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International Security Studies(Volume 3, Number 2, Winter 2017 )图书

International Security Studies (Volume 3, Number 2, Winter 2017 )


[内容简介] 本书是由国际关系学院主办的《国际安全研究》的对应英文集刊,主题是国际安全理论研究,内容涉及不干涉内政学说、世界体系的发展、历史视角中的三次世界大战、质性和平的条件比较(当代东亚与战后西欧)、当代国际安全的文化价值基础、互联网对国际政治影响机理、中国周边安全环境指标体系及其评估、联合阵线与美国军事干涉等问题的研究。


作 者: 陶坚
编 辑:刘娟;吕剑
出版时间: 2017年12月
语 种:英文
中图分类:D8 外交、国际关系

 Moral Realism and the Security Strategy for Rising China*

  1 Definition of Strategic Interests of Rising Powers

   1.1 Defining the Strategic Interests of Rising Powers according to National Strength

   1.2 An Analysis of Rising Strategic Interests Combining Domestic and International Circumstances

   1.3 Analyzing Security Strategy from the Perspective of Increasing the Certainty of a Successful Rise

  2 The Security Strategy of a Successful Rise

   2.1 It Is Necessary to Adjust Strategic Goals in Different Stages According to Changes in Status of National Strength

   2.2 A Strategy of Expansion Should Match the Moral Principles of the Era

   2.3 Smaller International Resistance to Expansion in Emerging Areas

   2.4 The Strategy of Rise Should Keep Pace with the Times

  3 The Challenges to China’s Security Strategy

   3.1 External Threat Is Still Insufficient to Subvert the Rise of China

   3.2 Domestic challenges in China Threaten China’s Rise

   3.3 “Taiwan Independence Movement” Will Grow into a Pressing Issue for the Rise of China

   3.4 The Conflicts in the South China Sea Might be Long-lasting

   3.5 DPRK Nuclear Issue Is Difficult to Solve in a Short Term

  4 Conclusion

 Global Governance in Non-proliferation: A Realist Perspective

  1 A Realist Analysis of Non-proliferation

  2 Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

  3 Nuclear Proliferation in Northeast Asia

  4 Nuclear Proliferation in South Asia

  5 Global Governance in Syrian Chemical Weapons Issue

  6 Possibilities and Limits of Global Governance in Non-Proliferation

 Potential Non-Traditional Security Risks in Central Asia: Trend of Diversification*

  1 Reconstruction of Nation States vs. Fragmentation of Ethnic Cultures

  2 Limited Territory vs. Runaway Population

  3 Shrinking Glaciers vs. Excessive Water Consumption

  4 Conclusion

 How to Manage China-US Conflicts in East Asia: The Roles and Options of Third Parties*

  1 Introduction

  2 Theoretical Frameworks

   2.1 Paths towards China-US Peaceful Coexistence

   2.2 Third Parties’ Role in Managing Great Power Disputes

  3 Case Studies

   3.1 Power-based “Taking Sides”

   3.2 Facilitator of Institution Construction

   3.3 Communicator

  4 Conclusion

 South Korea’s Choice in between China and the United States

  1 Introduction

  2 Korea and Great Powers

   2.1 The US-ROK Alliance

   2.2 Sino-ROK Relations

   2.3 Sino-US Relations

  3 Theoretical Approach

  4 Great Power Rivalry and South Korea

  5 Conclusion

 Transformation of Asia-Pacific Security Architecture and ASEAN’s Role*

  1 Characteristics of the Asia-Pacific Security Architecture Adjustment

  2 The Role of ASEAN in the Asia-Pacific Security Architecture

  3 The Development Direction of the Asia-Pacific Security Architecture and ASEAN’s Strategic Choice

  4 Enlightenment on China

 A Study of Cultural Security under Temporal Dimensions

  1 Time’s Explicit Impact on Cultural Security

   1.1 The Changes in Time Bringing about Changes in Production, Economy, Politics and Social Morphology

   1.2 The Explicit Impact of Accelerated Social Life and Social Structure on Cultural Security

    1.2.1 Commercialized and Fragmented Culture Ready for Large-scale Duplication

    1.2.2 The Prevalence of Rationalism and Scientism and the Decline of Humanism and Humanity

    1.2.3 Culture as FMCGs and the Importance of Instant Gratification

    1.2.4 The Deprivation of Culture’s Ability to Criticize and to Unify

  2 Time’s Implicit Impact and Threat to Cultural Security

   2.1 Essential Changes in People’s Perception of Time and in their Relationship with Time

   2.2 The Loss of Cultural Identity and Cultural Roots and the Threat of Cultural Hegemony

   2.3 The Complete Loss of Cultural Re-creative Ability Leading to the Termination of Meaning

  3 The Counteraction of Culture: Dealing with Cultural Security Consciously and Conscientiously

   3.1 The Counteraction of Culture on Time

   3.2 Responding to the Problem of Cultural Security through Cultural Self-awareness

  4 Conclusion: Cultural Security to be Re-examined and Dealt with under Temporal Dimensions

 Language Habits and Security Dilemmas: Thinking beyond Materialism and Rationalism*

  1 Deficiency in Materialist and Rationalist Security Dilemma Studies

  2 Language Habits and Security Dilemmas

   2.1 Security-seeking Actor Can Form Language Habits

   2.2 Language Habits May Incur Other Actors’ Insecurity

   2.3 Language Habits Trap the Actors into the Security Dilemma

  3 Language Habits and the Cold War

  4 How to Stay away from the Security Dilemma

   4.1 According Full Importance to the Impact of Language Habits on International Relations

   4.2 Changing the Language Habits to Avoid Misunderstanding and Conflicts

   4.3 Constructing the Security Community through Language Habits

  5 Summary