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Rule of Law in China and Finland : Comparative Studies of Their Development History and Model


[内容简介] 芬兰虽地处北欧,人口和国土面积与中国不可同日而言,但芬兰独特的历史文化、社会结构和法律制度,使芬兰成为经济发达、社会和谐、政治昌明、法治完善的国家。特别是其不同于一般西方国家的政治体制和法律理念,为中芬的法学交流提供了得天独厚的背景和基础。呈现给读者的是中国社会科学院和芬兰科学院共同举办的第二、三届中芬比较法国际研讨会的优秀成果。两次研讨会均围绕法治的理论和实践问题展开研讨。现在收入本论文集的论文既涉及法治的重要理论问题,如法治模式、法治价值、法治变迁等,也有重要的法治实践课题,如宪法实施、行政法治、经济社会管理、刑事司法,等等。本论文集将有助于读者了解芬兰乃至北欧国家法治的独特魅力、中国法治理论和实践的最新进展,促进中国和北欧法治模式和法律制度的相互借鉴,为建设“法治中国”提供理论支撑和智识支持。


作 者: 李林 谢增毅
编 辑:张慧强;关晶焱
出版时间: 2013年06月
语 种:中文
中图分类:D9 法律



 Preface to China Forum on the Rule of Law




 第一部分 法治模式与法治变迁


   一 中国法治现状的评价




   二 中国法治面临的主要挑战

   三 中国法治的未来发展










   Ⅰ.Legalist Tradition of Rechsstaat

   Ⅱ. Constitutional Developments in Brief

   Ⅲ. Nordic Comparisons

   Ⅳ.Core Principles of the Finnish Constitution

    1.General Remarks

    2.Core Principles

     Inviolability of human dignity

     Freedom and rights of the individual

     Promotion of justice in society

     State Sovereignty,participation in international co-operation and EU-membership

     People’s sovereignty and democracy

     Separation of powers and parliamentarism


   Ⅴ.Rule of Law in Current Constitutional Context


   一 中芬关系及法律领域的交流概述

   二 芬兰法治模式的特点和新发展










   三 双方表达了加强中芬包括法学在内的社会科学交流的真诚意愿


   一 两种人文主义:西方与中国





   二 法治的三种模式:法家、儒家与西方

   三 迈向道德的民主法治





   Ⅰ.Strongly Binding Sources of Law

   Ⅱ.Weakly Binding Sources of Law

   Ⅲ.Permitted Sources of Law

   Ⅳ.Forbidden Sources of Law


   一 人类诉讼文明发展与司法权配置优化

   二 司法权配置的要素


























   一 法治与宽容原则

   二 法哲学上的宽容原则

   三 宽容原则的价值

   四 结语


   一 条约制度与近代中国社会的转型

   二 领事裁判权制度与晚清法律改革

   三 中华民国的法律变迁



   四 小结


   一 中国法律的起源与初建——夏商周法律

   二 法家思想主导阶段

   三 儒家化法律的形成与发展


   Ⅰ. Harmonization of European Legal Systems

   Ⅱ. Historical Dimensions of Harmonization

   Ⅲ. Towards a Global Perspective


   一 引言

   二 西方主流意见:强迫和干涉的同构性

   三 非强迫性干涉:学者学说与实践





   四 国际法上禁止非强迫性干涉的一般公式探讨




   五 强迫性和非强迫性干涉的内在统一性

   六 不干涉原则与中国的核心利益

 第二部分 宪法实施与行政法治


   一 为什么是准违宪审查

   二 内地准违宪审查实践







   三 港澳基本法下的准违宪审查







   四 准违宪审查的意义及展望


   一 概说

   二 不同审查模式下的合宪限定解释方法比较



   三 合宪限定解释方法的逻辑结构

   四 合宪限定解释方法的正当性

   五 合宪限定解释方法的界限




   六 结语


   一 法律的合宪性审查




   二 法规的合宪性与合法性审查




   三 司法审查的范围:从规章到法规


   一 导论:日本平等保护原则的发展

   二 日本法院对平等保护原则的运用

   三 合理差别与审查标准


   一 规范性文件的性质及法律效力

   二 立法监督制度的基本功能在于保障立法职权的有效行使

   三 立法制约制度的基本功能旨在维护法制的统一性



   Ⅱ.International Commitments as a Backdrop

   Ⅲ.Incorporation of the Commitment into National Law

   Ⅳ.Entrenchment of Autonomy Arrangements

   Ⅴ.Distribution of Powers by Enumeration

   Ⅵ.Peculiarities of Competence Control

   Ⅶ.From Comparison to Constitutional Rules:Formulating the Normative Challenge



   一 改革开放以前行政法制的缺失

   二 八十年代行政法治基本格局的奠定








    (二) 改革开放初期行政法治建设的局限性

   三 九十年代行政法治的积淀与发展








   四 新世纪行政法治的升级与深化








   五 中国行政法治的主要特征



   Ⅱ.Good Administration/Good Governance

   Ⅲ.Background to the Reform of the Administrative Procedure Act

   Ⅳ.The Finnish Administrative Procedure Act

   Ⅴ.Comparative Aspects



   一 行政复议制度的规范变迁史


    2.《行政复议条例》 颁行至《行政复议法》 实施前(1991~1999年)



