EC)No 1465/96 of 25 July 1996 imposing a provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of certain ring binder mechanisms originating in Malaysia and the People’s Republic of China. OJ L 187/47,1996.7.26

101.(EC)2208/96号法规:Commission Regulation (EC)No 2208/96 of 18 November 1996 imposing a provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of unbleached (grey)cotton fabrics originating in the People’s Republic of China,Egypt,India,Indonesia,Pakistan and Turkey. OJ L295/3,1996.11.20.

102.(EC)71/97号法规:Council Regulation (EC)No 71/97 of 10 January 1997 extending the definitive anti-dumping duty imposed by Regulation (EEC)No 2474/93 on bicycles originating in the People’s Republic of China to imports of certain bicycle parts from the People’s Republic of China,and levying the extended duty on such imports registered under Regulation (EC)No 703/96. OJ L16/55,1997.1.18.

103.(EC)119/97号法规:Council Regulation (EC)No 119/97 of 20 January 1997 imposing definitive anti-dumping duties on imports of certain ring binder mechanisms originating in Malaysia and the People’s Republic of China and collecting definitively the provisional duties imposed. OJ L22/1,1997.1.24.

104.(EC)165/97号法规:Commission Regulation (EC)No 165/97 of 28 January 1997 imposing a provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of certain footwear with textile uppers originating in the People’s Republic of China and Indonesia. OJ L29/3,1997.1.31.

105.(EC)209/97号法规:Commission Regulation (EC)No 209/97 of 3 February 1997 imposing a provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of certain handbags originating in the People’s Republic of China. OJ L33/11,1997.2.4.

106.第97/169/EC号决定:Commission Decision of 30 January 1997 terminating the anti-dumping proceeding concerning imports into Spain of certain Portland cement originating in Romania,Tunisia and Turkey (97/169/EC). OJ L67/27,1997.3.7.

107.(EC)1023/97号法规:Commission Regulation (EC)No 1023/97 of 6 June 1997 imposing a provisional anti-dumping duty on certain imports of flat pallets of wood originating in Poland and accepting undertakings offered from certain exporters in connection with those imports OJ L150/4,1997.6.7.

108.(EC)1069/97号法规:Commission Regulation (EC)No 1069/97 of 12 June 1997 imposing a provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of cotton-type bed linen originating in Egypt,India and Pakistan. OJ L156/11,1997.6.13.

109.(EC)2398/97号法规:Council Regulation (EC)No 2398/97 of 28 November 1997 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of cotton-type bed linen originating in Egypt,India and Pakistan. OJ L332/1,1997.12.4.

110.第98/90/EC号决定:Commission Decision of 21 January 1998 terminating the anti-dumping proceeding concerning imports of dihydrostreptomycin originating in the People’s Republic of China. OJ L17/42,1998.1.22.

111.(EC)2584/98号法规:Council Regulation (EC)No 2584/98 of 27 November 1998 amending Regulation (EC)No 710/95 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of colour television receivers originating in Malaysia,the People’s Republic of China,the Republic of Korea,Singapore and Thailand and collecting definitively the provisional duty imposed. OJ L324/1,1998.12.2.

112.(EC)397/1999号法规:Council Regulation (EC)No 397/1999 of 22 February 1999 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of bicycles originating in Taiwan and collecting definitively the provisional duty imposed OJ L49/1,1999.2.28.

113.(EC)616/1999号法规:Commission Regulation (EC)No 616/1999 of 23 March 1999 imposing a provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of stainless steel wires with a diameter of less than 1 mm originating in the Republic of Korea. OJ L79/1,1999.3.24.

114.第1999/219/EC号决定:Commission Decision of 11 March 1999 concerning an application submitted by Ecumet (UK)Ltd for the refund of anti-dumping duties collected on certain imports of silicon metal originating in Brazil (notified under document number C(1999)559)(Only the English and Dutch texts are authentic). OJ L80/25,1999.3.25.

115.第1999/C 262/08号公告:Notice of initiation of an anti-dumping proceeding concerning imports of coke over 80 mm originating in the People’s Republic of China. OJ C262/10,1999.9.16.

116.(EC)2537/1999号法规:Council Regulation (EC)No 2537/1999 of 29 November 1999 amending Regulations (EEC)No 2861/93,(EC)No 2199/94,(EC)No 663/96 and (EC)No 1821/98 concerning the imposition of definitive anti-dumping duties on imports of certain magnetic disks (3,5” microdisks)originating in Japan,Taiwan,the People’s Republic of China,Hong Kong,the Republic of Korea,Malaysia,Mexico,the United States of America and Indonesia and Regulation (EC)No 1335/1999 reimposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of certain magnetic disks (3,5” microdisks)originating in Indonesia and produced and sold for export to the Community by PT Betadiskindo Binatama. OJ L307/1,1999.12.2.

