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Sourcebook on Sustainable Agrobiodiversity Management


[内容简介] 动聚焦生物多样性丰富程度的持续降低,探索其原因和影响,同时展示了生物多样性可持续利用的潜能。中国农业部、联合国发展计划署和德国技术合作公司于2010年9月共同举办了国际农业生物多样性研讨会。在此背景下,将所有专题文集编辑成册,希望能为科研机构、学校和咨询顾问提供相关背景知识、案例研究以及农业生物多样性的行动建议。


作 者:
编 辑:孙以年;侯培岭
出版时间: 2011年01月
语 种:中文
中图分类:S1 农业基础科学









  1.1 农业生物多样性——粮食安全之本









  1.2 女人、男人和农业生物多样性









  1.3 与生物多样性保护和可持续利用相关的传统知识




  1.4 农民作为育种者——参与式育种








  1.5 农民作为种子的保管者——社区种子库






  1.6 促进农业生物多样性管理的本地创新









  1.7 家庭菜园——多样性的宝库





  1.8 “未充分利用的”物种——大量潜在资源被浪费



    本地品种如何增值:南非的恩古尼牛(Nguni cattle)







  1.9 本土品种——为防止动物传染病并肩而战










  1.10 不受欢迎的来客——外来入侵物种






  1.11 农业生物多样性和气候变化之间复杂的关系





  1.12 生物多样性与农业集约化——农家品种如何发挥作用






  1.13 农业基因工程:对生物多样性有何影响?







  1.14 有关共存之思考——农田里的转基因作物










  2.1 公私合作伙伴关系与农业生物多样性












  2.2 市场回潮——多样性展示和种子集市







  2.3 旅游业——保持和促进农业多样性








  2.4 价值链与生物多样性保护














  2.5 受保护名称创造价值与生物多样性保护



   越南:Tam Xoan香米畅销全国



  2.6 营销促进生物多样性——施瓦本地区本土猪种实例分析







  2.7 营销促进生物多样性——厄瓜多尔纯味可可豆实例分析










  2.8 何人得益于生物多样性利用:瓜拉尼族人的甜味剂和甜菊实例分析







  3.1 采取激励措施保护农业生物多样性











  3.2 粮食和农业植物遗传资源国际条约







  3.3 知识产权在农业领域的作用







  3.4 农民的权利和农业生物多样性







  3.5 遗传资源——获取与公平惠益分享




  3.6 生物安全——《卡塔赫纳生物安全议定书》的执行





  3.7 欧盟新食品法对发展中国家生物多样性产品贸易的影响





 1.Basics of agrobiodiversity

  1.1 Agrobiodiversity-the key to food security

   Producing more food through the optimal use of resources

   Diversity on the field and on the table-the best means of preventing “hidden hunger”

   Better access to food through new sources of income

   Harmonizing food aid and agrobiodiversity

   Obstacles and opportunities

  1.2 Women,men and agrobiodiversity

   Maintaining biodiversity

    ●Participatory breeding

    ●Seed banks

    ●Seed fairs and livestock markets

    ●Home gardens

    ●Traditional cooking and local recipes

   Heavy responsibility,limited rights

   Women are essential to success

  1.3 Traditional knowledge relating to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity

   Traditional knowledge in the Biodiversity Convention

   Action required

  1.4 Farmers as breeders-Participatory Plant Breeding

   Seeds-the first element in the food chain

   Whose word carries most weight?

   Participatory Plant Breeding-breaking new grounds

   Supporting contexts for PPB

   Obstacles to PPB

   Important steps

   Promising results

  1.5 Farmers as bankers-community seed banks

   We reap what we sow

   Sufficient supplies to withstand the drought

   Gardens full of tubers

   Fruitful contacts

   As interest grows,so does knowledge

  1.6 Promoting local innovation in managing agricultural biodiversity

   Local innovation in domesticating plants

    Example:Domesticating plants in homegardens in Nepal

   Local innovation in breeding

    Example:Developing site-appropriate barley varieties in Ethiopia

   Local innovation in collective action

    Example:Alternative uses and markets for Andean roots

   Policy implications

   Practical implications for development cooperation

  1.7 Home gardens-treasure troves of diversity

   Anything but wallflowers

   Greater diversity-higher income

   Beyond the garden fence

   Further promotion measures include:

   Two birds with one stone

  1.8 “Underutilized” species-rich potential is being wasted

   Trend towards uniformity

   Setting a good example

    Adding value to local breeds-Nguni cattle in Southern Africa

    El Salvador’s balsam trees-conservation through use

   Creation of a global hub

   What underutilized species can offer

   What are the limitations on use?

