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Accelerate the Transformation of Economic Development Mode(2010–2011)


经济转型 经济发展

[内容简介] 我国已经进入了只有加快转变经济发展方式才能保持经济平稳较快发展的关键阶段。“十二五”期间在转变经济发展方式上取得重大突破,需要在调整需求结构上,大幅度提高居民消费率;在调整产业结构上,重点加快第三产业的发展;在调整要素结构上,大力推进自主创新;在城乡结构调整上,加快转变农业发展方式;在调整区域结构上,加快中西部经济发展;在对外经济方面,要坚持“引进来”与“走出去”并重,建设开放型经济体系。


编 辑:任文武;姚冬梅
出版时间: 2011年01月
语 种:中文
中图分类:F0 经济学



   一 加快转变经济发展方式是实现科学发展的根本途径








   二 加快转变经济发展方式的紧迫性













   三 加快转变经济发展方式的国际经验借鉴





   四 加快转变经济发展方式的重点任务







   五 加快转变经济发展方式的重大措施









   一 经济结构战略性调整是国际国内环境变化的必然要求

   二 经济结构战略性调整面临的新问题

   三 “十二五”时期经济结构战略性调整的重点














   一 引言

   二 中国经济的基本面

   三 从出口到内需——中国可持续增长的总需求源头

   四 从有形投入主导到技术进步主导的经济增长

   五 结语


   一 从转变经济增长方式到转变经济发展方式,反映了我们党对经济发展规律认识的深化

   二 经济增长由主要依靠投资、出口拉动向依靠消费、投资、出口协调拉动转变









   三 经济增长由主要依靠第二产业带动向依靠第一、第二、第三产业协同带动转变

   四 经济增长由主要依靠增加物质资源消耗向主要依靠科技进步、劳动者素质提高、管理创新转变




   五 加快农业发展方式转变

   六 以开放促进发展方式转变

   七 建立促进发展方式转变的体制机制






   一 在需求结构上由主要靠投资、出口拉动向消费、投资、出口协调拉动转变,大幅度提高居民消费率

   二 在产业结构上,要以第二产业带动为主转向一、二、三产业协调发展,重点加快第三产业的发展

   三 在要素结构上,要由物质资源消耗为主向技术进步、改善管理和提高劳动者素质为主转变,大力推动自主创新

   四 城乡结构要由差距不断拉大向协调发展转变,加快转变农业发展方式

   五 区域结构由沿海率先发展向东中西部协调发展转变,加快中西部经济发展

   六 对外经济要由“引进来”为主向“引进来”与“走出去”并重的方向转变,建设开放型经济体系


   一 加快经济结构战略性调整是应对国内外环境变化的必然选择

   二 今后一个时期我国经济结构战略性调整面临的新课题

   三 “十二五”时期我国加快经济结构战略性调整的主要任务







   四 加快建立有利于经济结构战略性调整的体制机制

  开征环境税 加快转变经济发展方式

   一 中国开征环境税的必要性





   二 中国环境税费制度存在的主要问题
















   三 中国环境税改革方案的初步设想






















   一 财政收入绝对额国际排位提升

   二 财政收入相对额位居世界低水平

   三 财政收入高增长与居民收入增长并不矛盾

   四 财政收入高增长是我国财政风险防火墙的基石

   五 财政管理要切实转到科学化、精细化轨道上来


   一 外向型经济的结构应作适当调整

   二 加大科技投入,真正实现科技兴国的理想

   三 产业结构的优化重组问题

   四 收入分配结构面临调整


   一 经济增长与经济发展

   二 制约中国经济发展方式转变的因素与影响机制





   三 转变经济发展方式与财税制度创新



















   一 加快转变经济发展方式是适应国际国内新形势变化的必然要求



   二 加快经济结构战略性调整,强化内生增长动力














   三 推进改革是转变经济发展方式的重要路径


   一 问题的提出

   二 当前中国城镇化的态势与挑战















   三 关于城镇化发展模式的思考










   四 转变经济发展方式下的城镇化发展模式





   一 全球需求结构重大变化的表现

   二 加快我国产业结构调整的必要性



   三 加快产业结构调整,应对全球需求结构变化






   一 “十二五”时期发展民生服务业“一举多能”






   二 强劲的社会需求与巨大的产业发展空间是民生服务业大发展的前提





   三 公共服务与产业发展的聚合是民生服务业发展的动力






  加快发展文化产业 壮大服务经济

   一 “十一五”期间我国文化产业取得的重大进步与突破






   二 “十一五”期间,我国文化产业发展的基本特点

   三 我国文化产业发展中尚存的主要问题







   四 加快文化产业发展速度,提高文化产业发展质量的几点建议






  推进国际科技中心建设 破解“中等收入陷阱”