117.(EC)2563/1999号法规:Commission Regulation (EC)No 2563/1999 of 3 December 1999 imposing a provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of compact discs boxes originating in the People’s Republic of China. OJ L310/17,1999.12.4.

118.(EC)2722/99号法规:Council Regulation (EC)No 2722/1999 of 17 December 1999 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of furfuraldehyde originating in the People’s Republic of China. OJ L328/1,1999.12.22.

119.(ECSC)307/2000号法规:Commission Decision No 307/2000/ECSC of 10 February 2000 imposing a provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of certain hot-rolled flat products of non-alloy steel originating in the People’s Republic of China,India and Romania. OJ L36/4,2000.2.11

120.(EC)348/2000号法规:Council Regulation (EC)No 348/2000 of 14 February 2000 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of certain seamless pipes and tubes of iron or non-alloy steel originating in Croatia and Ukraine and collecting definitively the provisional duty imposed. OJ L45/1,2000.2.17.

121.第2000/137EC号决定:Commission Decision of 17 February 2000 accepting undertakings offered in connection with the anti-dumping proceeding concerning imports of certain seamless pipes and tubes of iron or non-alloy steel originating in Croatia and the Ukraine (notified under document number C (2000)2712). OJ L46/34,2000.2.18.

122.(EC)449/2000号法规:Commission Regulation (EC)No 449/2000 of 28 February 2000 imposing a provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of malleable cast iron tube or pipe fittings originating in Brazil,the Czech Republic,Japan,the People’s Republic of China,the Republic of Korea and Thailand and accepting an undertaking offered by an exporting producer in the Czech Republic. OJ L55/3,2000.2.29.

123.(EC)1091/2000号法规:Commission Regulation (EC)No 1091/2000 of 24 May 2000 imposing a provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of styrene-butadiene-styrene thermoplastic rubber originating in Taiwan. OJ L124/12,2000.5.25

124.(EC)1099/2000号法规:Council Regulation (EC)No 1099/2000 of 22 May 2000 amending Regulation (EC)No 397/1999 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of bicycles originating in Taiwan. OJ L125/1,2000.5.26.

125.(EC)1238/2000号法规:Commission Decision No 1238/2000/ECSC of 14 June 2000 imposing a provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of coke of coal in pieces with a diameter of more than 80 mm originating in the People’s Republic of China,OJ L141/9,2000.6.15.

126.(EC)1784/2000号法规:Council Regulation (EC)No 1784/2000 of 11 August 2000 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty and collecting definitively the provisional duty imposed on imports of certain malleable cast iron tube or pipe fittings originating in Brazil,the Czech Republic,Japan,the People’s Republic of China,the Republic of Korea and Thailand,OJ L208/8,2000.8.18.

127.(EC)2570/2000号法规:Council Regulation (EC)No 2570/2000 of 20 November 2000 amending Regulation (EC)No 393/98 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of stainless steel fasteners and parts thereof originating,inter alia,in the People’s Republic of China. OJ L297/1,2000.11.24.

128.(EC)255/2001号法规:Commission Regulation (EC)No 255/2001 of 7 February 2001 imposing a provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of integrated electronic compact fluorescent lamps (CFL-i)originating in the People’s Republic of China. OJ L38/8,2001.2.8

129.(EC)367/2001号法规:Commission Regulation (EC)No 367/2001 of 23 February 2001 imposing a provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of polyethylene terephthalate film originating in India and the Republic of Korea. OJ L55/16,2001.2.24

130.第2001/230/EC号决定:Commission Decision of 21 February 2001 terminating the anti-dumping proceeding concerning imports of ferro-silicon originating in Brazil,the People’s Republic of China,Kazakhstan,Russia,Ukraine and Venezuela (notified under document number C (2001)414). OJ L84/36,2001.3.23.

131.(EC)950/2001号法规:Council Regulation (EC)No 950/2001 of 14 May 2001 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of certain aluminium foil originating in the People’s Republic of China and Russia. OJ L134/1,2001.5.17.

132.第2001/C190/02号公告:Notice of initiation of an anti-subsidy proceeding concerning imports of sulphanilic acid originating in India,OJ C190/2,2001.7.6.