   New strategies to promote use

   Win-win solutions are possible

  1.9 Landraces-allies in the fight against animal epidemics

   Globalisation accelerates the spread of disease

   Damage runs into the billions

    Disease control-the end of the road for rare and threatened breeds

   Breeding instead of vaccinating

    Epidemics undermine consumer confidence

    Combining disease eradication with the conservation of genetic resources

     International level

     National level

     Regional level

  1.10 Unwelcome guests-invasive alien species(IAS)

   Causes of the spread of invasive alien species

   Ecological and economic impact

   Containing invasive species

   National and international regulatory framework

   Implications for technical cooperation

  1.11 Agrobiodiversity and climate change-a complex relationship

   Climate change-a threat to food security

   Agrobiodiversity-an indispensable part of the solution

   Agricultural diversity furthers adaptation to climate change

   Agrobiodiversity is an integral part of rural development

  1.12 Biodiversity and agricultural intensification-how farmers’ varieties can contribute

   Intensification in agriculture-achievements so far

   Local farmers’ varieties-a source for intensification

   Breeding with farmers-faster and more efficient

   Synergies of both innovations

   Scaling up-constraints to overcome

  1.13 Genetic engineering in agriculture:how does it impact on biodiversity?

   Genetically modified cropsenrichment or contamination?

   Molecular biology provides new insights

   Herbicide tolerance is seen to have an effect on biodiversity

   Does Bt-technology have a positive effect on biodiversity?

   Concentration in the seed supply sector-a threat to genetic diversity

   Conclusions and the way forward

  1.14 A question of coexistence-genetically engineered crop plants in farmers’ fields

   Statutory requirements

    Threshold values for admixtures

    Minimum distances and buffer zones

    Transportation and storage

    Liability and monitoring

    Patent law

   Experience with coexistence so far

   Key challenges for development cooperation

 2.Adding economic value to agrobiodiversity

  2.1 Partnerships for agrobiodiversity

   Development partnerships with industry

   Private companies and their potential for using agrobiodiversity

    Development of new products

    Integration of agrobiodiversity products into existing ranges

    Awareness-raising and information for consumers

    Responsible use

    Benefit sharing

    Fair and equitable benefit sharing

   Examples of successful marketing of agrobiodiversity products

    India:Small local companies established in conservation area

    South Africa:Devil’s claw from agricultural production

   Further improvements needed

  2.2 Markets make a come-back-diversity displays and seed fairs

   The more farmers-the more varieties

   Working successfully on every continent

   Initiative is called for

   Prelude to other activities


    Inventories and monitoring

  2.3 Maintaining and promoting agricultural diversity through tourism

   Agrotourism for the conservation of agricultural diversity

   Serbia:Wallachian sheep and woolly pig as tourist attractions

   Ecuador:Ullucu tubers,jicama roots and community tourism

   Germany:Ark Farms-a model for the conservation of rare breeds

   Great Britain:Farm Parks as a refuge for rare breeds

   Elements of successful touristic marketing of agricultural diversity

   The contribution of tourism to the conservation of agriculturaldiversity and culture

  2.4 Value chains and the conservation of biodiversity

   Value chains are helpful for planning

   The most important elements in a value chain and their impact on diversity

    The original product

    Number of producers

    Market power of the buyers


    Number of parallel value chains for an original product

   Which characteristics of biodiversity products make market access easier?

   Which supporting measures are especially suitable for developing the market for biodiversity products?

   What contribution can support measures for biodiversity products make towards reducing poverty and improving nutrition?

