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International Legal Issues on Joint Development in the Sea


[内容简介] 近年来,海上共同开发问题备受关注。本书为教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目——“海上共同开发国际案例与实践研究”的研究成果之一。全书共分三篇,上篇“海上共同开发的国际法理论”是对共同开发的基本理论的阐述,以及对既有案例研究后所进行的理论归纳;中篇“海上共同开发的国际实践”是对个案的分析并结合中国国情提出相关建议;下篇“海洋法问题”是对与共同开发密切相关的若干海洋法问题的分析论证。


编 辑:许玉燕;刘晶晶;林兆功
出版时间: 2016年07月
语 种:中文;英文
中图分类:D8 外交、国际关系



 上篇 海上共同开发的国际法理论

  第一章 海上共同开发的基本法律制度

   一 海上共同开发的意涵与性质





   二 海上共同开发的法律规范









   三 实施海上共同开发的相关问题





















   四 结论

  第二章 海上共同开发“区块”的选择问题

   一 海上共同开发“区块”选择的理论与实践


     1. 跨界共同开发“区块”的地理范围




   二 影响海上共同开发“区块”选择的主要因素






   三 中国与有关国家在南海共同开发“区块”的选择问题












   四 结论



    (三)海上共同开发安排不存在“绝对的输赢”(no gain no loss)之别


  第三章 海上共同开发区的法律适用(一)

   一 海上共同开发区适用的法律




   二 跨界共同开发区的法律适用






   三 争议海区共同开发区的法律适用










   四 综合共同开发区的法律适用


    (二)Greater Sunrise区域的法律适用

   五 结论












  第四章 海上共同开发区的法律适用(二)

   一 海上共同开发区法律适用的不同情形






   二 海上共同开发区法律适用的国际实践






   三 海上共同开发区适用的主要法律










   四 认识与启示





  第五章 南海潜在共同开发区的法律适用问题

   一 影响海上共同开发区法律适用的因素








   二 南海潜在共同开发区的法律适用问题










   三 结语

  第六章 海上共同开发监督机制的构建

   一 建立海上共同开发监督机制的必要性



   二 有关海上共同开发监督机制的实践




   三 共同开发监督机制的完善与新构建









   四 对中国的意义

  第七章 “搁置争议、共同开发”原则:困境与出路

   一 “搁置争议、共同开发”原则的困境







   二 “搁置争议、共同开发”原则陷入困境的原因






   三 “搁置争议、共同开发”原则的发展前景






  第八章 海上共同开发的发展趋势

   一 海上共同开发的领域由以油气资源开发为主向海上观光旅游等多领域延伸



   二 海上共同开发的理论基础由以国际合作原则为核心向多项国际法原则汇聚






   三 海上共同开发的法律依据由以条约为主向多种国际法渊源并存发展








   四 海上共同开发呈向习惯国际法规则方向发展之势






   五 几点认识

 中篇 海上共同开发的国际实践

  第九章 巴林与沙特阿拉伯大陆架划界暨资源共享案

   一 巴林与沙特阿拉伯大陆架划界谈判背景

   二 巴林与沙特阿拉伯划界暨资源共享安排谈判

   三 巴林与沙特阿拉伯划界暨资源共享安排协定达成原因

   四 巴林与沙特阿拉伯资源共享案的特殊性及其意义

  第十章 日韩共同开发案

   一 日韩东海大陆架油气争端的产生

   二 日韩共同开发的谈判过程


     1.日本《采矿法》(Mining Law)与共同开发协定冲突











   三 日韩共同开发协定的主要内容及其后续进展








   四 日韩共同开发案对中国的启示

  第十一章 The Impact of the Joint Development Agreement between Korea and Japan in the East China Sea on the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf

