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On Minority RightsⅡ


[内容简介] 本书为法学所的国际会议论文集。书稿围绕少数人保护的国际实践和国内法治,探讨了少数人权利保护的法理基础,并进行了一些国家、地区法治的比较研究,还对少数人权利保护的一些分支问题,诸如:少数人权利的平等保护、反歧视政策与少数人权利保护、少数人保护国际标准的实施、民族的或种族上的少数人权利的国内法律保护,等等,进行了广泛而深入的剖析。


编 辑:张高平;高冰
出版时间: 2010年08月
语 种:英文
中图分类:D9 法律



 Foreword:Respect and Protec tion of Minoritty Rights

 第一单元 少数人权利保护:国际法与国内法视角

  会通中外文化 共建和谐世界





   一 少数人权利保护溯源



   二 少数人权利的性质

   三 《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》保护的少数人的权利

   四 《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》下少数人权利保护的机制







   一 绪言

   二 简要历史回顾

   三 《框架公约》的具体特点

   四 《框架公约》的具体作用













   五 结语


   一 威尼斯委员会在定义1989年之后的欧洲对少数人进行保护的法律方法方面的贡献




   二 欧洲人权法院在界定《欧洲人权公约》对属于少数群体的人提供的具体保护的作用




   一 政治学分析













   二 经济学分析







   三 社会学分析








   四 伦理学分析






 第二单元 少数人权利的平等保护


   一 平等和国际人权法上的少数人保护

   二 显而易见的矛盾和影响保持平衡的因素

   三 规范少数人问题的国际法律标准和指导原则

   四 少数群体的类型

   五 将一般原则和措施适用于具体的少数人





   六 结束语:平等和基于社会团结及国际和平的少数人保护


   一 何为少数民族权利的平等保护

   二 少数民族权利平等保护的内容




   三 少数民族权利平等保护的法治化

   四 少数民族权利平等保护面临的问题







   五 完善少数民族权利平等保护的措施









   一 少数人概念的正当性





   二 少数人权利的性质及正当性










   三 西部大开发战略政策与少数人权利保护问题








   一 问题的提出:少数民族教育优惠政策与教育平等

   二 少数民族义务教育优惠政策与教育平等




   三 高考招生的优惠政策与教育平等




   四 结语:教育优惠政策与少数民族的参与平等


   一 少数人和少数人的特殊权利

   二 中国对少数人权利的保护以及相关法律规范

   三 以制度、法治和优惠政策保护少数民族权利:中国民族区域自治的路径与经验

 Part One Protection of Minority Rights from Perspectives of International Law and Domestic Law

  Amalgamation of Different Cultures for a Harmony World Construction

   Part Ⅰ

   Part Ⅱ

   Part Ⅲ

  On the Protection of Minority Rights:From a Perspective of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

   Ⅰ.The History of the Minority Rights Protection

    1.1 The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

    1.2 Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic,Religious and Linguistic Minorities

   Ⅱ.Features of the Minority Rights

   Ⅲ.The Minority Rights Protected by the ICCPR

    3.1 The Right to Enjoy Their Own Culture

    3.2 The Right to Profess and Practice Their Own Religion

    3.3 The Right to Use Their Own Language

   Ⅳ.The Mechanism of Minority Rights Protection under the ICCPR

    4.1 Monitoring Body

    4.2 Monitoring Systems

     4.2.1 The State Reporting System

     4.2.2 Inter-State Communications Procedure

     4.2.3 Individual Communication Procedure

  The Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities within the Council of Europe


   Ⅱ.A Short Historic Overview

   Ⅲ.The Specific Character of the Framework Convention

   Ⅳ.The Specific Role of the Framework Convention

    4.1 Monitoring of the Implementation of the Obligations Flowing from the FCNM

    4.2 Conceptual issues

     4.2.1 Recognition of National Minorities

     4.2.2 The Principle of Non-discrimination and the Equality Requirement

     4.2.3 The Role of Special Measures

    4.3 Substantive issues

     4.3.1 Preservation and Development of Minority Cultures

     4.3.2 Freedoms of Assembly,Association,and Religion

     4.3.3 Media

     4.3.4 Use of Minority Languages in Public

     4.3.5 Education in and of Minority Languages

     4.3.6 Participation of National Minorities in Public,Social and Economic Life

   Ⅴ.Concluding Remarks

  The Role of the Venice Commission and the European Court of Human Rights in Guaranteeing International Standards of Minority Rights