    ● The division of power(governance)within the value chain

    ● Opportunities for access to the value chain

    ● The proportion of women among the beneficiaries

   Important parties involved in the sphere of marketing biodiversity products

  2.5 Creating value from products with protected designations to conserve agricultural diversity

   Geographical indications and agricultural diversity

   France:Comté cheese from the Jura

   Mexico:Mezcal-agave spirit with a long tradition

   Vietnam:Tam Xoan rice-sought-after throughout the country

   Advantages and opportunities of geographic certification

   Geographic seals do not automatically protect agrobiodiversity

  2.6 Utilising biodiversity through marketing-the case of the Schw?bisch H?llisches pig

   The Schw?bisch-H?llisches Landschwein-an old pig breed rich in tradition

   The value chain of the Schw?bisch-H?llisches Landschwein pig

   Protected brand

   Professional marketing strategy

   Impacts of the preservation of the pig

   Useful elements for development cooperation

  2.7 Utilising biodiversity through marketing-the case of fine flavour cocoa from Ecuador

   Varieties and origins

   The traditional value chain-from small farmers to the chocolate factory

    Marketing the raw cocoa

    Processing and distribution

   The winners are the processors

   Measures for promoting production and marketing

   New products and higher incomes

   Conserving agrobiodiversity and the rainforest

   Poverty reduction and species conservation go hand in hand

  2.8 Utilising biodiversity-who benefits?The case of Stevia,the sweetener of the Guarani people

   Cultivation and marketing

   On the world market’s doorstep

   International agreements and benefit sharing

   No national regime in place yet

   Conserving Stevia and safeguarding indigenous interests

 3.Governance of agrobiodiversity

  3.1 Incentive measures for the conservation of agrobiodiversity

   Old varieties rediscovered

   Diversity must provide benefits

   Attractive competition-seed and livestock markets

   The surrounding economy also needs incentives

   Successful incentive systems can be planned

    ● Integrated project approach

    ● Effective working relationships with the farmers

    ● Group work

    ● Short funding paths and a clear role model

   Eliminating negative incentives

  3.2 International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

   IT-summary Farmers’ Rights and contributions

   Facilitated access to plant genetic resources:the multilateral system

   Fair and equitable benefit sharing

   Everything is in flux-provisions for a standard material transfer agreement are still lacking

   The major collections held by the International Agricultural Research Centres

   Need for action in the context of international development cooperation

  3.3 The role of intellectual property rights in agriculture

   Eighty years of intellectual property rights in agriculture

   Protection of intellectual property rights for developing countries

   Intellectual property rights,the CBD and the International Treaty

   Effects on biodiversity and food security

   The right to food:requirements upon intellectual property regulation

   Summary and implications for development cooperation

  3.4 Farmers’ Rights and agrobiodiversity

   International commitment to Farmers’ Rights

   Farmers’ Rights are collective rights

   The key points

   Farmers’ Rights in the fight against poverty

   Farmers’ Rights in practice

   A programme for development cooperation work

  3.5 Genetic resources-access and equitable benefit sharing

   Access to genetic resources within the CBD

   The contribution of GTZ

   Action required

  3.6 Biosafety-the implementation of the Cartagena Protocol

   The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety

   The German Biosafety Capacity Building Initiative

   GTZ’s contribution to implementation of the Cartagena Protocol

   Action required

  3.7 The EU Novel Foods Regulation-its impact on trade in biodiversity products from developing countries

   The challenge

   Discouraging experiences

   Changing the current situation

   Roles for the research and development community










Bishop,S.,M.de Jong and D.Gray,2002:将基因成分纳入农场动物疾病管理的机会:政策发布。粮农基因资源委员会,第18号背景研究文件www.fao.org/Ag/magazine/bsp18-e.pdf

Gibson,J.,2002:附录13,发展中国家家畜基因抗性在对抗疾病中的作用:潜在影响和可研究问题。In:Perry,P.D.,T.F.Randolph,J.J.McDermott,K.R.Sones and P.K.Thornton:发展动物健康研究,减少贫困。国际家畜研究所,内罗毕,肯尼亚。

Reodecha.C.and K.Choprakarn,2006:泰国禽流感及其对家禽多样性的影响。2005年11月蒙彼利埃国际农场动物遗传资源保护方法和策略研讨会会议文件。







K?ck,W,2004:Invasive gebietsfremde Arten.Stand und Perspektiven der Weiterentwicklung und Umsetzung der CBD-Verpflichtungen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Umsetzung in Deutschmand[Invasive alien species.Status and outlook of the development and implementation of CBD commitments,with special reference to their implementation in Germany].In:Wolff,N.and W.K?ck(Hrsg.):10 Jahre übereinkommen über die biologische Vielfalt-Eine Zwischenbilanz[The CBD ten years on an interim evaluation].Umweltrechtliche Studien-Studies on Environmental Law 33:107-125.