   一 “中等收入陷阱”及其在我国的表现



   二 “中等收入陷阱”存在的原因



   三 我国与世界创新型国家科技创新的差距

   四 推进国际科技中心建设 打破“中等收入陷阱”魔咒


   一 我国的能源结构现状



   二 我国能源结构存在的主要问题





   三 优化我国能源结构的对策建议




   一 我国“十一五”期间对外经济发展取得辉煌成就






   二 我国对外经济发展存在的问题




   三 推进对外经济发展方式转变的建议







   一 健全中央和地方财力与事权相匹配的财税体制




   二 构建有利于改善民生和扩大内需的财税体制



   三 加快构建支持科技进步和创新的财税体制




   四 加快构建支持建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会的财税体制




   五 增强财税体制改革的全面性、科学性和协调性,形成改革的强大合力

  完善立法支撑体系 促进社会保障发展

   一 立法现状



   二 社会保障的立法原则

   三 完善社会保障立法体系的建议








   一 开发转变经济发展方式评价指数的战略意义与背景

   二 编制转变经济发展方式评价指数的原则



   三 指标构成与计算方法



   四 全国转变经济发展方式评价指数结果与分析



   五 省、自治区转变经济发展方式评价指数结果与分析


















   六 重点城市转变经济发展方式评价指数结果与分析

































   七 下一步的工作


    附录1 各省、自治区一级指标和二级指标标准值

    附录2 重点城市一级指标和二级指标标准值



   一 浙江转变经济发展方式的成效

   二 “十二五”时期浙江转变经济发展方式面临的环境




   三 以结构调整为重点加快浙江转变经济发展方式






   一 科学理解转变经济发展方式的内涵,为大连市实现发展方式转变奠定了坚实基础






   二 清醒认识转变经济发展方式的有利和不利因素,为大连市转变经济发展方式增强了针对性









   三 国家转变经济发展方式的目标定位,使大连市转变经济发展方式的方向明确







 General Report

  Accelerate the Transformation of Economic Development Mode to Achieve Scientific Development

   Ⅰ Accelerating the transformation of economic development mode is the fundamental way to achieve scientific development

    (Ⅰ)Scientific development is the concrete manifestation of the scientific concept of development and the requirement of the times

    (Ⅱ)Accelerating the transformation of economic development mode is the only way to drive scientific development

    (Ⅲ)Connotation of the transformation of economic development mode

     1.Transform a quantity-based economic development mode into a quality-based one

     2.Transform a scale expansion-based economic development mode into an efficiency improvement-based one

     3.Transform a high cost-based economic development mode into a low cost-based one

     4.Transform an investment and resource-driven economic development mode into an innovation-driven one

   Ⅱ It is urgent to accelerate the transformation of economic development mode

    (Ⅰ)China’s economic development has achieved great results that have drawn worldwide attention

    (Ⅱ)Urgent need for the transformation of China’s economic development mode

     1.Increasing resource and environmental constraints to economic growth

     2.The imbalance between investment and consumption results in lack of consumer demand

     3.Imbalance between internal demand and external demand

     4.Big gap of income distribution and irrational income distribution structure

     5.Weak ability of technology innovation

     6.Irrational industrial structure

     7.The foundation of agriculture remains weak

     8.The development of urban and rural areas is not coordinated and the urban-rural dual structure has not fundamentally changed

     9.Total employment pressure and structural conflicts coexist

     10.There are still many structural and institutional obstacles constraining scientific development

   Ⅲ International experience on accelerating the transformation of economic development mode

    (Ⅰ)Transformation process of economic growth mode in the United States

    (Ⅱ)Transformation of economic development mode in Japan

    (Ⅲ)Transformation of South Korea’s economic development mode

    (Ⅳ)Lessons learned from the transformation of the Soviet Union’s economic growth mode

   Ⅳ Major tasks of accelerating the transformation of economic development mode

    (Ⅰ)Adhere to the strategy of expanding domestic demand and accelerate the transformation of the structure of demand.

    (Ⅱ)Accelerate the transformation of industrial structure and facilitate co-development of the three industries

    (Ⅲ)Vigorously promote scientific and technological progress and innovation,and accelerate the transformation of element structure

    (Ⅳ)Building a resource-saving and environment-friendly society

    (Ⅴ)Accelerate the transformation of the mode of agricultural development,and facilitate urban-rural integration

    (Ⅵ)Unswervingly adhere to the strategy of opening up,accelerate the transformation of foreign trade growth mode

   Ⅴ Major measures of accelerating the transformation of economic development mode

    (Ⅰ)Change the development concept

    (Ⅱ)Reform of institutional mechanism

    (Ⅲ)Accelerate the transformation of government functions

    (Ⅳ)Provide sufficient policy support

    (Ⅴ)Create a market environment conductive to scientific development

   Ⅵ Establish the index system on evaluating the transformation of economic development mode

 Theme Reports

  The Focus of the Strategic Adjustment of Economic Structure during the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” Period

   Ⅰ Strategic adjustment of economic structure is the inexorable requirement of changes in international and domestic environments

   Ⅱ New problems faced by strategic adjustment of economic structure

   Ⅲ The focus of the strategic adjustment of economic structure during the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” period

    (Ⅰ)Based on the adjustment of demand structure,increase the capacity for sustainable development.