   Ⅰ Introduction

   Ⅱ Geological,Geographical and Geomorphologic Circumstances of the East China Sea

   Ⅲ Examination of the Joint Development Zone


    2.Legal Grounds

    3.General Examination


   Ⅳ The Joint Development Zone between Korea and Japan

   Ⅴ Relevant Cases




    4.Venezuela-Trinidad & Tobago


   Ⅵ Conclusions

  第十二章 尼日利亚—圣多美和普林西比共同开发案

   一 尼日利亚—圣多美和普林西比共同开发案的背景及影响因素





   二 尼日利亚—圣多美和普林西比共同开发案的主要内容及其存在的问题



   三 对中国的启示

  第十三章 争议海域共同开发的前提及对南海共同开发的启示

   一 争议海域共同开发的前提








   二 南海尚不具备共同开发的可能性






   三 对南海共同开发的启示






   四 结论

  第十四章 半闭海制度对南海低敏感领域合作的启示

   一 半闭海制度及其在南海的适用





   二 半闭海——地中海区域的合作实践




   三 半闭海制度下的合作实践对南海低敏感领域合作的启示









  第十五章 《中日东海问题原则共识》与东海共同开发

   一 《中日东海问题原则共识》及其后续进展

   二 东海共同开发的法律障碍



   三 推进东海共同开发的法律建议

  第十六章 2012年中海油发布南海油气对外招标公告的法律问题

   一 招标区块位于中越争议海域的可能性

   二 中海油发布招标公告的合法性问题

   三 招标公告对中国在南海断续线内权利主张的影响

   四 结论

 下篇 海洋法问题

  第十七章 《海洋法公约》第82条的执行:问题与前景

   一 《海洋法公约》第82条执行问题的产生



   二 《海洋法公约》第82条的主要内容及其存在的问题













   三 《海洋法公约》第82条的发展前景





  第十八章 关键日期及其在南海海域划界争端中的适用

   一 关键日期的法律内涵

   二 关键日期在南海海域划界中适用的法律分析

   三 南海海域划界争端中的关键日期难以确定




   四 几点建议

  第十九章 中国南海问题国际话语权的构建

   一 中国南海问题国际话语权构建的原因





   二 中国南海问题国际话语权构建的原则




   三 中国南海问题国际话语权构建的方式









   四 中国南海问题国际话语权构建应注意的问题









  第二十章 中国在南海U形线内海域的历史性权利

   一 中国享有历史性权利还是历史性所有权




   二 中国历史性所有权的取得与巩固




   三 中国的历史性主权权利及其现实意义

   四 结论


1.1958年沙特阿拉伯—巴林共同开发案(1)Bahrain-Saudi Arabia Boundary Agreement,22 February 1958(http://www.un.org/Depts/los/LEGISLATIONANDTREATIES/PDFFILES/TREATIES/BHR-SAU1958BA.PDF)

2.1965年沙特阿拉伯—科威特共同开发案(1)Agreement between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the State of Kuwait on the Partition of the Neutral Zone,7 July 1965(UN Treaty Series,Vol.1750,I-30549)

2.1965年沙特阿拉伯—科威特共同开发案(2)Agreement between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the State of Kuwait concerning the Submerged Area Adjacent to the Divided Zone,2 July 2000 (http://www.un.org/Depts/los/LEGISLATIONANDTREATIES/PDFFILES/TREATIES/SAU-KWT2000SA.PDF)

3.1969年卡塔尔—阿布扎比共同开发案(1)Agreement between Qatar and Abu Dhabi on theSettlement of Maritime Boundary and Ownership of Islands,20 March 1969(http://www.un.org/Depts/los/LEGISLATIONANDTREATIES/PDFFILES/TREATIES/QAT-ARE1969MB.PDF)

3.1969年卡塔尔—阿布扎比共同开发案(2)Agreement between the Government of the State of Qatar and the Government of the United Arab Emirates Relating to the Transmission of Gas by Pipelinebetween the State of Qatar and the United Arab Emirates,26 September 2004(http://www.almeezan.qa/AgreementsPage.aspx?id=1483&language=en)

4.1974年法国—西班牙共同开发案(1)Convention between France and Spain on the Delimitation of the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone in the Bay of Biscay,29 January 1974(http://www.un.org/Depts/los/LEGISLATIONANDTREATIES/PDFFILES/TREATIES/FRA-ESP1974VZ.PDF)

4.1974年法国—西班牙共同开发案(2)Convention between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the Spanish State on the Delimitation of the Continental Shelves of the Two States in the Bay of Biscay,29 January 1974(http://www.un.org/Depts/los/LEGISLATIONANDTREATIES/PDFFILES/TREATIES/FRA-ESP1974CS.PDF)

5.1974年沙特阿拉伯—苏丹共同开发案(1)Agreement Relating to the Joint Exploitation of the Natural Resources of the Seabed and Subsoil of the Red Sea in the Common Zone,16 May 1974(Treaty Series Vol.952,I-13605)

6.1974年日本—韩国共同开发案(1)1974 Agreement between Japan and the Republic of Korea concerning Joint Development of the Southern Part of the Continental Shelf Adjacent to the Two Countries,30 January 1974(http://cil.nus.edu.sg/rp/il/pdf/1974%20 Agreement%20between%20Japan%20and%20Korea%20Concerning%20JD%20of%20the%20Southern%20Part%20of%20Continental%20Shelf-pdf.pdf)