Bala Ravi,S.,2004:被遗忘的小米使穷人免遭饥荒,第六卷、第一册,35~36。

Kotschi,Johannes,2006:Coping with climate change and the role of agrobiodiversity.Conference on International Agricultural Research for Development.Tropentag 2006,University of Bonn,Germany.11-13 October 2006.

Oxfam,2002:Drought Relief in Southern Ethiopia.Sustainable water supply and food security systems established by Oxfam partner Action For Development(AFD)has helped hundreds of communities in southern Ethiopia survive severe drought.www.oxfamamerica.org.

Ceccarelli,S.,2006:参与式育种:南半球国家的经验——北半球国家的观点。收录于:Desclaux,D.and M.Hédont(编)2006:ECO-PB研讨会会议录8~17页:《参与式育种:关乎有机农业?》2006年6月11~13日,法国。




Benbrook,C.M.,2005:Rust,resistance,run down soils and rising costs-problems facing soybean producers in Argentina.Ag BioTech InfoNet.Technical Paper 8,pp.1-51.

Eyhorn,F.,M.Ramakrishnan and P.M?der,2007:The viability of cotton-based organic farming systems in India.International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 5/1,pp.25-38.

James,C.,2006:ISAAA Briefs 35.www.isaaa.org/Resources/publications/briefs/35/pptslides/briefs-35-flashpaper.swf

Kotschi,Johannes,2008:Transgenic crops and their impact on biodiversity.GAIA 17/1,pp.36-41(this article includes a detailed bibliography on the subject).

Russel,D.A.andK.R.Kranthi,2006:Improved cotton bollworm(Helicoverpa armigera)control in small-scale cotton production systems.In:Sustainability:Biotechnology and crop management.Papers presented at the Technical Seminar at the 65th Plenary Meeting of the International Cotton Advisory Committee,Goiania,Brazil,September 2006,pp.20-26.

Smale,M.,P.Zambrano and M.Cartel,2006:Bales and balance:A review of the methods used to assess the economic impact of Bt-cotton on farmers in developing economies.AgBioForum 9/3,pp.195-212.www.agbioforum.org/v9n3/v9n3a06-zambrano.htm

Wang,S.,D.R.Rust and P.Pinstrup-Andersen,2006:Tarnishing silver bullets:Bt-technology adoption,bounded rationality and the outbreak of secondary pest infestations in China.Selected Paper prepared for presentation at the American Agricultural Economic Association Meeting,Long Beach,CA,USA.22-26 July 2006.



欧洲委员会(EC)2006年3月20日关于农业产品和食品的地理标志和原产地名称保护的第510/2006号条例。http://eur-lex.europa.en/LexUriServ/site/en oj/2006/l_093/l_09320060331en00120025.pdf.





I?W,?ko Institut,Schweisfurth Stiftung,FU Berlin,and LAGS,2004:农业生物多样性的发展。最终报告。柏林。www.agrobiodiversitaet.netdownload/9schweinefall1.pdf




Asociación Nacional de Exportadores de Cacao:www.anecacao.com

生物贸易促进计划(Bio Trade Facilitation Programme-BTFP),2005(n.p.):Diagnóstico del Cacao Sabor Arriba.Programa Nacional de Biocomercio Sostenible Ecuador.www.r0.unctad.org/biotrade/National/Ecuador/Ecuador-docs/Diagnostico_Cacao_Arriba_Ecuador.pdf

Gilbert,C.L.,2006:商品加工的价值链分析与市场力在可可和咖啡产业中的实际应用。5号讨论文件。Università degli Studi di Trento-Dipartimento di Economia,Italy.



Bertoni,M.,1918:La Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni.La estivina y la rebaudina:Nuevas plantas edulcorantes.In:Anales Cientificos Paraguayos 2,pp.129-134.

粮农组织,2001:El Tratado Internacional Sobre Los Recursos Fitogeneticos para la Alimentación y la Agricultura.Rome,p.45.