   Ⅰ.The Contribution of the Venice Commission in the Definition of a Legal Approach to Minority Protection in Post-1989 Europe

    1.1 Proposals for the Elaboration of Legal Rules for the Protection of Minorities

    1.2 Evaluation of National Legislations Addressing Minority Rights

    1.3 Interpretative Opinions on Council of Europe’ Legal Documents

   Ⅱ.The Role of the European Court of Human Rights in Defining the Specific Protection Given to Persons Belonging to a Minority by the ECHR

    2.1 The Position of the ECHR on Minorities Protection before 1989

    2.2 The Position of the ECHR on Minorities Protection after 1989

  On Justification for the Protection of Disadvantaged Groups

   Ⅰ.A Political Science Analysis

    1.1 The Responsibility of Government

     1.1.1 Why Government Should Protect Disadvantaged Groups?

     1.1.2 How Government Protect Disadvantaged Groups?

    1.2 The Equality Theory

     1.2.1 Equal Rights and the Disadvantaged Groups

     1.2.2 Interpretation of the Radical Egalitarianism

    1.3 Rights and Human Rights Theories

     1.3.1 Rights Theory Concerning the Protection of Disadvantaged Groups

     1.3.2 “Human Rights” Theory Concerning the Protection of Disadvantaged Groups

    1.4 The Theory of Harmony Society

     1.4.1 The Protection of Disadvantaged Groups from a Perspective of the Harmonious Society Theory

     1.4.2 Social Disharmony and Class Struggle Theory

   Ⅱ.Economic Analysis

    2.1 The Theoretical Interpretation of Welfare Economics

     2.1.1 The Ethical Nature of Welfare Economics

     2.1.2 How to Achieve the Mandatory Transfer Payment?

    2.2 The Social Market Economy from a Theoretical Perspective

     2.2.1 The Defects of the Market Economy Theory

     2.2.2 A Theoretical Essence of the Social Market Economy

   Ⅲ.Sociological Analysis

    3.1 Theory of Social Solidarity

    3.2 Social Exclusion and Relative Deprivation Theory

     3.2.1 Social Exclusion Theory and the Protection of Disadvantaged Groups

     3.2.2 The Relative Deprivation Theory and the Protection of Disadvantaged Groups

    3.3 Social Structure and Social Revolution Theories

     3.3.1 Social Structure and Social Conflict

     3.3.2 Social Revolution and the “Bucket Effect”

   Ⅳ.Ethics Analysis

    4.1 “Theory of Sympathy” Concerning the Protection of Disadvantaged Groups

    4.2 “Theory of Justice” Concerning the Protection of Disadvantaged Groups

     4.2.1 J. Rawls’s “Theory of Justice”

     4.2.2 Liberal Concept of Justice

     4.2.3 The “Concept of Equity” concerning the Protection of Disadvantaged Groups

 Part Two Equal Protection of Rights of Minorities

  Balancing Equal Rights with Protection of the Rights of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples:A comparative Approach in International Human Rights Law

   Ⅰ.Equality and Minority Protection in International Human Rights Law

   Ⅱ.Apparent Contradictions and Factors Influencing the Balance to be Drawn

   Ⅲ.Standards and Principles Guiding International Legal Regulation of Minority Issues

   Ⅳ.Categories of Minorities

   Ⅴ.Applying the General Principles and Measures to Specific Minority Situations

    4.1 Indigenous Peoples and Similar Groups

    4.2 Other Socially Discriminated Minorities

    4.3 Groups in Search of Protected Cultural Diversity

    4.4 New Minorities

   Ⅵ.Concluding Remarks:Equality and Minority Protection in the Light of Social Cohesion and International Peace

  The Equal Protection of Minority Rights:from a Perspective of Chinese Minority Nationality

   Ⅰ.What is Equal Protection of Minority Nationality Rights?