133.第2001/C190/03号公告:Notice of initiation of an anti-subsidy proceeding concerning imports of sulphanilic acid originating in India,OJ C190/5,2001.7.6.

134.(EC)1470/2001号法规:Council Regulation (EC)No 1470/2001 of 16 July 2001 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty and collecting definitively the provisional duty imposed on imports of integrated electronic compact fluorescent lamps (CFL-i)originating in the People’s Republic of China. OJ L195/8,2001.7.19.

135.(EC)1497/2001号法规:Commission Regulation (EC)No 1497/2001 of 20 July 2001 imposing provisional anti-dumping duties on imports of urea originating in Belarus,Bulgaria,Croatia,Estonia,Libya,Lithuania,Romania and the Ukraine,accepting an undertaking offered by the exporting producer in Bulgaria and terminating the proceeding as regards imports of urea originating from Egypt and Poland. OJ L197/4,2001.7.21

136.(EC)1612/2001号法规:Commission Regulation (EC)No 1612/2001 of 3 August 2001 imposing a provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of ferro molybdenum originating in the People’s Republic of China. OJ L214/3,2001.8.8.

137.第2001/609/EC号决定:Commission Decision of 31 July 2001 terminating the anti-dumping proceeding concerning imports of certain worked monumental or building granite stones originating in India and the People’s Republic of China. OJ L214/44,2001.8.8.

138.(EC)1827/2001号法规:Commission Regulation (EC)No 1827/2001 of 17 September 2001 imposing a provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of certain zinc oxides originating in the People’s Republic of China. OJ L248/17,2001.9.18.

139.(EC)2479/2001号法规:Commission Regulation (EC)No 2479/2001 of 17 December 2001 imposing a provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of recordable compact disks originating in Taiwan OJ L334/8,2001.12.18

140.第2002/C15/02号公告:Notice concerning anti-dumping measures on imports of ferro-silicon originating in the People’s Republic of China,Kazakhstan,Russia and Ukraine,OJ C15/2,2002.1.18.

141.(EC)215/2002号法规:Council Regulation (EC)No 215/2002 of 28 January 2002 imposing definitive anti-dumping duties on imports of ferro molybdenum originating in the People’s Republic of China OJ L35/1,2002.2.6.

142.(EC)358/2002号法规:Commission Regulation (EC)No 358/2002 of 26 February 2002 imposing a provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of certain tube and pipe fittings,of iron or steel originating in the Czech Republic,Malaysia,Russia,the Republic of Korea and Slovakia and accepting an undertaking offered by an exporting producer in Slovakia. OJ L56/4,2002.2.27.

143.(EC)540/2002号法规:Commission Regulation (EC)No 540/2002 of 26 March 2002 imposing a provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of certain welded tubes and pipes,of iron or non-alloy steel originating in the Czech Republic,Poland,Thailand,Turkey and the Ukraine. OJ L083/3,2002.3.27

144.(EC)575/2002号法规:Commission Regulation (EC)No 575/2002 of 3 March 2002 imposing a provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of sulphanilic acid originating in the People’s Republic of China and in India. OJ L087/28,2002.4.4

145.(EC)1412/2002号法规:Commission Regulation (EC)No 1412/2002 of 29 July 2002 imposing a provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of polyester textured filament yarn (PTY)originating in India,OJ L205/50,2002.8.2

146.(EC)1676/2002号法规:Council Regulation (EC)No 1676/2001 of 13 August 2001 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty and collecting definitively the provisional duty imposed on imports of polyethylene terephthalate film originating in India and the Republic of Korea. OJ L227/1,2001.8.23.

147.(EC)1531/2002号法规:Council Regulation (EC)No 1531/2002 of 14 August 2002 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of color television receivers originating in the People’s Republic of China,the Republic of Korea,Malaysia and Thailand and terminating the proceeding regarding imports of color television receivers originating in Singapore. OJ L231/1,2002.8.29.

148.第2002/683EC号决定:Commission Decision of 29 July 2002 accepting an undertaking offered in connection with the anti-dumping proceeding concerning imports of colour television receivers originating in Malaysia,the People’s Republic of China,the Republic of Korea,Singapore and Thailand. OJ L231/42,2002.8.29.