7.1975年伊朗—伊拉克共同开发案(1)The Algiers Accord,6 March 1975(http://mideastweb.org/algiersaccord.htm)

7.1975年伊朗—伊拉克共同开发案(2)Treaty concerning the Frontier and Neighbourly Relations between Iran and Iraq,13 June 1975 (http://www.parstimes.com/history/iran_iraq_1975.html)

7.1975年伊朗—伊拉克共同开发案(3)Agreementbetween Iran and Iraq concerning the Use of Frontier Watercourses,26 December 1975(http://www.ucdp.uu.se/gpdatabase/peace/Iran-Iraq%2019751226b.pdf)

8.1976年英国—挪威共同开发案(1)Agreement Relating to the Exploitation of the Frigg Field Reservoir and the Transmission of Gas Therefrom to the United Kingdom,10 May 1976(Vol.1098,I-16878)

8.1976年英国—挪威共同开发案(2)Agreement Relating to the Exploration of the Murchison Field Reservoir and the Offtake of the PetroleumTherefrom,16 October 1979

8.1976年英国—挪威共同开发案(3)Agreement Relating to the Exploitation of the Statfjord Field Reservoirs and the Offtake of PetroleumTherefrom,16 October 1979

9.1979年马来西亚—泰国共同开发案(1)Memorandum of understanding between Malaysia and the Kingdom of Thailand on the Establishment of the Joint Authority for the Exploitation of the Resources of the Seabed in a DefinedArea of the Continental Shelf of the Two Countries in the Gulf of Thailand 1979,21 February 1979(http://cil.nus.edu.sg/rp/il/pdf/1979%20MOU%20between%20Malaysia%20and%20Thailand-pdf.pdf)

9.1979年马来西亚—泰国共同开发案(2)1990 Agreement between Thailand and Malaysia on theConstitution and Other Matters Relating to the Joint Authority,30 May 1990(http://cil.nus.edu.sg/rp/il/pdf/1990%20Agreement%20between%20Malaysia%20and%20Thailan d%20on%20the%20MTJA-pdf.pdf)

9.1979年马来西亚—泰国共同开发案(3)Malaysia-Thailand Joint Authority (Standards of Petroleum Operations) Regulations 1997(http://www.mtja.org/GIF/rules/regulations.pdf)

9.1979年马来西亚—泰国共同开发案(4)Malaysia-Thailand Joint Authority Procedures for Drilling Operations 2009(http://www.mtja.org/pdf/rules/MTJA_procedures_for_drilling_operations_rev1_14dec09_bw.pdf)

9.1979年马来西亚—泰国共同开发案(5)Malaysia-Thailand Joint Authority Procedures for Production Operations 2009(http://www.mtja.org/pdf/rules/MTJA_procedures_for_production_operations_rev1_14dec09_bwpdf)

10.1981年美国—加拿大缅因湾共同开发案(1)Treaty to Submit to Binding Dispute Settlement the Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary in the Gulf of Maine Area,29 March 1979(http://www.un.org/Depts/los/LEGISLATIONANDTREATIES/PDFFILES/TREATIES/CAN-USA1979GM.PDF)

10.1981年美国—加拿大缅因湾共同开发案(2)Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary in the Gulf of Maine Area,Judgment,ICJ Reports 1984(http://www.icj-cij.org/docket/files/67/6369.pdf)

11.1981年冰岛—挪威共同开发案(1)Agreement on the Continental Shelf between Iceland and Jan Mayen,22 October 1981 (http://www.un.org/Depts/los/LEGISLATIONANDTREATIES/PDFFILES/TREATIES/ISL-NOR1981CS.PDF)

11.1981年冰岛—挪威共同开发案(2)Maritime Delimitation in the Area between Greenland and Jan Mayen,Judgment,ICJ Reports 1993 (http://www.icj-cij.org/docket/files/78/6743.pdf)

12.1988年突尼斯—利比亚共同开发案(1)Continental Shelf (Tunisia/Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) Judgment,ICJ Reports 1982,(http://www.icj-cij.org/docket/files/63/6267.pdf)

13.1989年澳大利亚—印度尼西亚共同开发案(1)Treaty between Australia and the Republic of Indonesia on the Zone of Cooperation in an Area between the Indonesian Province of East Timor and Northern Australia,11 December 1989(http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/other/dfat/treaties/1991/9.html)