   Ⅱ.The Content of Equal Protection of Minority Nationality Rights

    2.1 Political Participation

    2.2 Participation in Social and Economic Life

    2.3 Participation in Social and Cultural Life

   Ⅲ.Legalization of the Equal Protection of Rights of Minority Nationalities

   Ⅳ.Problems in Equal Protection of the Rights of Minority Nationalities

    4.1 Uneven Development of Different Minority Nationality Areas

    4.2 The Imbalance between Contribution of National Minority Areas to the State and Their Returns

    4.3 Inadequate Exercise of the Power of National Autonomy

     4.3.1 Uncoordinated Relationship between the Organs of Self-government and State Organs at Higher levels

     4.3.2 Inadequate Exercise of the Power to Enact Regulations on the Exercise of Autonomy and Separate Regulations

     4.3.3 Characteristics of Autonomy Prescribed by Autonomous Regulations are not Enough

   Ⅴ.Measures for Improving Equal Protection of the Rights of National Minorities

    5.1 Legislative Level

    5.2 Judicial Level

    5.3 The Aspects of Economic Development

  The Role of the Human Rights Committee in Guaranteeing International Legal Standards for Minority Protection

   Part Ⅰ

   Part Ⅱ

   Part Ⅲ

  Constitutionality of Minority Rights

   Ⅰ.Legitimacy of the Concept of Minority

    1.1 Origin and Historical Development of the Concept of Minority

    1.2 Functional Value of the Concept of Minority

     1.2.1 Minority as Objective Fact

     1.2.2 Minority in a Sense of Value

   Ⅱ.Nature and Legitimacy of Minority Rights

    2.1 Constitutional Liberty is the Core of Minority Rights

    2.2 Rights of Foreigners as Minority Rights

    2.3 Economic and Social Rights are not Minority Rights

    2.4 Rights of Disadvantaged Groups are not Minority Rights

    2.5 Minority Rights in International Human Rights Conventions and the Significance of International Protection of Human Rights for Minorities

     2.5.1 The Right of Self-determination of People and Minority Rights

     2.5.2 Rights of Indigenous People and Minority Rights

     2.5.3 The Freedom from Racial Discrimination is a Minority Right

     2.5.4 Collective Human Rights and Minority Rights

   Ⅲ.The Strategy of Developing West China and the Protection of Minority Rights

    3.1 Background and Significance of the Strategy of Developing West China

    3.2 Goals and Objectives of the Strategy of Developing West China

    3.3 The Strategy of Developing West China and the Protection of Minority Rights

     3.3.1 Minority Rights have been Included in the Chinese Constitution and the Law on Regional National Autonomy

     3.3.2 Minority Rights Should Not Become an Excuse for the Right of Secession

     3.3.3 Minority Rights should be Further Regulated so as to Assure a Coordinated Development in the Western Region

  Equality of Education of Minority Nationalities from the Perspective of Constitution Law

   Ⅰ.Rise of Question:Preferential Educational Policies for Minority Nationalities and Equality of Education

   Ⅱ.Preferential Policies of Compulsory Educational for Minority Nationalities and Equality of Education

    2.1 Compulsory Education and Equality of Reason

    2.2 Preferential Education Policy:Promote Equal Participation and Protect Culture Plurality

    2.3 Defects in Preferential Educational Policies and Methods of Remedy

   Ⅲ.Preferential Policy of University or College Enrollment and Equality of Education

    3.1 Models of Equal Protection of University or College Enrollment

    3.2 Equality of Participation:Prior Enrollment of Minority Nationality Students in National Higher Education

    3.3 Reflection on Prior Enrollment of Minority Nationality Students in Higher Education

   Ⅳ.Concluding Remarks:Education Preferential Policies and Equal Participation of Minority Nationalities

  The Protection of Minority Rights by a Comprehensive Legal System and Preferential Policy

   Ⅰ.Minority and Special Rights

   Ⅱ.The Protection of Minority Nationality Rights in China:Relevant Laws and Regulations

    2.1 Provisions concerning Rights of Minority Nationality in Chinese Basic Laws

    2.2 Legal Provisions for the Protection of Equal Rights of Minority Nationality in terms of Fighting Racial Discrimination and of the Freedom of Religious Belief

   Ⅲ.The Protection of Minority Nationality Rights by a Comprehensive Legal System and Preferential Policy:the Paths and Experiences of Regional National Autonomy in China

 第三单元 反歧视政策与少数人权利保护


   一 导论

   二 研究的背景

   三 统计数据与发现

   四 身长高的社会文化心理

   五 法律应当禁止就业中不合理的身长差别条件

   六 结论


   一 欧洲化与治理

   二 反歧视与少数人

   三 地域性辅助与“伙伴地区”