Noelli,F.S.,1998:Múltiplos usos de éspecies vegetais pela farmacologica Guarani a traves de informacoes historicas.In:Dialogos DHI/UEM2,pp.177-199.






Meyer,Hartmut,2009:Die Rolle geistiger Eigentumsrechte in der Landwirtschaft《知识产权在农业领域的作用》。此前未出版的研究报告,代表德国联邦经济合作与发展部(BMZ),第314页。德国技术合作公司行业项目“Weltern?hrung und Agrobiodiversit?t”[全球粮食安全与农业生物多样性]。艾施博恩,德国。






Brush,Stephen B.,2005:保护传统农业知识wdg华盛顿大学法律和政策简报17卷59-109页。


BMZ,2003:Ern?hrungssicherung in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. übersektorales Konzept(draft version). BMZ,Bonn,Germany.

FAO,2005:The state of food insecurity in the world. FAO,Rome,Italy,www.fao.org/publications/sofi/en/

Garí,J. A.,2004:Plant diversity,sustainable rural livelihoods and the HIV/AIDS crisis. FAO,Rome and UNDP,Bangkok.

GTZ,2005:Home gardens-treasure troves of diversity. Issue papers People & Biodiversity. GTZ,Eschborn,Germany.

IPGRI,GFU and MSSRF,2005:Agricultural biodiversity and elimination of hunger and poverty. The Chennai platform for action.

Wanasinghe,A. D.,2003:From school garden to home garden. Adoption of agricultural practices. Integrated Food Security Programme Triconmalee,Sri Lanka. www.ifsp-srilanka.org/TP-29-gardenaruna.pdf

FAO,2004:Training manual building on gender,agrobiodiversity and local knowledge. Rome,Italy.

FAO,2005:SEAGA livestock guide. Planning with a gender and HIV/AIDS lens. Rome,Italy.

Howard,P. L.(ed.),2003:Women and plants. Gender relations in biodiversity management and conservation. London,GB.

Bishop,S.,M. de Jong and D. Gray,2002:Opportunities for incorporating genetic elements into the management of farm animal diseases:Policy issues. Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture,background study paper No 18. www.fao.org/Ag/magazine/bsp18-e.pdf

Gibson,J.,2002:Appendix 13,Role of genetically determined resistance of livestock to diseases in the developing world:Potential impact and researchable issues. In:Perry,P. D.,T. F. Randolph,J. J. McDermott,K. R. Sones and P. K. Thornton:Investing in animal health research to alleviate poverty. International Livestock Research Institute,Nairobi,Kenya,p. 14.

Reodecha,C. and K. Choprakarn,2006:Avian influenza and its impacts on poultry diversity in Thailand. Paper presented at Montpellier,International Workshop on Options and Strategies for the Conservation of Farm Animal Genetic Resources,November 2005.

Further in-depth information is also available on the FAO(www.fao.org)and OIE(www.oie.int/eng)websites.

Convention on Biological Diversity:A comprehensive summary of documents on activities related to invasive species within the framework of the Convention(including those of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific,Technical and Technological Advice SBSTTA,and the decisions of the Conference of the Parties)is available at www.cbd.int/invasive.

Global Invasive Species Database(GISD):The GISD was developed by the Invasive Species Specialist Group(ISSG)of the Species Survival Commission of the IUCN-World Conservation Union and is updated on an ongoing basis. GISD also compiles the list of 100 of the World’s Worst Invasive Alien Species,www.issg.org/database

Global Invasive Species Programme(GISP):An international partnership dedicated to addressing the global threat of invasive species. For more information see www.gisp.org.

Global Strategy on Invasive Alien Species:www.gisp.org/publications/brochures/globalstrategy.pdf.

IUCN-Invasive Species Specialist Group:www.issg.org.

K?ck,W.,2004:Invasive gebietsfremde Arten. Stand und Perspektiven der Weiterentwicklung und Umsetzung der CBD-Verpflichtungen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Umsetzung in Deutschland [Invasive alien species. Status and outlook of the development and implementation of CBD commitments,with special reference to their implementation in Germany]. In:Wolff,Nv und W. K?ck(Hrsg.):10 Jahre übereinkommen über die biologische Vielfalt-Eine Zwischenbilanz [The CBD ten years on an interim evaluation]. Umweltrechtliche Studien-Studies on Environmental Law 33,pp. 107-125.