149.(EC)1662/2002号法规:Commission Regulation (EC)No 1662/2002 of 18 September 2002 imposing provisional anti-dumping duties on imports of certain filament yarns of cellulose acetate originating in Lithuania and the United States of America. OJ No L251/9,2002.9.19

150.(EC)1763/2002号法规:Council Regulation (EC)No 1763/2002 of 30 September 2002 amending Regulation (EC)No 1950/97 imposing definitive anti-dumping measures on imports of sacks and bags made of polyethylene or polypropylene originating,inter alia,in India. OJ L267/1,2002.10.4.

151.(EC)151/2003号法规:Council Regulation (EC)No 151/2003 of 27 January 2003 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of certain grain oriented electrical sheets originating in Russia. OJ L25/7,2003.1.30.

152.(EC)153/2003号法规:Council Regulation (EC)No 153/2003 of 27 January 2003 amending the anti-dumping measures imposed by Council Regulation (EC)No 1603/2000 on imports of ethanolamines originating in the United States of America. OJ L25/23,2003.1.30.

153.(EC)452/2003号法规:Council Regulation (EC)No 452/2003 of 6 March 2003 on measures that the Community may take in relation to the combined effect of anti-dumping or anti-subsidy measures with safeguard measures. OJ L69/8,2003.3.13.

154.(EC)510/2003号法规:Commission Regulation (EC)No 510/2003 of 20 March 2003 imposing provisional anti-dumping duties on imports of paracresol originating in the People’s Republic of China. OJ L75/12,2003.3.21.

155.(EC)1235/2003号法规:Commission Regulation (EC)No 1235/2003 of 10 July 2003 imposing a provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of silicon originating in Russia. OJ L 173/14,2003.7.11.

156.(EC)1611/2003号法规:Commission Regulation (EC)No 1611/2003 of 15 September 2003 imposing provisional anti-dumping duties on imports of certain stainless steel cold-rolled flat products originating in the United States of America. OJ L 230/9,2003.9.16.

157.(EC)1623/2003号法规:Council Regulation (EC)No 1623/2003 of 11 September 2003 extending the definitive anti-dumping duty imposed by Regulation (EC)No 408/2002 on imports of certain zinc oxides originating in the People’s Republic of China to imports of certain zinc oxides consigned from Vietnam,whether declared as originating in Vietnam or not,and to imports of certain zinc oxides originating in the People’s Republic of China and mixed with silica. OJ L232/1,2003.9.1.

158.(2003)82号建议:Proposal for a Council Regulation imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of Rubber Grade Carbon Black originating in Egypt and Russia. Com (2003)80 final.

159.C-60/81,IBM v Commission of the European Communities(1981)ECR 2639.

160.Case 191/82,EEC Seed Crushers’ and Oil Processors’ Federation (FEDIOL)v Commission of the European Communities(1983)ECR2913.

161.Case 240/84,NTN Toyo Bearing Co Ltd v Council of the European Communities (1987)ECR 1809.

162.Joined cases C-304/86 and C-185/87,Enital SpA v Commission and Council of the European Communities(1990)ECR 2939.

163.C-305/86 and C-160/87,Neotype Techmashexport GmbH v Commission and Council of the European Communities(1990)ECR 2945.

164.C-171/87,Canon Inc. V. European Council(1992)ECR1237

165.Case 246/87,Continentale Produkten-Gesellschaft Erhardt-Renken GmbH & Co. vHauptzollamt München-West(1989)ECR1151.

166.C-189/88,Cartorobica SpA v Ministero delle Finanze dello Stato(1990)ECR1269.

167.C-16/90,Detlef N?lle,trading as “Eugen N?lle” v Hauptzollamt Bremen-Freihafen (1991)ECR5163.

168.C-280/93,Federal Republic of Germany v Council of the European Union(1994)ECR 4973.

169.T-155/94,Climax Paper Converters Ltd v Council of the European Union (1996)ECR 873.

170.T-159/94 and T-160/94,Ajinomoto Co. Inc. and The NutraSweet Company v Council of the European Union(1997)ECR 2461.

171.Joined case,T-163/94 and T-165/94,NTN Corp v EC Council (1995)ECR 1381.

172.T-2/95,Industries des poudres sphériques (IPS)v Council(1998)ECR 3939.

173.T-97/95,Sinochem National Chemicals Import & Export Corporation v Council of the European Union(1998)ECR 85.

174.T-97/95,Sinochem National Chemicals Import & Export Corporation v Council of the European Union(1998)ECR 85.

175.T-134/95,Dysan Magnetics Ltd and Review Magnetics (Macao)Ltd v Commission of the European Communities(1996)ECR181.