   四 多重认同与中间政府

   五 亚国家共同体和政策制定

   六 结语


   一 残疾人享有特殊的社会权利的理论基础

   二 残疾人与健全人一样享有法律赋予的社会权利

   三 我国通过对残疾人特殊社会权利的规定,搭建残疾人权利实现的桥梁








   四 完善残疾人权利保障各项法律制度,保障残疾人权益得以实现











   一 我国残疾人就业保障基本制度

   二 我国就业中的反残疾歧视制度:兼与美国反就业残疾歧视法的比较





   三 我国残疾人按比例就业制度分析



   四 完善反就业残疾歧视制度,促进残疾人按比例就业



 第四单元 保护少数人权利国际标准的实施


   一 导言:背景和发展趋势

   二 《框架公约》的法律性质及其重要性*

   三 参与具有包容性,涵盖文化、经济、社会和公共生活






   一 模型建构





   二 自动纳入阶段









   三 自动执行阶段








   四 法律优位阶段








   五 司法抉择阶段





   一 简介

   二 包容多样性的主要支柱







   三 与国际标准的一致性



   四 结论



   一 洛夫莱斯诉加拿大案

   二 何谓“共同享有自己的文化”?




   三 关于少数民族基本文化权利的界定



   四 中国少数民族基本文化权利的现状——以鄂伦春族为例






   五 少数民族基本文化权利的保护






   一 对“健康”一词定义的理解

   二 对妇女健康权规范内容的理解



   三 国际人权法对保护妇女健康权的规定

   四 缔约国保护妇女健康权的义务

   五 妇女健康权的保护与非歧视原则

   六 妇女健康权实施的监督机制

   七 结论

 第五单元 民族的或种族上的少数人权利的国内法律保护:立法、行政和司法


   一 “语言自由”的相关性

   二 瑞士语言的多样性

   三 瑞士的立法和司法架构








   四 结论


   一 概述

   二 国际人权法中的平等和非歧视原则

   三 国际法上的少数人保护

   四 非歧视原则

   五 结论


   一 少数人生存权与尊严权概述






   二 少数人的生存权和尊严权的类型化分析



   三 少数人生存权和尊严权的实现机制





   四 结语:一种可能的进路


   一 现代少数人国际法的渊源









   二 少数人的概念及其分类






   三 少数人权利的国际保护标准




   一 少数人的权利:欧洲移民的诉求

   二 民族-国家与少数人权利保护的措施:欧洲民族-国家移民政策类型及其利弊

   三 少数人权利保护与社会和谐发展:欧洲移民政策的发展取向

   四 结语

 Part Three Anti-discrimination Policy and Protection of Rights of Minorities

  Study on the Height Discrimination in the Employment in Chinese Urban Areas



   Ⅲ.Statistical Data and Findings

   Ⅳ.Socio-culture Mentality to Height

   Ⅴ.Irrational Height Difference Qualification should be Forbidden by Law

   Ⅵ.Concluding Remarks

  Anti-discrimination,Europeanisation and Multilevel Policy Making

   Ⅰ.Europeanisation and Governance

   Ⅱ.Anti-discrimination and Minorities

   Ⅲ.Territorial Subsidiarity and “Partner Regions”

   Ⅳ.Multiple Identities and Mesogovernments

   Ⅴ.Sub-state communities and policy provision

   Ⅵ.Concluding Remarks

  Social Rights of the Disabled and Their Realization

   Ⅰ.Basic Theories for the Enjoyment of Special Social Rights by Persons with Disabilities

    1.1 Providing Special Protection for Disabled Persons is a Manifestation of a Humanitarian Approach

    1.2 Providing Special Protection for Disabled Persons is a Measure to Promote the Human Rights Undertakings

    1.3 Providing Special Protection for Persons with Disabilities is the Responsibility of the Government

    1.4 Providing Special Protection for the Persons with Disabilities is the Product of Social Civilization and Human Progress

    1.5 Providing Special Protection for Persons with Disabilities is the Requirement for the Construction of a Harmonious Society

   Ⅱ.Disabled Persons shall Enjoy Same Social Rights Provided by Law with Those Enjoyed by Able-Bodi-ed Persons

