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UNDP China policy and advocacy papers


[内容简介] 这是联合国开发计划署驻华代表处政策和宣传文集的第一卷。文集集中讨论国内和国际关注的问题,每卷包括两篇中英文对照的论文。该书中的《缓解中国贫困的一体化战略》对中国政府未来的贫困工作提出了建议。《中国小额信贷政策》旨在分析和讨论中国小额信贷发展面临的政策问题,并在推进小额信贷发展的专门政策、法律和规章等方面提出建议。


作 者:
编 辑:
出版时间: 2003年07月
语 种:中文
中图分类:E 军事





  Ⅰ 摘要

  Ⅱ 中国的贫困和减贫

   A 收入型贫困的发展趋势

   B 人类贫困——指标和趋势

   C 贫困、改革和贸易自由化

   D 减贫速度下降的原因

  Ⅲ 中国的扶贫战略

   A 扶贫覆盖的地理范围有限

   B 使穷人受益的瞄准机制失效

   C 扶贫计划与经济政策的割裂

   D 与其他福利项目协调

  Ⅳ 缓解贫困的宏观政策建议

   A 经济增长和分配

   B 刺激农村经济增长

   C 区域发展政策:减少不均衡

   D 改革累退的财税政策

   E 促进就业和劳动力流动

  Ⅴ 缓解贫困的微观措施

   A 改进瞄准机制以使穷人受益

   B 教育和医疗卫生*

   C 将农村的基础设施直接指向穷人*

   D 小额信贷

  Ⅵ 缓解贫困与制度

   A 参与和社会组织

   B 监测、监督和协调


 An Integrated Approach to Reducing Poverty in China


  Ⅰ Executive Summary

  Ⅱ Poverty and poverty reduction in China

   A Trends in income poverty

   B Human poverty -indicators and trends

   C Poverty,Reform and Trade Liberalization

   D Reasons for the slowdown in poverty reduction

  Ⅲ China’s poverty reduction strategy

   A Limited geographic coverage

   B Ineffective targeting of benefits to the poor

   C The separation of poverty programs from economic policy

   D Co-ordination with other welfare programs

  Ⅳ Macro-policy recommendations for poverty reduction

   A Economic growth and distribution

   B Stimulating rural growth

   C Regional development policy:reducing the imbalance

   D Reforming regressive fiscal policies

   E Promoting employment and labor mobility

  Ⅴ Micro_level interventions

   A Improved targeting of benefits to the poor

   B Education and health for poverty reduction*

   C Directing rural infrastructure to the poor*

   D Micro-finance

  Ⅵ Institutional issues and poverty reduction

   A Participation and social organizations

   B Monitoring,supervision and co-ordination



















































 Policies for Microfinance in China



  Executive Summary

   The evolution of microfinance in China

   Principal characteristics of microfinance in China

   The legal,regulatory and policy environment for microfinance in China

   Future directions of microfinance development in China


    1.Recommendations to the Government

    2.Recommendations to the central bank

    3.Recommendations to microfinance institutions

    4.Recommendations to donors


  The evolution of microfinance in China

   1.The government approach to addressing demand for credit from the poor

   2.Experiments in microfinance for poverty alleviation

   3.Ongoing transformation of microfinance development in China

  Principal characteristics of microfinance in China

   1.An overview of microfinance in China

   2.Products and services by type of institution

   3.Outreach of services by type of institution

   4.Viability by type of institution:operational and financial sustainability

    ·Repayment performance

    ·Yield on portfolio

    ·Operational and financial sustainability

  The legal,regulatory and policy environment for microfinance in China

   1.Entry regulations and policies

    A.Credit co-operative

    B.Commercial banks

    C.Finance company


   2.Pricing policies

   3.Financing policies

   4.Subsidised loans policy

   5.Policies for closing or merging RCCs with poor management

   6.Human resources policies and social safety system

  Future Directions for Microfinance Development in China

   1.Market demand

   2.Possible effects of accession to the WTO

   3.Possible future directions of microfinance development

    RCCs as a principal provider of microfinance service

    Developing NGO-operated microfinance institutions into sustainable microfinance institutions


   1.Recommendations to the government

   2.Recommendations to the central bank

   3.Recommendations to microfinance institutions

   4.Recommendations to donors


1.Asian Development Bank,2001,Country Economic Review:People's Republic of China,November.

2.UN Theme Group on HIV/AIDS in China,2001,Aids in China:New Millennium-Titanic Challenge,1 December 2001.

3.Crook,Frederick W.,2002,"The WTO's Impact on China's Agricultural Sector," in China Business Review,March-April.