14.1992年马来西亚—越南共同开发案(1)1992 Memorandum of Understanding between Malaysia and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam for the Exploration and Exploitation of Petroleum in a Defined Area of the Continental Shelf Involving the Two Countries,5 June 1992(http://cil.nus.edu.sg/rp/il/pdf/1992%20MOU%20between%20Malaysia%20and%20Vietnam%20for%20the%20Exploration%20and%20Exploitation%20of%20Petroleum-pdf.pdf)

15.1993年哥伦比亚—牙买加共同开发案(1)Maritime Delimitation Treaty between Jamaica and the Republic of Colombia,12 November 1993(http://www.un.org/depts/los/LEGISLATIONANDTREATIES/PDFFILES/TREATIES/JAM-COL1993MD.PDF)

16.1993年塞内加尔—几内亚比绍共同开发案(1)Management and Cooperation Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Senegal and the Government of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau,14 October 1993(http://www.un.org/Depts/los/LEGISLATIONANDTREATIES/PDFFILES/TREATIES/SEN-GNB1993MC.PDF)



18.2001年尼日利亚—圣多美和普林西比共同开发案(1)Treaty between the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of SaoTome and Principe on the Joint Development of Petroleum andOther Resources,in Respect of Areas of the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Two States,21 February 2001(http://www.un.org/Depts/los/LEGISLATIONANDTREATIES/PDFFILES/TREATIES/STP-NGA2001.PDF)

19.2001年泰国—柬埔寨共同开发案(1)Memorandum of Understanding between the Royal Thai Government and the Royal Government of Cambodia regarding the Area ofTheir Overlapping Maritime Claims to the Continental Shelf,18 June 2001

19.2001年泰国—柬埔寨共同开发案(2)Termination of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Royal Thai Government and the Royal Government of Cambodia regarding the Area of Their Overlapping Maritime Claims to the Continental Shelf,(http://www.ryt9.com/es/mfa/88839)

20.2002年澳大利亚—东帝汶共同开发案(1)Timor Sea Treaty between the Government of East Timor and the Government of Australia,20 May 2002(http://www.un.org/Depts/los/LEGISLATIONANDTREATIES/PDFFILES/TREATIES/AUS-TLS2002TST.PDF)

20.2002年澳大利亚—东帝汶共同开发案(2)Exchange of Notes Constituting an Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste concerning Arrangements for Exploration and Exploitation of Petroleum in an Area of theTimor Sea between Australia and East Timor,20 May 2002(http://www.un.org/Depts/los/LEGISLATIONANDTREATIES/PDFFILES/TREATIES/AUS-TLS2002EX.PDF)

20.2002年澳大利亚—东帝汶共同开发案(3)Petroleum Mining Code for the Joint Petroleum Development Area,(http://www.anp-tl.org/webs/anptlweb.nsf/vwAll/Resource-Petroleum%20Mining%20Code/$File/PMCtoCoM0602.pdf?openelement)

20.2002年澳大利亚—东帝汶共同开发案(4)Product Sharing Contract for the Joint Petroleum Development Area(http://www.laohamutuk.org/Oil/PetRegime/JPDA%20PSC%208-05.pdf)

20.2002年澳大利亚—东帝汶共同开发案(5)Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Democratic Republic of East Timor and the Government of Australia concerning an International Unitization Agreement for the Greater Sunrise field,20 May 2002

20.2002年澳大利亚—东帝汶共同开发案(6)Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste Relating to the UnitiZation of the SunriseTroubador Fields,6 March 2003(http://www.un.org/Depts/los/LEGISLATIONANDTREATIES/PDFFILES/TREATIES/AUS-TLS2002SUN.PDF)

20.2002年澳大利亚—东帝汶共同开发案(7)Treaty between Australia and the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste on Certain Maritime Arrangements in the Timor Sea,12 January 2006

21.2003年巴巴多斯—圭亚那共同开发案(1)Exclusive Economic Zone Cooperation Treaty between the Republic of Guyana and the State of Barbados concerning the Exercise of Jurisdiction inTheir Exclusive Economic Zone in the Area of Bilateral Overlap within Each of Their Outer Limits and beyond the Outer Limits of the Exclusive Economic Zones of Other States,2 December 2003(The Law of the Sea Bulletins,No.55,p.36)

22.2006年密克罗尼西亚—马歇尔群岛共同开发案(1)Treaty between the Federated States of Micronesia and the Republic of the Marshall Islands concerning Maritime Boundaries and Cooperation on Related Matters,6 July 2006