    2.1 The Social Security System can Eliminate and Reduce Poverty

    2.2 The Social Security System can Narrow the Gap between the Rich and the Poor

    2.3 The Social Security System can Maintain Social Stability

    2.4 The Social Security System can Promote Economic Development

    2.5 The Social Security System can Provide a Large Number of High-Quality Workforce

   Ⅲ.China Bridges for the Realization of Rights of the Disabled through Special Provisions of Social Rights for Disabled Persons

    3.1 Rehabilitation of the Disabled Persons

    3.2 Special Education for Persons with Disabilities

    3.3 Labor and Employment of Persons with Disabilities

    3.4 Cultural Life of Persons with Disabilities

    3.5 Social Environment of Disabled Persons

    3.6 Various Measures Taken for Eliminating Poverty of the Persons with Disabilities

    3.7 Providing Legal Aid for Disabled Persons

   Ⅳ.Improve Relevant Legal Systems for the Protection of Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Guarantee Their Realization

    4.1 Problems Concerning Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities and Countermeasures

    4.2 Problems Concerning Special Education for Persons with Disabilities and Countermeasures

    4.3 Problems Concerning Employment of Persons with Disabilities and Countermeasures

     4.3.1 The Employment Rate is Low

     4.3.2 With a Fierce Market Competition,the Social Welfare Enterprises Face More Risks concerning Their Growth and Survival

     4.3.3 Scattered Employment of Persons with Disabilities Faces Certain Difficulties

     4.3.4 Persons with Disabilities in Rural Areas Face Difficulties in Finding Employment

    4.4 Problems Concerning Cultural Life of Persons with Disabilities and Countermeasures

    4.5 Problems of Social Environment for Persons with Disabilities and Countermeasures

    4.6 To Strengthen the Protection of Rights and Interests of Disabled Persons

    4.7 The Law on the Protection of Disabled Persons was Revised

    4.8 Long-term Care Insurance System Should be Established Quickly

    4.9 Problems concerning Social Security for Disabled Persons in Rural Areas and Countermeasures

  The Protection Law for Employment of Persons with Disabilities in China:Anti-discrimination Law and the Quota System

   Ⅰ.Basic System on Employment Promotion for Persons with Disabilities in China

   Ⅱ.China’s Antidiscrimination Law on Disability in Employment:Comparing with the United States’ Disabi-lity Discrimination Law in Employment

    2.1 The United States’ Disability Discrimination Law in Employment

     2.1.1 1973 Rehabilitation Act

     2.1.2 Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990(ADA)and the Antidiscrimination in Employment

      (1)The definition of discrimination against persons with disabilities

      (2)Legal Remedies to Persons with Disabilities in Employment

    2.2 China’s Disability Discrimination Law in Employment

   Ⅲ.Quota System for Persons with Disabilities in China

    3.1 Major Provisions in the Quota System

    3.2 Drawbacks of the Quota System of Employment for Persons with Disabilities

   Ⅳ.To Improve Laws of Disability Discrimination in Employment and to Promote the Enforcement of Quota System

    4.1 The Coordination between Disability Discrimination Law and Quota System

    4.2 How to Improve Antidiscrimination Law on Disability in China

 Part Four The Implementation of International Standards for the Protection of Minorities

  Participation Rights as Foundational in the Framework Convetion for the Protection of National Minorities