4.Development Research Center,State Council of the People's Republic of China,The Global and Domestic Impact of China Joining the World Trade Organization,Washington,Center for China Studies,1998

5.FAO,2000,The State of Food Insecurity in the World,Rome,FAO.

6.Hannum,Emily and Albert Park,2002,"Education China's Rural Children in the 21st Century," Harvard China Review,forthcoming.

7.Hu,Angang and Ping Zhou,2000,Society and Development:Disparities in social development in China Zhejiang People's Publishing House.

8.Hu,Angang et al,1998,Employment and Development,Liaoning People's Publishing House.

9.Hardiman,Richard,1998,"Overcoming Poverty:Infrastructure". Paper commissioned by UNDP for the China Poverty Study,November.

10.Hussain,Athar et al(2002),Urban Poverty in PRC,Asian Development Bank,Project No.TAR:PRC 33448.

11.Jia Heping,2001,“Nations Income Gap Widens,” China Daily Business Weekly,20,28August-3 September.

12.Khan,Azizur R.,1998,Poverty in China in the Period of Globalization:New Evidence on Trend and Pattern,Issues in Development Discussion Paper 22,International Labor Organization,Geneva.

13.Khan,Azizur R.Keith Griffin and Carl Riskin,1999,"Income Distribution in Urban China During the Period of Economic Reform and Globalization",American Economic Review,Papers and Proceedings,May.

14.Khan,Azizur R. and Carl Riskin,2001,Inequality and Poverty in China in the Age of Globalization,Oxford University Press,New York.

15.Nicholas Lardy,Integrating China into the Global Economy,Washington,D.C.Brookings,2002.

16.Lin,Justin,Fang Cai and Zhou Li,1997,"Social Consequences of Economic Reform in China:An Analysis of Regional Disparity in the Transition Period",Unpublished report for UNDP,Beijing.

17.Yuanli Uu,"Reforming China's Urban Health insurance System," unpublished paper,Harvard University School of Public Health,2002.

18.Park,Albert and Sangui Wang,2001,"China's Poverty Statistics," China Economic Review 12(2001).

19.Qiu,Renzong,2001,"A Proposal to(sic)the Legislation and Law Reform in Relation to AIDS in The People's Republic of China(Draft)," unpublished paper.

20.Thomas R.Rawski,"What's Happening to China's GDP Statistics?," and rest of symposium on Chinese statistics in China Economic Review,12,4,December 2001.

21.Thomas R.Rawski,"Recent Developments in China's Labor Economy," unpublished,February 2002.

22.C.Riskin,R.Zhao and S.Li,eds.,China's Retreat from Equality,M.E.Sharpe,2001.

23.Solinger,Dorothy,2001,"WTO and China's Workers," paper presented at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Symposium,China Joins the WTO:Domestic Challenges and International Pressures,"Washington,D.C.December 13.

24.UNAIDS and WHO,2000,Epidemiological Fact Sheets on HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmiotted Infections,2000 Update(revised),UNAIDS/WHO Working Group on Global HIV/AIDS and STI Surveillance,Geneva.

25.UNDP,1997. Human Development Report,New York.

26.UNDP,1998. UNDP Poverty Report 1998:Overcoming Human Poverty,New York.

27.UNDP,2000. UNDP Poverty Report 2000:Overcoming Human Poverty,New York.

28.UNDP,1999a. Human Development Report,New York.

29.UNDP,1999b. China Human Development Report 1999,Beijing:China Financial and Economic Publishing House,Project No.TAR:PRC 33448.

30.UNICEF,1998. "Post-MTR Review of Directions in Education Planning,Management and Financing",paper written by D.Brock,September 1998.

31.Wang Yanhai(2002),"Henan aizhi bing liuxing he yingxiang(Impact of the AIDS epidemic in Henan)," available at http://www.aizhi.org/azxd/impactstudy.doc,March 8,2002.

32.White Paper on Rural China's Poverty Reduction,issued by the State Council in October 2001,http://english.peopledaily.com.cn.

33.World Bank,1992. China:Strategies for Reducing Poverty in the 1990s,Washington,D.C.

34.World Bank,United Nations Development Program,and the Leading Group for Poverty Reduction,2001,China:Overcoming Rural Poverty,Washington D.C.,World Bank.

35.Yip,Ray,1998. "Joint UNICEF-World Bank Assessment and Supervision of the On-going Project for the Strengthening of Primary Health Care in Poverty Areas",draft report,November 20.

36.Zhu Ling,2001,"Food Security of Low-income Groups in Rural China," Riskin,Zhao and Li.

1.Asian Development Bank,2001,Country Economic Review:People's Republic of China,November.

2.UN Theme Group on HIV/AIDS in China,2001,Aids in China:New Millennium-Titanic Challenge,1 December 2001.