24.2009年马来西亚—文莱共同开发案(1)The Exchange of Letters between Malaysia and Brunei,16 March 2009(http://www.thestar.com.my/story/?file=%2f2010%2f5%2f3%2fnation%2f20100503123605&sec=nation)

25.2010年俄罗斯—挪威共同开发案(1)Treaty between the Kingdom of Norway and the Russian Federation concerning Maritime Delimitation and Cooperation in the Barents Sea and the Arctic Ocean,15 September 2010(http://www.un.org/Depts/los/LEGISLATIONANDTREATIES/PDFFILES/TREATIES/NOR-RUS2010.PDF)

26.2012年美国—墨西哥共同开发案(1)Treaty between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the United Mexican States on the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf in the Western Gulf of Mexico beyond 200 Nautical Miles,9 June 2000(http://www.un.org/Depts/los/LEGISLATIONANDTREATIES/PDFFILES/TREATIES/USA-MEX2000CS.PDF)

26.2012年美国—墨西哥共同开发案(2)Agreement between the United States and Mexicoconcerning Transboundary Hydrocarbon Reservoirs in the Gulf of Mexico,20 February 2012(http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/185467.pdf)

1.北海大陆架案:North Sea Continental Shelf Cases (Federal Republic of Germany/Denmark;Federal Republic of Germany/Netherlands),Judgment,I.C.J. Reports 1969。

2.爱琴海大陆架案:Aegean Sea Continental Shelf,Judgment,I.C.J. Reports 1978。

3.利比亚—突尼斯大陆架划界案:Continental Shelf case (Tunisia/Libyan Arab Jamahiriya),Judgment,I.C.J. Reports 1982。

4.缅因湾划界案:Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary in the Gulf of Maine Area,Judgment,I.C.J. Reports 1984。

5.利比亚—马耳他划界案:Continental Shelf (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya/Malta),Judgment,I.C.J. Reports 1985。

6.扬马延岛划界案:Maritime Delimitation in the Area between Greenland and Jan Mayen,Judgment,I.C.J. Reports 1993。

7.东帝汶案:East Timor (Portugal v. Australia),Judgment,I.C.J. Reports 1995。

8.巴林—卡塔尔划界案:Maritime Delimitation and Territorial Questions between Qatar and Bahrain (Qatar v. Bahrain),Merits,Judgment,I.C.J. Reports 2001。

9.尼日利亚—喀麦隆划界案:Land and Maritime Boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria (Cameroon v. Nigeria:Equatorial Guinea Intervening),Judgment,I.C.J. Reports 2002。

10.尼加拉瓜—洪都拉斯划界案:Territorial and Maritime Dispute between Nicaragua and Honduras in the Caribbean Sea (Nicaragua v. Honduras),Judgment,I.C.J. Reports 2007。

11.罗马尼亚—乌克兰黑海划界案:Case concerning Maritime Delimitation in the Black Sea (Romania v. Ukraine),Judgment,I.C.J. Reports 2009。

12.尼加拉瓜—哥伦比亚划界案:Territorial and Maritime Dispute (Nicaragua v. Colombia),Judgment,I.C.J. Reports 2012。

1.孟加拉—缅甸孟加拉湾划界案:Dispute concerning Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary between Bangladesh and Myanmar in the Bay of Bengal,Judgment of 14 March 2012,Case n. 16。

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39.Zou Keyuan,“Joint Development in the South China Sea:A New Approach,” International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law,Vol.21,No.1,2006.

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43.Chidinma Bernadine Okafor,“Joint Development:An Alternative Legal Approach to Oil and Gas Exploitationin the Nigeria-Cameroon Maritime Boundary Dispute?” International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law,Vol.21,2006.

44.Yuicel Acer,“A Proposal for a Joint Maritime Development Regime in the Aegean Sea,” Journal of Maritime Law & Commerce,Vol.37,No.1,2006.

45.Natalie Klein,“Provisional Measures and Provisional Arrangements in Maritime Boundary Disputes,” International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law,Vol.21,2006.

46.Torbjrn Pedersen,“The Svalbard Continental Shelf Controversy:Legal Disputes and Political Rivalries,” Ocean Development & International Law,Vol.37,2006.

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48.AnaE. Bastida,Adaeze Ifesi-Okoye,Salim Mahmud,JamesRoss,and Thomas Walde,“Cross-border Unitization and Joint Development Agreements:An International Law Perspective,” Houston Journal of International Law,Vol.29,No.2,2007.

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