     1.Build a demand structure featuring the dominance of domestic demand and stable development of external demand

     2.Promote the coordinated growth of investment and consumption

     3.Increasing consumption is a top priority for expanding domestic demand

    (Ⅱ)Accelerate the upgrading of industrial structure and enhance the independent innovation capability

     1.Accelerate the development of the tertiary industry

     2.To develop manufacturing and strategic new industries

     3.Continuously enhance the capability of independent innovation

    (Ⅲ)Adhere to the coordinated development of urban and rural areas and actively and steadily promote urbanization

     1.Urbanization is an important driving force for maintaining sustainable economic development in China

     2.To boost economic restructuring with urbanization

     3.Boost steady development of urbanization

  How to Change the Mode of Development?*

   Ⅰ Introduction

   Ⅱ The Fundamentals of the Chinese Economy

   Ⅲ From Exports to Domestic Demands—The Source of Demands for China’s Sustainable Growth

   Ⅳ Dominance in Economic Growth:from Tangible Capital to Technological Advance

   Ⅴ Conclusion

  Transformation of Economic Development Mode as an Urgent Strategic Task

   Ⅰ Deepened understanding of the economic development law by our party is reflected in the shift from the transformation of economic growth mode to the transformation of economic development mode

   Ⅱ The Shift of Economic Growth from Heavy Reliance on Promotion of Investment and Export to Reliance on the Coordinated Promotion of Consumption,Investment and Export

    (Ⅰ)Top Priority Given to the Expansion of the Household Consumption

    (Ⅱ)Adjusting the Income Distribution Structure

     1.Increasing the farmer’s income

     2.Reducing the income gap between the industries by breaking the monopoly

     3.The progressive realization of equality of public services in general

     4.Improving the personal income tax system

    (3)The expansion of public services as the focus of expansion of consumption

    (4)Accelerating the process of urbanization provides the largest potential for expanding domestic demand,particularly expanding consumption

   Ⅲ The Shift of Economic Growth from Heavy Reliance on Promotion of the Secondary Industry to Reliance on the Coordinated Promotion of the Primary,Secondary and Tertiary Industries

   Ⅳ The transformation of economic growth from heavy reliance on increased consumption of material resources to heavy reliance on scientific and technological progress,improving of quality of workers,and innovation in management

    (Ⅰ)Enterprises should play a dominant role in independent innovation

    (Ⅱ)Improving the policy and social environment for encouraging innovation

    (Ⅲ)Full use of scientific and technological resources in the international market

   Ⅴ Accelerating the transformation of the agricultural development mode

   Ⅵ Promoting the transformation of the development mode by opening up

   Ⅶ Establishment of the mechanisms of promoting the change of the development mode

    (Ⅰ)Playing the fundamental role of the market allocation of resources from the system

    (Ⅱ)The reform of fiscal and taxation system

    (Ⅲ)The reform of financial system

    (Ⅳ)Reform of administrative management system

  The Transformation of Economic Development Mode as the Main Theme of “Twelfth Five-Year Plan”

   Ⅰ In the demand structure,change from heavy reliance on the promotion of investment and exports to coordinated promotion of consumption,investment and exports,so as to substantially increase household consumer rates

   Ⅱ In the industrial structure,we should turn from reliance on the promotion of the secondary industry to the coordinated development of the primary,secondary and tertiary industries,focusing on accelerating the development of tertiary industry

   Ⅲ In the factor structure,the transformation from the consumption of material resources to the technological progress,improving of management and enhancing the quality of workers,so as to vigorously promote the independent innovation

   Ⅳ Urban and rural structure transition from the ever-widening gap to the coordinated development with accelerating the transformation of agricultural development mode

   Ⅴ The regional structure shift from coastal areas taking the lead in development to the coordinated development of eastern,central and western areas for accelerating economic development in the central and western areas

   Ⅵ The foreign economy change from the “bringing in” to equal emphasis on “bringing in” and “going out” for building an open economy

  Accelerating the Strategic Readjustment of Economic Structure

   Ⅰ Speeding up the strategic adjustment of economic structure as a inevitable choice in response to an change in domestic and international environments

   Ⅱ New issues that strategic adjustment of economic structure faces in the next period

   Ⅲ The main tasks in accelerating China’s strategic adjustment of economic structure during the” Twelfth Five-Year Plan “

    (Ⅰ)With expanding domestic demand,especially consumer demand as the strategic focus,promote demand structural adjustment

    (Ⅱ)With accelerating the development of productive services and fostering the development of strategic emerging industries as focus,promote the industrial structure adjustment

    (Ⅲ)With enhancing enterprise technological innovation capacity and developing human resources as the focus,promote the factor structural adjustment

    (Ⅳ)With solving the employment and settlement of transferred agricultural population in cities and towns and enhancing the overall carrying capacity of cities and towns as focus,promote urban and rural structure adjustment