176.T-192/95,Action brought on 16 October 1995 by Hitachi Ltd,Matsushita Electronics Corporation,Mitsubishi Electric Corporation,NEC Corporation,Oki Electric Industry Co.,Sanyo Electric Co.,Sharp Corporation and Toshiba Corporation against the Commission of the European Communities. Notice 95/C351/27,OJ C351/13,1995.12.30.

177.T-232/95,Committee of European Copier Manufacturers (Cecom)v Council of the European Union(1998)ECR2679.

178.T-213/97,Eurocoton v. Council of the European Union(2000)ECR3727.

179.C-458/98P,I.P.S.v. Council of the European Union(2000)ECR8147.

180.T132/01R,Euroalliages et al.v European Commission (Order of the President of the European Court of First Instance). OJ C169/32,2002.7.13.

181.C-404/01P(R),European Commission v Euroalliages et al(Order of the President of the European Court of Justice). OJ C118/17,2002.5.18.

182.C-76/01 P,Eurocoton and others v Council of the European Union.Available at http://curia.eu.int/en/actu/calendriers/index.htm,visited on 1 May 2004.



185.《专家组报告》(1999):United States——Section 301-310 of the Trade Act of 1974,Report of the Panel,WT/DS152/R,22 December 1999.

186.《专家组报告》(2000):European Communities-Anti-Dumping on Imports of Cotton-Type Bedline from India,Report of the Panel,WT/DS141/R,30 October 2000.

187.《上诉机构报告》:European Communities-Anti-Dumping on Imports of Cotton-Type Bedline from India,Report of the Appelate Body,WT/DS141/AB/R,1 March 2001.

188.Ordonnance n° 58-1264 du 20 Décembre 1958 relative aux pouvoirs du Gouvernement en matière de droits compensateurs et de droits antidumping,“Journal Officiel de la Republique Francaise,21 Décembre 1958.

189.“Modalités d’application des droits compensateurs ou des droits antidumping”,Journal Officiel de la Republique Francaise,9 Septembre 1959.

190.“Loi n° 66-937 du 17 Décembre 1966 modifiant les articles 19 bis et 426 du code des douanes”,Journal Officiel de la Republique Francaise,18 Décembre 1966.

191.“Création d’un comité interministériel antidumping”,Journal Officiel de la Republique Francaise,12 Avril 1967.

192.欧委会书面回答(1977):Answer to written question No 227/77 by Mr. Couste to the Commission of the European Communities (27 July 1977). OJ C 214/8,1977.9.7.

193.USDOC:“Steel Action Program”,released on 5 August,1999.

194.《欧洲报告》(European Report)(半周刊),2001年3月14日,第2576期。

195.Doha WTO Ministerial 2001:Ministerial Declaration. WT/MIN(01)/DEC/1.20 November 2001.

196.“Proclamation 7529 of March 5,2002 - To Facilitate Positive Adjustment to Competition from Imports of Certain Steel Products” and the “Memorandum of March 5,2002 - Action Under Section 203 of the Trade Act of 1974 Concerning certain Steel Products”,US Federal Register Vol. 67,No. 45 of 7 March 2002.

197.(EC)560/2002号法规:Commission Regulation (EC)No 560/2002 of 27 March 2002 imposing provisional safeguard measures against imports of certain steel products. OJ L85/1,2002.3.28.

198.WTO Doha development agenda negotiations negotiating group on rules submission from the European communities concerning the agreement on implementation of article vi of GATT 1994 (anti-dumping agreement). TN/RL/W/13,2 July 2002.

199.WTO Negotiating Group on Rules Negotiations on Anti-Dumping and Subsidies:Reflection Paper of the EC on a swift control mechanism for initiations,Brussels,10 March 2003.

200. Sixth Enlargement Trade Ministerial Meeting Final Joint Declaration,Bucharest,10 May 2003.

201.Proposals on Cost Saving in Anti-Dumping Proceedings:Submission from the European Communities and Japan,TN/RL/W/138,17 July 2003.

202.“Reform of the EC Anti-dumping and Anti-subsidy instruments”,the brief of internatioanl trade law,February 2004.

203.EU press release “WTO US:EU requests WTO panel on US anti-dumping methodology”,Brussels,17 February 2004.

204.EU press release “Anti-Dumping:EU acts to increase transparency,efficiency and predictability in the use of trade defense”,Brussels,8 March 2004.

205.WTO Working Group on Implementation,Sub-Group of the WTO Committee on Anti-dumping Practice. Draft Paper on Judicial,Abritral or Administrative Review,Brussels,9 March 2004.