   Ⅰ.Introduction:Background and Emerging Trends

   Ⅱ.The Legal Nature and the Importance of the FCNM*

   Ⅲ.Participation is Inclusive,Covering Cultural,Economic,Social,and Public Life

    3.1 Foundational Nature and Contextualised Approach

     3.1.1 Major Accents

     3.1.2 Full and Effective Equality also Means Positive Measures

    3.2 Participation in Public Affairs

     3.2.1 Consultative Mechanisms

     3.2.2 Territorial Autonomy

     3.2.3 The ACFC should more Scrutinise the Policies of State Parties

    3.3 Ten Years Revisited:Outlook

  Domestic Implementation of Anti-discrimination Convention on Employment


   Ⅱ.Model Construction

    2.1 Considerations to be Taken into the Model Construction

    2.2 Progressive Structure of the Model

     2.2.1 Efforts to Promote the Progressiveness

     2.2.2 Building the Progressive Model

   Ⅲ.Automatic Incorporation Stage

    3.1 Theoretical Controversy over the Automatic Incorporation

    3.2 The Practical Aspects of Automatic Incorporation

     3.2.1 Impact of Theoretical Controversy on Practices

     3.2.2 Practices of Incorporation in Different Countries

    3.3 Practice of Automatic Incorporation in China

     3.3.1 Constitutional Silence on the Choice of Approaches for Domestic Implementation of International Law

     3.3.2 Practices of Automatic Incorporation

     3.3.3 Automatic Incorporation of Convention No.111

   Ⅳ.Self-Executing Phase

    4.1 Origin of the Doctrine of Self-Executing

    4.2 Determining Factors of the Self-Executing Treaties

     4.2.1 Intention

     4.2.2 Semantic Expression

     4.2.3 Political Factors

    4.3 Practices in China

    4.4 Self-Executing of ILO Convention 111

   Ⅴ.Phase of Law Priority

    5.1 Priority in Vertical Layer

    5.2 Priority in Horizontal Layer

    5.3 Practices in China

     5.3.1 “Incorporation Clause” and Convention Priority

     5.3.2 Procedure of Concluding a Convention and Priority Issue

     5.3.3 Competence of Interpretation and Law Priority

     5.3.4 Priority Issue Concerning ILO Convention 111

   Ⅵ.Application of Treaties by Courts

    6.1 Political Factors

    6.2 Technical Factors

    6.3 Practices in China

  Swiss Understanding of Minority Rights and Compliance with International Legal Standards


   Ⅱ.The Main Pillars of Diversity Accommodation

    2.1 The Concept of Swiss Nation

    2.2 Federalism Swiss Style

    2.3 Consensus and Power Sharing

    2.4 Democratic Participation

   Ⅲ.Territorial Autonomy

    3.1 General

    3.2 Religious Minorities

    3.3 Linguistic Minorities

    3.4 The Creation of the Canton Jura as an Example and a Testcase

    3.5 Compatibility With International Standards

    3.6 Traditional Minorities

    3.7 New Minorities

    3.8 Conclusion

  Understanding of the Term “Minority” in the Context of Chinese Language

  Protection of Fundamental Cultural Right of Chinese Minority Nationalities:Looking from the Case Sandra Lovelace v. Canada*

   Ⅰ. Sandra Lovelace v. Canada

   Ⅱ.What is “to Enjoy Their Own Culture in Community with the Other Members of Their Group”

    2.1 Identification of the Scope of Traditional Culture of Minority Nationalities

    2.2 Traditional Lifestyle of Minority Nationalities is the Core of Their Traditional Culture

    2.3 “Maintaining Traditional Lifestyle” should be the Core Content of “Enjoying Their Own Culture in Community with Other Members of Their Group”

   Ⅲ.Identification of Fundamental Cultural Right for Minority Nationalities

    3.1 Legislation concerning Cultural Right

    3.2 Definition of Fundamental Cultural Rights for Minority Nationalities

   Ⅳ.Chinese Minority Nationalities’ Status Quo in Terms of Their Fundamental Cultural Right—Taking Elunchun Nationality for Example

    4.1 Elunchun Nationality’s Hunting Culture and Hunt-Forbidding Policy Enforcement

    4.2 Some Findings from a Survey on Fundamental Cultural Right of Elunchun Nationality

    4.3 Analysis of the Survey Findings

     4.3.1 Protection of Elunchun Nationality’s Right to Hunt does not Violate Law

     4.3.2 Hunting Right for Elunchun Nationality is a Fundamental Cultural Right

   Ⅴ.Protection of Minority Nationalities’ Fundamental Cultural Rights

    5.1 China should Develop a Law on the Protection of Minority Nationalities’ Fundamental Cultural Rights

    5.2 Evaluation Mechanism on Cultural Effect of Large Construction Works should be Developed

    5.3 A State Organ Specialized in Human Rights Administration should be Established

    5.4 Participation of Minority Nationality Members should be Promoted

  Protection of Women’s Right to Health by International Human Rights Law

   Ⅰ.Understanding the Term “Health”

   Ⅱ.Understanding Normative Contents of the Women’s Right to Health

    2.1 Understanding of the Normative Contents of the Right to Health

    2.2 Normative Contents of the Women’s Right to Health

   Ⅲ.Relevant Provisions for the Protection of Women’s Right to Health under International Human Rights Law