    (Ⅴ)With promoting balanced regional development and optimizing land space development pattern as the focus,promote the regional structure adjustment

    (Ⅵ)With energy saving and emission reduction and developing green economy as focus,enhance sustainable development

   Ⅳ accelerate the establishment of the institutional mechanisms conducive to strategic adjustment of economic structure

  Levy Environmental Tax,Accelerate Transformation of the Mode of Economic Development

   Ⅰ Necessity of levying of the environmental tax in China

    (Ⅰ)The requirements of treating environmental pollution in our country and adaptability to the severe situation of environmental protection

    (Ⅱ)Requirements of carrying out scientific outlook on development and transforming the modes of economic development

    (Ⅲ)Requirements of perfecting environmental-economic means and constructing system of environmental policies of our country

    (Ⅳ)Requirements of perfecting environmental tax system and deepening reform for taxation system

   Ⅱ Major problems existed in China’s system of environmental taxes and fees

    (Ⅰ)Imperfect system of environmental taxes and fees

     1.Independent tax deficiency for pollutants and carbon dioxide emissions

     2.Low scope of environmental tax revenue

     3.Deficiency of coordination among current tax categories relating to the environment

    (Ⅱ)Deficiency of incentives of relevant tax categories to environmental protection

     1.Consumption tax

     2.Resource tax

     3.Tax for vehicle and vessel

    (Ⅲ)Environmental tax policies need adjustments and perfection

     1.Intensity of environmental tax policies to environmental protection isn’t sufficient

     2.Environmental tax policies have deviations in the choices of tax’ categories

     3.Deficiency of coordination among environmental tax policies

    (Ⅳ)Pollution-discharge charge system is hard to satisfy the requirements of pollution treatment

     1.Pollution-discharge charging standards are relatively low,while illegal costs are lower than law-abiding costs

     2.Pollution-discharge levying is not so compulsory as imagined and lacks strong legal guarantee

   Ⅲ Preliminary assumption of China’s reform of environmental protection program

    (Ⅰ)Design of target framework of China’s environmental tax system

     1.Design of China’s environmental tax system in the future

     2.Specific choices of levying of environmental tax

    (Ⅱ)Design programs of pollution-discharge tax system


     2.Scope of taxation and tax items

     3.Tax base and tax pattern

     4.Tax rate

     5.Levying method

     6.Tax preference

    (Ⅲ)Design program of carbon tax system

    (Ⅳ)Other systematic provisions of environmental tax

     1.Choice of levying mode

     2.Income attribution

     3.Usage of income

  Rational Recognition of Financial Income Level

   Ⅰ Evaluation of International Ranking of Financial Income’s Absolute Yield

   Ⅱ Relative Amount of Revenue Relatively Is at Low level in the World

   Ⅲ High Growth of Government Revenue isn’t contradictory with the Increment of People’s Income

   Ⅳ High Growth of Financial Revenue is the Footstone of Our Fire Wall of Financial Risk

   Ⅵ Fiscal Administration Should Earnestly Turn to a Scientific,Elaborate Path

  On Structure Adjustment—Key Issue of Chinese Economic Development

   Ⅰ Proper Structure Adjustment on the Export-Oriented Economy

   Ⅱ Investment on technology to achieve the goal of prospering China through science and education

   Ⅲ Optimization problem of industrial restructuring

   Ⅳ Distribution Restructure of National Income

  Innovation of Economic Development Pattern and Financial and Taxation System

   Ⅰ Economic growth and economic development

   Ⅱ Factors and influence mechanism to restrict the transformation of China’s economic development pattern

    (Ⅰ)Distortion of resource and factor price can’t fully reflect the scarcity and market supply

    (Ⅱ)Labor cost is low,while competitiveness of enterprises is virtual-high

    (Ⅲ)Corrective law system is imperfect and private cost of enterprises is lower than social cost.

    (Ⅳ)The basic security system and public service system are imperfect,and economic development and social development are uncoordinated

   Ⅲ Transformation of economic development pattern and innovation of finance and taxation system

    (Ⅰ)Adjusting the financial expenditure structure,and optimizing the allocation of financial resources

    (Ⅱ)Reform of resource tax to change the pattern of resource and tax distortion

     1.Abolish preferential policies of resource tax

     2.Appropriately improve the compensation rate of mineral resources

     3.Comprehensively enhance the resource tax standard and enlarge the levying scope

     4.Carry out remunerative transfer resource system

    (Ⅲ)Perfecting imports and exports tax policies and restricting waste of resources

    (Ⅳ)Intensify efforts to tax preference for technological innovation of enterprises,and create favorable environment of innovation of enterprises

    (Ⅴ)Adjusting and perfecting taxes related to environmental protection and pollution-discharge fee system