McNeely,J. A.,H. A. Moone,L. E. Neville,P. J. Schei and J. K. Waage(eds.),2001:Global stategy on invasive alien species. Scope,CAB International & IUCN(Global Invasive Species).

Bala Ravi,S.,2004:Neglected millets that save the poor from starvation. LEISA India,vol. 6/1,pp. 34-36.

Kotschi,Johannes,2006:Coping with climate change;and the role of agrobiodiversity. Conference on International Agricultural Research for Development. Tropentag 2006,University of Bonn,Germany. 11-13 October 2006.

Oxfam,2002:Drought Relief in Southern Ethiopia. Sustainable water supply and food security systems established by Oxfam partner Action For Development(AFD)has helped hundreds of communities in southern Ethiopia survive severe drought. www.oxfamamerica.org

Benbrook,C. M.,2005:Rust,resistance,run down soils and rising costs-problems facing soybean producers in Argentina. Ag BioTech InfoNet. Technical Paper 8,pp. 1-51.

Eyhorn,F.,M. Ramakrishnan and P. M?der,2007:The viability of cotton-based organic farming systems in India. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 5/1,pp. 25-38.

James,C.,2006:ISAAA Briefs 35. www.isaaa.org/Resources/publications/briefs/35/pptslides/briefs-35-flashpaper.swf

Kotschi,Johannes,2008:Transgenic crops and their impact on biodiversity. GAIA 17/1,pp. 36-41(this article includes a detailed bibliography on the subject).

Russel,D. A. and K. R. Kranthi,2006:Improved cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera)control in small-scale cotton production systems. In:Sustainability:Biotechnology and crop management. Papers presented at the Technical Seminar at the 65th Plenary Meeting of the International Cotton Advisory Committee,Goiania,Brazil,September 2006,pp. 20-26.

Smale,M.,P. Zambrano and M. Cartel,2006:Bales and balance:A review of the methods used to assess the economic impact of Bt-cotton on farmers in developing economies. AgBioForum 9/3,pp. 195-212. www.agbioforum.org/v9n3/v9n3a06-zambrano.htm

Wang,S.,D. R. Rust and P. Pinstrup-Andersen,2006:Tarnishing silver bullets:Bt-technology adoption,bounded rationality and the outbreak of secondary pest infestations in China. Selected Paper prepared for presentation at the American Agricultural Economic Association Meeting,Long Beach,CA,USA. 22-26 July 2006.

Meyer,Hartmut,2009:Die Rolle geistiger Eigentumsrechte in der Landwirtschaft [The role of intellectual property rights in agriculture]. Previously unpublished study on behalf of The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development(BMZ),Paper 314. Sector project “Weltern?hrung und Agrobiodiversit?t” [Global food security and agrobiodiversity] of GTZ. Eschborn,Germany.

UN General Assembly,2007:Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples,www.eed.de/fix/files/doc/070919_UNDRIP.pdf

UN General Assembly,2009:The right to food-seed policies and the right to food:enhancing agrobiodiversity and encouraging innovation. Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to food,www2.ohchr.org/english/issues/food/annual.htm

World Bank,2006:Intellectual property rights-designing regimes to support plant breeding in developing countries. REPORT No. 35517-GLB. http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTARD/Resources/IPR_ESW.pdf

Andersen,Regine,2005a:The history of Farmers’ Rights-a guide to central documents and literature. FNI Report 8/2005. The Fridtjof Nansen Institute,Lysaker,Norway,www.fni.no/doc&pdf/FNI-R0805.pdf

Andersen,Regine,2005b:Results from an international stakeholder survey on Farmers’ Rights. FNI Report 9/2005. The Fridtjof Nansen Institute,Lysaker,Norway. www.fni.no/doc&pdf/FNl-R0905.pdf

Brush,Stephen B.,2005:Protecting traditional agricultural knowledge. Washington University Journal of Law and Policy,Vol. 17,pp. 59-109.

Correa,Carlos,2000:Options for the implementation of Farmers’ Rights at the national level. South Centre:Working paper 8,December 2000.