    3.1 The General Provisions on the Right to Health

    3.2 The Special Provision on the Women’s Right to Health

   Ⅳ.State Parties’ Obligations for the Protection of Women’s Right to Health

    4.1 Progressive Realization and Immediate Obligations

    4.2 Respect,Protection and Fulfillment Obligations

   Ⅴ.The Protection of Women’s Right to Health and Non-discrimination Principle

   Ⅵ.Monitoring Mechanism of Protection of Women’s Right to Health

   Ⅶ.Concluding Remarks

 Part Five Domestic Legal Protection of Rights of National or Ethnic Minorities:Legislative,Administrative and Judicial

  The Legislative and Judicial Protection of Minority Rights with Regard to Language in Switzerland

   Ⅰ.Relevance of “Freedom of Language”

   Ⅱ.Linguistic Diversity in Switzerland

   Ⅲ.Legislative and Judicial Framework in CH

    3.1 Federal Level

     3.1.1 Legal language

     3.1.2 Language in parliament

     3.1.3 Media

    3.2 Cantonal Level

     3.2.1 Language used in schools

     3.2.2 Official Language used in Court

     3.2.3 Language and Cantonal Constitutions in Multilingual Cantons:the Example of Bern and the Special Statute for the Jura Region


  Language Discrimination and Minority Protection


   Ⅱ.The Principles of Equality and Non-discrimination in International Human Rights Law

   Ⅲ.Minority Protection in International Law

   Ⅳ.The Principle of Non-discrimination

   Ⅴ.Concluding Remarks

  A Study of the Protection of Subsistence Right and Dignity Right of Minorities

   Ⅰ.Introduction of Subsistence Right and Dignity Right of Minorities

    1.1 Subsistence Right of Minorities

     1.1.1 Consistence between Subsistence Right and Minority Rights

     1.1.2 Dynamic Development of the Meaning of Subsistence Right

    1.2 Dignity Right of Minorities

    1.3 The Relationship between Subsistence Right and Dignity Right of Minorities

   Ⅱ.The Analysis of Types of Subsistence Right and Dignity Right of Minorities

    2.1 Subsistence Right and Dignity Right of Minorities Developed from Natural Factors

    2.2 Subsistence Right and Dignity Right of Minorities Developed from Social Factors

     2.2.1 Right to Equal Cultural Conditions

     2.2.2 Right to Effective Participation

     2.2.3 Right to Development and Assistance

   Ⅲ.Realization Mechanism of Subsistence Right and Dignity Right of Minorities

    3.1 Expression Mechanism for MinoritiesStudy Monthly,2007,No.3,p.8.">*

    3.2 Mechanism for Preferential Allocation of Resources to Minorities

    3.3 Cultivating Rights Consciousness of Minorities

    3.4 Social Mobility Mechanism for Minorities

   Ⅳ.Conclusion:A Possible Approach

  Jurisprudence for International Protection of Minority Rights

   Ⅰ.Sources of Contemporary Minority International Law

    1.1 Treaties

    1.2 Customs

    1.3 General Principles of Law

    1.4 Subsidiary Means for the Determination of Rules

     1.4.1 Declarations of International Organizations

     1.4.2 Teachings of Publicists Scholarship

     1.4.3 Judicial Decisions

     1.4.4 Quasi-judicial Documents

   Ⅱ.Concept and Classification of Minorities

    2.1 Definition of Minority

    2.2 Constituent Elements of a Minority

     2.2.1 Objective Elements Constituting a Minority

     2.2.2 Subjective Elements Constituting a Minority

    2.3 Basis for the Determination of Minorities:Domestic Law or International Law?

   Ⅲ.Standards for the International Protection of Minority Rights

    3.1 General Principle of International Protection of Minority Rights

    3.2 Special Rights of Minorities

  Nation-state and Minority Rights Protection:European Immigration Policies and Their Development Prospect

   Ⅰ.Minority Rights:Claims of Migrants in Europe

   Ⅱ.Nation-state and Protection Measures for Majority Rights:Types of Immigration Policies in European Nation-states and Their Advantages and Disadvantages

    2.1 Intervention by Armed Forces

    2.2 Deportation

    2.3 Laissez-faire

    2.4 Regulatory Control

    2.5 Proactive

   Ⅲ.Minority Rights Protection and Harmonious Society Development:European Immigration Policies and Their Development Trend



 Preface to China Forum on the Rule of Law


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