     1.Adjust tax items and tax rate of consumption tax

     2.Adjust vehicle and vessel tax

     3.Levying of environmental protection tax

     4.Improve standard of pollutant-discharge fee

    (Ⅵ)Construct social safety net,gradually solve the problems of imbalance of domestic and foreign consumption,low domestic consumption rate

     1.Levy social security tax

     2.Levy inheritance tax and gift tax

     3.Perfect individual income tax system and establish personal income monitoring system

  Accelerate Strategic Economic Restructuring to Strengthen the Impetus for Endogenous Growth

   Ⅰ To accelerate the transformation of the economic development mode is an inevitable requirement to accommodate to the new changes of domestic and international situations

    (Ⅰ)The international financial crisis promotes change in the economic development mode

    (Ⅱ)The domestic economic restructuring calls for accelerating the transformation of the economic development mode

   Ⅱ Accelerate strategic economic restructuring to strengthen the impetus for endogenous growth

    (Ⅰ)To expand domestic demand is the key to adjusting the demand structure

    (Ⅱ)Adjust national income distribution structure to achieve bisynchronous growth

     1.Promote two proportions to achieve bisynchronous growth

     2.Narrow the income gap between the rich urban and poor rural residents and narrow the gap between the rich and poor

    (Ⅲ)Adjust industrial structure and strive to develop the tertiary industry to promote coordinated development of the three industries

     1.Continue to strengthen the position of agriculture as the foundation of the national economy,promote the industry to grow from a large industry to a strong industry and boost the proportion of the service industry

     2.Adjust the interior structure of industry and improve industrial concentration

     3.To cultivate and develop strategic emerging industries to seize the commanding heights of the international competition as top priorities in economic restructuring

    (Ⅳ)Adjust the urban and rural structure and the regional structure,promote the urbanization process,attain balanced development of urban and rural regional economy and expand space for the sustainable economic development

     1.Adjust the urban and rural structure

     2.Adjust the regional structure and promote balanced development among regions

     3.Adjust territorial development space structure and implement the strategy of development priority zones

    (Ⅴ)Adjust the foreign economic structure and expedite transformation of the growth mode of foreign trade

   Ⅲ Pressing ahead with reform is an important way to accelerate the transformation of the economic development mode

  China’s Urbanization Development Pattern Against the Background of the Transformation of Economic Development Mode

   Ⅰ Presentation of the issue

   Ⅱ The current situation and challenges of China’s urbanization

    (Ⅰ)The situation of urbanization

     1.The urbanization level is constantly rising,the growth rate slightly higher than in 2008

     2.The urbanization of central and western regions is apparently speeding up

     3.In the integration of regional economy,city clusters and city rings are developing rapidly

     4.The high-speed rail brings China into the epoch of integration of neighboring cities

    (Ⅱ)Eight challenges confronting urbanization development mode in the future

   Ⅲ Reflection on the urbanization development pattern

    (Ⅰ)The urbanization development pattern needs to achieve four shifts

    (Ⅱ)Three key points to think over in the transformation of urbanization development pattern

   IV Urbanization development patterns in the transformation of the economic development mode

    (Ⅰ)Strive to develop city clusters with mega cities and metropolises as the core,middle-sized and small cities as well as their satellite towns distributed proportionately

    (Ⅱ)Focus on promoting coordinated development pattern of middle-sized and small cities and small towns

    (Ⅲ)Urbanization on the spot serves as a positive supplementary form of promoting urbanization process

  Adapt to the Great Changes of the Global Demand Structure and Accelerate the Adjustment of Industrial Structure

   Ⅰ The manifestation of the major changes in the global demand structure

   Ⅱ The necessity to accelerate the adjustment of China’s industrial structure

    (Ⅰ)Requirement for the adaptation to the changes of external environment

    (Ⅱ)Requirement for domestic economic development

   Ⅲ Accelerate the industrial structure adjustment to cope with global demand structure changes

    (Ⅰ)Speed up industrial restructuring and improving the modern industrial system

    (Ⅱ)Speed up promoting the technological innovation of conventional industries

    (Ⅲ)Accelerate developing strategic emerging industries

    (Ⅳ)Speed up the development of service industry and promote the coordinated development of the three industries

  Livelihood Services:Searching for Joint Power of Public Services and Businesses Development

   Ⅰ The 12th 5-Year Plan makes livelihood services businesses development “multi-functions with one action”

    (Ⅰ)Boosting consumer spending

    (Ⅱ)Resolving public problems

    (Ⅲ)Equalization of basic public services

    (Ⅳ)Upgrading of consumption structure

    (Ⅴ)Construction of service-oriented government

   Ⅱ Strong social demand and huge developing space are premises of livelihood services businesses development

    (Ⅰ)Pension services

    (Ⅱ)Medical services,especially the rural medical services

    (Ⅲ)Education services,especially the pre-school education services

    (Ⅳ)Home services

   Ⅲ Joint of public services and businesses development is the promoting power of livelihood services

    (Ⅰ)Government supporting enlarging developing space

    (Ⅱ)Innovation development mechanism establishing new government and businesses contact form