3.Crook,Frederick W.,2002,"The WTO's Impact on China's Agricultural Sector,"in China Business Review,March-April.

4.Development Research Center,State Council of the People's Republic of China,The Global and Domestic Impact of China Joining the World Trade Organization,Washington,Center for China Studies,1998

5.FAO,2000,The State of Food Insecurity in the World,Rome,FAO.

6.Hannum,Emily and Albert Park,2002,"Education China's Rural Children in the 21st Century,"Harvard China Review,forthcoming.

7.Hu,Angang and Ping Zhou,2000,Society and Development:Disparities in social development in China Zhejiang People's Publishing House.

8.Hu,Angang et al,1998,Employment and Development,Liaoning People's Publishing House.

9.Hardiman,Richard,1998,"Overcoming Poverty:Infrastructure".Paper commissioned by UNDP for the China Poverty Study,November.

10.Hussain,Athar et al(2002),Urban Poverty in PRC,Asian Development Bank,Project No.TAR:PRC 33448.

11.Jia Heping,2001,“Nations Income Gap Widens,” China Daily Business Weekly,20,28August-3 September.

12.Khan,Azizur R.,1998,Poverty in China in the Period of Globalization:New Evidence on Trend and Pattern,Issues in Development Discussion Paper 22,International Labor Organization,Geneva.

13.Khan,Azizur R.Keith Griffin and Carl Riskin,1999,"Income Distribution in Urban China During the Period of Economic Reform and Globalization",American Economic Review,Papers and Proceedings,May.

14.Khan,Azizur R. and Carl Riskin,2001,Inequality and Poverty in China in the Age of Globalization,Oxford University Press,New York.

15.Nicholas Lardy,Integrating China into the Global Economy,Washington,D.C.Brookings,2002.

16.Lin,Justin,Fang Cai and Zhou Li,1997,"Social Consequences of Economic Reform in China:An Analysis of Regional Disparity in the Transition Period",Unpublished report for UNDP,Beijing.

17.Yuanli Uu,"Reforming China's Urban Health insurance System,"unpublished paper,Harvard University School of Public Health,2002.

18.Park,Albert and Sangui Wang,2001,"China's Poverty Statistics,"China Economic Review 12(2001).

19.Qiu,Renzong,2001,"A Proposal to(sic)the Legislation and Law Reform in Relation to AIDS in The People's Republic of China(Draft),"unpublished paper.

20.Thomas R.Rawski,"What's Happening to China's GDP Statistics?,"and rest of symposium on Chinese statistics in China Economic Review,12,4,December 2001.

21.Thomas R.Rawski,"Recent Developments in China's Labor Economy,"unpublished,February 2002.

22.C.Riskin,R.Zhao and S.Li,eds.,China's Retreat from Equality,M.E.Sharpe,2001.

23.Solinger,Dorothy,2001,"WTO and China's Workers,"paper presented at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Symposium,China Joins the WTO:Domestic Challenges and International Pressures,"Washington,D.C.December 13.

24.UNAIDS and WHO,2000,Epidemiological Fact Sheets on HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmiotted Infections,2000 Update(revised),UNAIDS/WHO Working Group on Global HIV/AIDS and STI Surveillance,Geneva.

25.UNDP,1997.Human Development Report,New York.

26.UNDP,1998.UNDP Poverty Report 1998:Overcoming Human Poverty,New York.

27.UNDP,2000.UNDP Poverty Report 2000:Overcoming Human Poverty,New York.

28.UNDP,1999a.Human Development Report,New York.

29.UNDP,1999b.China Human Development Report 1999,Beijing:China Financial and Economic Publishing House,Project No.TAR:PRC 33448.

30.UNICEF,1998."Post-MTR Review of Directions in Education Planning,Management and Financing",paper written by D.Brock,September 1998.

31.Wang Yanhai(2002),"Henan aizhi bing liuxing he yingxiang(Impact of the AIDS epidemic in Henan),"available at http://www.aizhi.org/azxd/impactstudy.doc,March 8,2002.

32.White Paper on Rural China's Poverty Reduction,issued by the State Council in October 2001,http://english.peopledaily.com.cn.

33.World Bank,1992.China:Strategies for Reducing Poverty in the 1990s,Washington,D.C.

34.World Bank,United Nations Development Program,and the Leading Group for Poverty Reduction,2001,China:Overcoming Rural Poverty,Washington D.C.,World Bank.

35.Yip,Ray,1998."Joint UNICEF-World Bank Assessment and Supervision of the On-going Project for the Strengthening of Primary Health Care in Poverty Areas",draft report,November 20.

36.Zhu Ling,2001,"Food Security of Low-income Groups in Rural China,"Riskin,Zhao and Li.

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