   二 行政复议制度实施情况的变化

   三 行政复议制度的历史启示与走向问题


    2. 司法化与政治化:未被充分讨论的程序变革思路


   Ⅰ.Introduction:Three Elements of the Rule of Law

   Ⅱ. Rules and Principles Constituting Administrative Law

    Varieties of administrative activity

    Principal legal sources of administrative law

   Ⅲ. Right to Good Administration

   Ⅳ.Openness and Access to Information

    Right of access

    Obligation to promote openness

    Presumption of accessibility and official secrets

   Ⅳ.General Principles of Administrative Law

    The role of administrative law principles

    The five central principles

    The service principle

   Ⅵ. Rule of Law and Official Accountability

    The principle of legality and exercise of administrative powers

    Oversight of legality

   Ⅶ.Access to Justice and Judicial Review

    General access to a court

    Judicial review of administrative decisions

    Fair trial in administrative matters

    The role of the administrative courts

   Ⅷ.Conclusion:New Developments


   一 概说




   二 中国行政拘禁制度的现状

    (一) 劳动教养








































   三 我国行政拘禁制度的改革














 第三部分 刑事法治与经济社会管理法治


   Ⅰ. Introduction

   Ⅱ. Reconstructing a Democratic Rechtsstaat

   Ⅲ. Criminal Justice as Part of a Normative Reconstruction of a Democratic Rechtsstaat

   Ⅳ.From Rechtsstaat to Rechtsstaatlichkeit

   Ⅴ.The Ethics of Criminal Justice

   Ⅵ. Repressive Justice?



   The Rule of Law or Rule by Law?Festschrift in Honour of Raimo Lahti(Forum Iuris,Helsinki,2007),pp.189-206.">*

   The Constitutionalization of Criminal Law

   The Principle of Legality



   一 司法上慎用死刑

   二 立法上削减死刑

   三 死刑的进一步压缩

   四 死刑改革中的几项具体制度







   Ⅱ.The Foundations of Criminal Justice Policy in Finland

   Ⅲ.The Total Reform of the Finnish Penal Code (1972—1999—?)

   Ⅳ.The Substantive Design of Finnish Criminal Law

   Ⅴ.The Formal Criteria on the Design of Finnish Criminal Law





   Ⅱ.The Decline of Imprisonment in Finland

    A. The reform-ideology of the 1960s and the 1970s

     Against coercive care

     Broadening the aims and means of criminal policy

     The function of criminal justice:Indirect general prevention

     Sentencing:humane neo-classicism

    B. Legislative reforms and sentencing practices

     General structure of sanctions in 1950-1990

     Reducing the penalty-scales for specific offenses

     Specific offender-groups

     Community service


   Ⅲ.Causes and Consequences

    A. Explaining penal liberalization

     Political culture


     Nordic co-operation

     Judicial culture and sentencing structures

     Socio-economic and political factors

    B. Imprisonment rates and crime rates

   Ⅳ. Mixed Trends

    A. The punitive turn of the late 1990s

     Legislative changes in violent and sexual offenses

     Explaining the post 1990s punitive turn

    B. Reforming the sanction systems in the 2000s

     Sanction reforms as “safety valves”

     Reducing the number of fine defaulters

     Prison reform 2006

     Electronic monitoring

    C. Measuring the effects of the policy reforms 1998-2010

     Penal aggravations 1999-2005

     Penal mitigations 2005-2010

   Ⅴ. Criminal Sanctions Today



    Conditional imprisonment

    Community service

    Youth justice

    Sentencing principles

    Sentencing practice

   Ⅵ.The Role of Resterative Justice-mediation

    The process

    Aims and achievements





   Ⅰ.The Council of Europe and the Law of Procedure

    Human Rights


    Procedural Reform

    Concluding on Reform Policy

   Ⅱ.Case Study:Finland

    The Background of the Reform

    The Reform of Civil Procedure

    Shortcomings of the Reform

    Subsequent Developments


    Remedies for excessive length of the trial

    Court Structure



   一 社会管理的基本问题——价值定位与模式选择

   二 公权与私权结合——权力配置再审视

   三 国家责任与社会责任分担——社会治理方式变革

   四 人的相互包容与合作——社会关系均衡



   Ⅱ.Other Finnish Company Forms in General

   Ⅲ.Is One Limited Liability Company Form Enough?

   Ⅳ.How could the Companies Act be Developed to Suit the Needs of SMEs?




    1.The Nordic model of consumer protection

    2.The influence of European Union consumer law

   Ⅱ.Regulation of Marketing

    1.The general structure

    2.The supervision of marketing

    3.Case law

    4.The new full harmonisation directive

   Ⅲ.Consumer Contract Law


    2.Cooling-off periods

    3.Mandatory provisions of consumer contract law

    4.Prohibition to use unfair contract terms in consumer contracts

    5.Voidness and adjustment of unfair contract terms

    6.Transparency and interpretation of contract terms

    7.The future of consumer contract law

   Ⅳ.The Settlement of Consumer Disputes

    1.The out-of-court settlement

    2.The court procedure

    3.Group action for compensation



   一 中国的社会管理中存在的问题

   二 中国社会管理创新的价值取向及基本路径






   三 中国社会管理创新的法制化方向






   一 法治与社会管理



   二 当前社会管理面临的突出问题





   三 法治视野下社会管理的路径分析









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