    (Ⅲ)Capacity-building of marketing services demanding the government to strengthen guidance and supervision

    (Ⅳ)The urgent issue is the cooperation of government and business to improve staff training

    (Ⅴ)A broad participation of different social forces guaranteeing a rapid development of livelihood services businesses

  The Acceleration of Cultural Industry Development and the Optimization of Service Economy

   Ⅰ China’s cultural industry has made significant progresses and breakthroughs during the “Eleventh Five-Year” period

    (Ⅰ)The acceleration of the cultural system reform increases the supply subjects of cultural goods and services,and creates favorable conditions for the development of the cultural industry

    (Ⅱ)The public cultural service system that cover both urban and rural areas not only effectively protects the interests of people’s basic cultural rights,but also makes a useful preparation and pave the way to further activation of the vast cultural market

    (Ⅲ)The 11th Five Year Plan period,against the backdrop of global financial crisis,has witnessed excellent performance in our cultural industry and unique role of its counter-economic-cycle development

    (Ⅳ)During the 11th Five-Year Plan period,our policy stimulation to cultural industry is unprecedented

    (Ⅴ)Recent data indicate strong development of China’s cultural industry in the 11th Five-Year Plan

   Ⅱ The basic features our cultural industrial development in the 11th Five-Year Plan period

   Ⅲ The major problems in our cultural industrial development

    (Ⅰ)China’s cultural industry is small-scale with low industrial concentration and a lack of pillar enterprises and leading brands

    (Ⅱ)Deficiency in plan and quality of implementing exists in the cultural industry,and its development also has unbalanced phenomena in many aspects in our country

    (Ⅲ)The cultural industry of our country today is in a low position in global labor division chain with deficiency in the level of profit,international competitiveness and influence,and the impact of the core cultural products with the dominant Chinese value and modern idea is limited in the world

    (Ⅳ)The cross-border development of the subject of cultural industry in our country is faced with many grave challenges

    (Ⅴ)Many defects in rational utilization of resources exist in our cultural industry

    (Ⅵ)Problems of lack of core competitiveness,low technology content and weak distinguishing features widely exist in cultural industry

   Ⅳ Advices on Accelerating the Development of Cultural Industry and Improvement of its Quality

    (Ⅰ)Create conditions for cultural industry to rapidly foster and introduce talents,and lay a long-term development foundation for our cultural industry

    (Ⅱ)Overall innovation is the only way for rejuvenating China’s cultural industry

    (Ⅲ)Firmly hold the dual natures in culture and economy of China’s cultural industry. Neither can be neglected

    (Ⅳ)The further development of cultural industrial need the cooperation of competent authorities of culture and other departments in charge of economy

    (Ⅴ)Continue to deepen cultural restructuring and transform culture construction from stock resource to market product

  Promote the Construction of International Center for Scientific and Technical Information to Crack the “Middle-Income Trap”

   Ⅰ “Middle-income Trap” in China

    (Ⅰ)Main Characters of “Middle-income Trap”

    (Ⅱ)“Middle-income Trap” in China

   Ⅱ Reasons for Existence of “Middle-income Trap”

    (Ⅰ)The direct cause about the existence of “middle-income trap” is that the social and economic elements haven’t a collaborative development and force the social and economic development into the period of collaboration and integration

    (Ⅱ)The primary cause for the existence of “middle-income trap” is the limitation of the economic surplus accumulation for the economies,the shortage of the technology-driven economic growth point and the congenial defects of the development way

   Ⅲ Scientific and Technical Innovation Gaps between China and the Innovative Countries in the World

   Ⅳ Promote the Construction of International Center for Scientific and Technical Information to Crack the “Middle-income Trap”

  Policy Suggestions to Energy Structure Adjustment in China

   Ⅰ Current Situation of China’s Energy Structure

    1.Coal-based Energy Structure in China

    2.Reasons for the Current Energy Structure

   Ⅱ Major Problems in Energy Structure in China

    1.Problems Related to Energy Resources

    2.Problems Related to Utilization of Energy Resources

    3.Problems Related to Energy Shortage

    4.Problems Related to Energy Mechanism

   Ⅲ Countermeasures on Optimizing China’s Energy Structure

    1.Basic Strategy

    2.Specific Strategies

  Accelerate the Transformation of Foreign Economic Development Mode

   Ⅰ China has achieved glorious accomplishments in foreign economic development during the period of the 11th five-year plan

    (Ⅰ)Stable Increase of Import and Export Trading Volume

    (Ⅱ)Sustained Optimization in import and export trading structure,constant growth in service trading volume

    (Ⅲ)Gradual decrease in process trading percentage,gradual increase in general trading percentage

    (Ⅳ)Stable improvement in foreign capital introduction,obvious acceleration in FDI

    (Ⅴ)The imbalance in foreign trade has been improved to some extent

   Ⅱ Issues existing in China’s foreign economic development

    (Ⅰ)China’s export enterprises are still staying at the low end of global industry chain,with insufficient technology innovation,and its position of world employee has not been fundamentally changed

