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Collaboration: The Second World Philanthropy Forum


[内容简介] “世界公益慈善论坛”第二届论坛于2017年11月29日在北京举办,论坛由中国人民对外友好协会和清华大学联合发起并主办,邀请世界范围的学界、商界、政界及社会组织等重要代表人士,参加全球范围内的公益慈善与社会服务的经验分享、学术交流和政策倡导。本书为会议内容的选编,分为中文和英文两部分,内容涉及致辞、贺信、演讲、高端对话、平行论坛、圆桌对话、宣言和倡议书及嘉宾专访等八部分。


作 者:《协同合作:第二届世界公益慈善论坛》编辑组
编 辑:刘同辉;刘晓果
出版时间: 2019年01月
语 种:汉文
中图分类:C2 社会科学机构、团体、会议




























   议题1 华人社会工作的专业教研、人才培养与未来发展

   议题2 华人社会工作的服务实践、人才培养与未来发展





   议题1 总结经验、凝聚共识

   议题2 中外协作 消除贫困


   议题1 青年发展与经济成长

   议题2 未来机遇:创新创业


   深度研讨1 社会影响力投资的资金来源

   深度研讨2 社会影响力投资的市场及其项目


   圆桌讨论1 社会力量对实现2030年可持续发展目标的重要意义

   圆桌讨论2 开放的中国贡献与全球绿色发展





























  关注教育 成就青年























 Chapter 1 Addresses and Congratulations Letters

  Speech by Li Haifeng

  Speech by Gao Xiaobing

  Speech by Li Xiaolin

  Speech by Chen Xu

  Congratulations Letter from António Guterres

  Congratulations Letter from Bill Gates

  Congratulations Letter from Michele Sullivan

  Congratulations Letter from Darren Walker

  Congratulations Letter from Birger Stamperdahl

  Congratulations Letter from Jennifer Morgan

  Congratulations Letter from Asheesh Advani

  Congratulations Letter from Winnie Byanyima

  Congratulations Letter from Kevin J. Jenkins

 Chapter 2 Keynote Speeches

  To Contribute Chinese Strength and Wisdom to Promoting Global Sustainable Development

  Social Impact Investment and Capital Market

  Speech at the Closing Ceremony of the Second World Philanthropy Forum

 Chapter 3 High-level Dialogues

  Education,Health,and Philanthropy

  Sustainable Development Goals and Philanthropy

  Philanthropy and Social Service Collaboration along the Belt and Road

  Diaspora Philanthropy:The Case of Chinese Americans

  The Future of Social Services in Chinese Society:Cultivating Talent,Education,Research and Practice

   Session 1 Professional Teaching and Research,Talent Cultivation and Future Development of Chinese Social Work

   Session 2 Service Practice,Talent Cultivation and Future Development of Chinese Social Work

  Management and Cooperation of Foundations

  International Organizations in China

 Chapter 4 Parallel Forums

  Anti-poverty and Global and Regional Governance

   Session 1 Summarizing Experience and Building ConsensusThe moderator Trini Leung:I'd very like to thank secretary-general and chairman Lan Yi for telling us the inspiring story and sharing the experience.

   Session 2 Domestic and International Cooperation for Eradication of Poverty

  Youth Development and Social Impact

   Session 1 Youth Development and Economic Growth

   Session 2 Future Possibilities:Innovation and Entrepreneurship

  International Perspectives on Investing for Social Good

   In-depth Discussion:Investing for Social Impact Investment:What are the Sources of Funds?

   In-depth Discussion:Investing for Social Impact:Where are the Funds and Projects Invested?

  Green Cooperation

   Roundtable Discussion 1 The Significance of Social Force on Achieving 2030 Sustainable Development Goals

   Roundtable Discussion 2:An Open China Contributes to Global Green Development

 Chapter 5 Roundtable Dialogues

  Strategic Cooperation of Chinese Social Work

   Ⅰ.Tsinghua University's Efforts in Recruiting and Cultivating Masters Majoring in Social Work

   Ⅱ.Suggestions for Jointly Promoting China's Social Work Model

   Ⅲ.Discussion on the Construction of Chinese Social Work

  The Preparation of Academic Mechanism and Academic Committee

   I.Professional and Research Cooperation in Social Work,Public Welfare and Charity

   Ⅱ.The Coordination and Development of Social Work and Public Welfare and Charity

   Ⅲ.The World Philanthropy Forum in 2018 and Its Theme Discussion

   Ⅳ.The Preparation of Academic Mechanism and Academic Committee

  A Community of Shared Future for Mankind:Collaborative Network for Philanthropy and Social Services

   I.The Perspective of Anti-poverty and Governance

   Ⅱ.The Perspective of Youth Work

   Ⅲ.The Perspective of Women and Children

   Ⅳ.The Perspective of Green Promoting and Environmental Protection

   Ⅴ.The Perspective of Social Work Collaboration

   Ⅵ.The Perspective of Enterprise Collaboration

  Cooperation between Chinese and Foreign Enterprises in Localization and Globalization of Social Responsibilities

   Ⅰ.The Path and Method for Overseas Enterprises to Carry Out Corporate Social Responsibility and Public Welfare and Charity Undertakings in China

   Ⅱ.The Experience of Chinese Enterprises Practicing Social Responsibilities:The Case of Tencent

   Ⅲ.The Experience of Foreign Company Practicing Social Responsibility:The Case of Royal Friesland

 Chapter 6 Declarations and Initiatives

  Build a Community of Shared Future for Mankind towards a Better Life:World Declaration of Friendship

  “A Community of Shared Future for Mankind:Collaborative Network for Philanthropy and Social Services” Initial Written Proposal

 Chapter 7 Exclusive Interviews with Guests

  Speak for the Environment Through Communications and Dialogues

  Make Philanthropy More Efficient by Capacity Building and Professional Consulting

  Philanthropy is an Investment and Education is the Foundation for All

  Focus on Education and Promote Youth Development

  China Has Made Great Achievement in Protecting Children's Rights

  Training is a Vital Way to Retain Talents

  Bringing Changes to the World Together

  The Only Way to Retain Social Workers is to Provide Them with a Clear Career Path

  Safeguarding Environmental Rights and Interests Relies on Increased Social Awareness

   Safeguarding the Environmental Public Interests is a Long and Bumpy Journey

   Contributing to the Implementation of Belt and Road Initiative by Engaging in Environmental Protection Among the Participating Countries

   The Pollution Caused by “Take-out food” Need to Be Tackled Through Joint Efforts

  Green Finance and the Responsibility of China as a Big Power

  Building a Bright Future with Your Child

  Offering More Development Opportunities for the Impoverished

  Allowing the Philanthropic Organizations to Take More Steady and Forceful Steps When “Going-out”

  Taking Full Advantage of the Unique Strength of Overseas Chinese

  The Biggest Challenge of Global Poverty Alleviation is Inequality

  Give2Asia Looks to Expand Its Presence in China

  Rockefeller Foundation Looks to Strengthen Its Presence in China

  China Has a Lot of Experience to Share with the Rest of the World

  Abide by the New Law to Build Stable Trust

  Environmental Protection in China

  World Vision International and China

 Chapter 8 Introduction to the Organizers of the Third World Philanthropy Forum

  The Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries

  Tsinghua University

  The University of Hong Kong

  The Chinese University of Hong Kong