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BRICs & the global transformation


[内容简介] “为‘金砖四国’的深化合作提供智力支持和政策咨询”是四国智库召开峰会的立意所在,2010年4 月14~15日,在巴西利亚举行的首届“金砖四国智库峰会”上,来自“金砖四国”智库的专家学者就金融危机、国际贸易、气候变化、外国直接投资、技术创新、全球治理等专题展开了深入讨论,分析了“金砖四国”在“后危机时代”的全球转型中的角色,并就四国合作领域、合作内容提出了有针对性的对策建议。与此同时,通过智库峰会这一平台,四国的专家学者深刻体会到了“金砖四国”之间所存在的差异,以及各国在重大国际事务上相似但有区别的关切。该书汇集了参与巴西利亚“金砖四国”智库峰会部分中外专家的研究成果,它为公众认识“金砖四国”,了解“金砖四国”合作现状和前景提供了一扇很好的窗口。


作 者: 李扬
编 辑:李博;;段其刚
出版时间: 2011年03月
语 种:中文
中图分类:D8 外交、国际关系



 BRICs and the Financial Crisis

  Crisis as an Exam for the BRICs

   Peculiarities of the present crisis

   Reaction of BRICs countries

   Some lessons of the crisis and interaction among the BRICs countries

  BRICs’Cooperation Potential in the Post-Crisis Era

   Timing of stimulus exit and coordination of BRICs’economic policies

   Global rebalancing pressure and BRICs’economic adjustment

   Reform of global financial system and BRICs’roles

   New protectionism and how to promote the Doha Round negotiation

   Global climate change rules and transition of economic growth pattern in BRICs

  The BRICs’Exchange Rate Movement and Arrangement

   Pre-crisis Exchange rate arrangement in BRICs

   Post-crisis Exchange rate arrangement in BRICs

   Case analysis of BRICs’Exchange rate arrangement






 BRICs and Trade

  Trade Linkages of BRICs in the World Economy

   Global financial crisis transmission and BRICs’trade linkages

   Export diversification and BRICs’trade linkage

   Trade balance,change in comparative advantage and BRICs’trade linkages

   Competitive complementarities,competitive stress and BRICs’trade linkages


  The Geography of Brazilian External Trade:Right Option for a BRICs?


   Recent trade trends

   Multilateral approach

   Is the regional option a mistake?

   The challenges involved in the regional option

    Challenge # 1:Dealing with different actors

    Challenge # 2:Regionalism in a world of preferential trade agreements

    Challenge # 3:Where exactly are we going?

    Challenge # 4:The much needed monetary cooperation

    Challenge # 5:What about the effects of the crisis?

   Final remarks

 BRICs and Investment

  Prospect for Direct Investment among the BRICs Countries

   Analysis on the prospect of direct investment among the BRICs countries

    Common international strategies have turned the BRICs countries into a political club

    Common challenges have transformed the BRICs into an interest party

    Similar economic development stages and strategies have prompted the BRICs to form cooperative partnership

   Policy proposals for direct investment among the BRICs countries

    Bring into full play of the government role in promoting mutual investment

    Establish the BRICs R&D mechanism and promote economic development

    Establish a BRICs financial mechanism and further promote investment

    Further open markets and promote trade-related investment

  The Internationalization of Chinese Firms


   The international trends of foreign direct investment

   The direct investment of developing:countries:the emergence of Asia

    Decade of 1960 and 1980

    From mid-1980s to 1990s

    Recent period

   The chinese direct investment:a characterization

   The process of internationalization of chinese enterprises and major policy measures

    Control of capital,formation of the sovereign fund and the internationalization of chinese enterprises

    Incentives policy for internationalization and simplification of procedures

     Fiscal and financial incentives

     Providing information and guidance and other support

     International agreements


 BRICs and Environment

  In Pursuit of More Brilliant Future for Our World-Environmental Issues and BRICs

  Environmental Crisis-Human Dimension


   Anthropocentrism vs. Ecocentrism

 Innovation and Perspectives of BRICs’Cooperation

  Comparison of Government Functions of BRICs in“National Innovation System”


   Comparison of national innovation system investment mechanism of BRICs’governments

   Comparison of BRICs’Governments Policies and Measures on NIS

    Similarities of BRICs’governments policies and measures on NIS

     Incentive policy is adopted to promote innovation effort of main body

     Committed to improving the innovation environment

     The technology development direction is guided on the level of national strategy

    Differences in BRICs’government policies and measures on NIS

     Different policy focuses

     Different technology foundations and policy objectives

     Different policy routes

   Problems of the governments of BRICs and NIS

    Common problems in BRICs

     Over-focus on the R&D and technical factor of innovation

     Various policies lack of effective integration

    Individual problems in BRICs





   Homoplasy and embeddedness:two brief conclusions

    The construction of NIS in BRICs has the tendency of homoplasy

    The current situation that the construction of NIS in BRICs lacks of embeddedness

  BRICs:Cooperation Perspectives in the International Security Sphere

  BRICs:Significance,Basis for Partnership and Their Role in Shaping the Global Order

   The Significance of the Rising of the BRICs

   The basis for cooperation of the“BRICs”

    The establishment of new international financial order

     Improving international finance supervision system

     Changing of the U.S. dollar’s international hegemony and promoting the diversity of international monetary system

     Improving the reform of international financial institutions and promoting the developing countries’discourse power in international financial organizations

    The coordination of BRICs stands and making contribution to promote the sustainable and balanced growth of the world economy

    Trade protectionism

    Energy Cooperation

    Environmental issues and climate change

   Self-awareness of the BRICs and their role in world

    The representatives of developing countries

    Playing the role of“BRICsK”in the global economy

    The coordinator between the nations who have different interests

    The active advocates of the new international financial order

    The pushers of global multi-polarization

    The engine of global economic recovery and development

    A China mode

    The representative of the creditor nations of us dollar assets


  The Institutionalization of BRICs and China’s Role

   Core topics and background analyzing

   Review on the institutionalization of BRICs

   Multilateral cooperation with orientation

   The prospect and route of further institutionalization

   The Choice of China’s role in BRICs


  China & India:How to Lead Asia’s Self-sustained Growth?

   Asia’s self-sustained growth and role of China and India in it

    With rebalancing effort between saving and consumption by the American consumers,the global demand will consequently slow down in the long run

    Challenged by the new situations,Asian export-oriented economies will pay more attention to interregional market.

   The road to self-determined and self-sustained growth by China and India

    China’s transition

     Three bottlenecks

     Ways of breaking the bottlenecks

    India’s reindustrialization

     Limitations of Indian Growth Pattern

     Making great efforts in developing manufacturing

    Expending Spill-over Effects to the Neighboring Economies through Much Tighter Regional Cooperation

  Think-Tank Forum Initiates New Dialogues Channel for the BRICs Countries

 Media Reports



  BRIC-Think Tank Summit Starts in Brasilia

  BRIC Countries’Think Tanks to Strengthen Cooperation

  Para pesquisadores,Bric deve discutir moeda

  Ipea discute papel do Bric depois da crise econ?mica mundial

简 介:本文集收录的文章都是由提供者自选的。从每一篇论文的题目上看,作为编辑者我们发现,如果说20年前大家关注的焦点是外部世界的经济运行与机制,那么今天他们注重的则是中国与外部世界的政治经济关系或互动。之所以会出现这样的关注中心的变化,原因大致和以下两个事实相关:其一,国家、企业和学术界对世经政所研究成果的需求,正越来越多地转...

作者: 张宇燕
出版时间: 2012年10月