    (Ⅱ)Productivity surplus in high energy-consuming industries,sustained growth of export in some high energy-consuming and high pollution industry products,increased the pressure of environment protection / energy conservation / emission reduction

    (Ⅲ)International balance of payment imbalance is still serious,the pressure of RMB appreciation is intensified

   Ⅲ Suggestions for promoting transformation in foreign economic development mode

    (Ⅰ)intensify the development of rising strategic industries;accelerate adjustment of export trading structure

    (Ⅱ)Accelerate implementing the strategy of “going out”

    (Ⅲ)Persist in implementing the strategy of “introducing in”

    (Ⅳ)Intensify the international economic cooperation,esp. the cooperation with developing countries including the rising economies

    (Ⅴ)Keep the stable rise of RMB exchange rate,steadily promote the internationalization of RMB

  Research on Fiscal and Taxation Systems in Favor of Accelerating Transformation of Economic Development Mode

   Ⅰ Perfect the Fiscal and Taxation Systems with Financial Resources Commensuration with Administrative Power at both the Central and Local Government Levels

    (Ⅰ)Clarify the financial expenditure responsibilities of governments at all levels and form a legal division of administrative power

    (Ⅱ)Focus on propelling the reform of business tax,resource tax and property tax and gradually build up a stable and reliable local main tax system

    (Ⅲ)Study a complete and standard transfer payment system and actively give play to the function of fiscal equalization system

   Ⅱ Build up Fiscal and Taxation Systems that are Conducive to Improving People’s Living Standard and Expanding Domestic Demand

    (Ⅰ)Optimize the financial expenditure structure and safeguard and improve people’s living standard

    (Ⅱ)Improve the tax system and strengthen the redistribution function of tax

   Ⅲ Accelerate the Construction of Fiscal and Taxation System that Supports Scientific and Technological Progress and Innovation

    (Ⅰ)Implement fully consumption value-added tax and reduce the tax burden of the high-tech enterprises

    (Ⅱ)Establish and Perfect Fiscal and Taxation Policies that Helps to Enhance Independent Innovation Ability of Enterprises

    (Ⅲ)Decide the Key Areas and Directions of Financial Support for Scientific and Technological Progress and Innovation;Accelerate the Development of New Strategic Industries

   Ⅳ Accelerate the Establishment of Fiscal and Taxation Systems that Help the Construction of a Resource-conserving and Environmental-friendly Society

    (Ⅰ)Resource Tax Reform

    (Ⅱ)“Green” the Existing Taxation System and Study the Introduction of Environmental Tax

    (Ⅲ)Support Green Economic Development through Government Procurement,Fiscal Subsidies and Other Methods

   Ⅴ Make the Fiscal and Taxation System Reform more Comprehensive,Scientific and Coordinated to Form a Powerful Resultant Force for it

  Perfect Legislative Support System;Promote Social Security Development

   Ⅰ Current Situation of Legislation

    (Ⅰ)Introduction of Foreign Social Security Legislation

    (Ⅱ)Current Situation of Legislation for China’s Social Security System

   Ⅱ Legislative Principles of Social Security

   Ⅲ Suggestions on Improving the Social Security Legislation System

    (Ⅰ)Improve the main structure of social security legal system

    (Ⅱ)Establish a stable multi-channel legal system for fund raising

    (Ⅲ)Construct a system framework with well-defined powers and responsibilities

    (Ⅳ)Improve law enforcement mechanism

    (Ⅴ)Improve the judicial mechanism of social security

 Evaluation System

  Indexes for Evaluating Methods in Transforming Economic Development Pattern

   Ⅰ Strategic Importance and Background of Developing Indexes for Evaluating Transformation of Economic Development Pattern

   Ⅱ Principles of Developing Indexes for Evaluating Transformation of Economic Development Pattern

    (Ⅰ)Being Scientific

    (Ⅱ)Being Operable

   Ⅲ Composition of Indexes and Calculation Method

    (Ⅰ)Composition of Indexes

    (Ⅱ)Calculation Method

   Ⅳ Results and Analysis of Indexes for Evaluating China’s Transformation of Economic Development Pattern

    (Ⅰ)Results of Indexes for Evaluating China’s Transformation of Economic Development Pattern

    (Ⅱ)Analysis of Sub-indexes for Evaluating China’s Transformation of Economic Development Pattern

   Ⅴ Results and Analysis of Indexes for Evaluating Efforts Taken by Provinces and Autonomous Regions in Transforming Economic Development Pattern

    (Ⅰ)Results of Indexes for Evaluating Efforts Taken by Provinces and Autonomous Regions in Transforming Economic Development Pattern

    (Ⅱ)Results and Analysis of Indexes for Evaluating Efforts Taken by Provinces and Autonomous Regions in Transforming Economic Development Pattern

     1.Indexes for Evaluating Efforts Taken by Guangdong Province in Transforming Economic Development Pattern

      (1)Economic Profile of Guangdong Province

      (2)Analysis of Indexes for Evaluating Efforts Taken by Guangdong Province in Transforming Economic Development Pattern

     2.Indexes for Evaluating Efforts Taken by Zhejiang Province in Transforming Economic Development Pattern

      (1) Economic Profile of Zhejiang Province

      (2) Analysis of Indexes for Evaluating Efforts Taken by Zhejiang Province in Transforming Economic Development Pattern

     3.Indexes for Evaluating Efforts Taken by Jiangsu Province in Transforming Economic Development Pattern

      (1) Economic Profile of Jiangsu Province

      (2) Analysis of Indexes for Evaluating Efforts Taken by Jiangsu Province in Transforming Economic Development Pattern

     3.Indexes for Evaluating Efforts Taken by Fujian Province in Transforming Economic Development Pattern

      (1) Economic Profile of Fujian Province

      (2) Analysis of Indexes for Evaluating Efforts Taken by Fujian Province in Transforming Economic Development Pattern

     4.Indexes for Evaluating Efforts Taken by Shandong Province in Transforming Economic Development Pattern

      (1) Economic Profile of Shandong Province

      (2) Analysis of Indexes for Evaluating Efforts Taken by Shandong Province in Transforming Economic Development Pattern

   Ⅵ Results and Analysis of Indexes for Evaluating Efforts Taken by Key Municipalities in Transforming Economic Development Pattern

    (Ⅰ)Results of Indexes for Evaluating Efforts Taken by Key Municipalities in Transforming Economic Development Pattern

    (Ⅱ)Results and Analysis of Indexes for Evaluating Efforts Taken by Key Municipalities in Transforming Economic Development Pattern


      (1) Economic Profile of Beijing

      (2) Analysis of Indexes for Evaluating Efforts Taken by Beijing in Transforming Economic Development Pattern


      (1) Economic Profile of Shanghai

      (2) Analysis of Indexes for Evaluating Efforts Taken by Shanghai in Transforming Economic Development Pattern


      (1) Economic Profile of Guangzhou

      (2) Indexes for Evaluating Efforts Taken by Guangzhou in Transforming Economic Development Pattern


      (1) Economic Profile of Shenzhen

      (2) Indexes for Evaluating Efforts Taken by Shenzhen in Transforming Economic Development Pattern


      (1) Economic Profile of Nanjing

      (2) Analysis of Indexes for Evaluating Efforts Taken by Nanjing in Transforming Economic Development Pattern


      (1) Economic Profile of Suzhou

      (2) Analysis of Indexes for Evaluating Efforts Taken by Suzhou in Transforming Economic Development Pattern


      (1) Economic Profile of Xiamen

      (2) Analysis of Indexes for Evaluating Efforts Taken by Xiamen in Transforming Economic Development Pattern


      (1) Economic Profile of Hangzhou

      (2) Analysis of Indexes for Evaluating Efforts Taken by Hangzhou in Transforming Economic Development Pattern


      (1) Economic Profile of Wuxi

      (2) Analysis of Indexes for Evaluating Efforts Taken by Wuxi in Transforming Economic Development Pattern


      (1) Economic Profile of Jinan

      (2) Analysis of Indexes for Evaluating Efforts Taken by Jinan in Transforming Economic Development Pattern

   Ⅶ Next Step


    Annex 1 Standard Values of Level-Ⅰ and Level-ⅡIndexes for Provinces and Autonomous Regions

    Annex 2 Standard Values of Level-Ⅰand Level-Ⅱ Indexes for Municipalities

 Practice Experience

  Experience and Routes of Accelerating the Transformation of Economic Development Mode in Zhejiang Province*

   Ⅰ Achievements of Zhejiang in transforming economic development

   Ⅱ The environment for Zhejiang to transform its economic development mode in the Twelfth Five Year Plan period

    (Ⅰ)The characteristics of slow and twist world economic recovery and increasing regional competition in the Post-Crisis period are prominent

    (Ⅱ)The characteristics of rigid restrictions on development posed by recourses and environment are very prominent

    (Ⅲ)The characteristics of intertwining and frequent social contradictions are prominent. The pressure we face to safeguard social harmony and stability is unprecedented.

   Ⅲ to accelerate the transformation of economic development mode of Zhejiang with structural adjustment as a priority

    (Ⅰ)Optimize industrial structure,focus on a change of the state of lower industrial level,uneven layout and poor competitiveness as well as accelerate the construction of a new development pattern of modern industry

    (Ⅱ)optimize factors supporting structure,strive to change the old mode of economic growth,which is mainly relying on material resources consumption,and expedite the building of a new growth pattern which is conserving,intensive,innovative and green

    (Ⅲ)change growth mode of over-reliance on trade export growth and accelerate the construction of a new and coordinated consumption-investment-export driving pattern

    (Ⅳ)Optimize the layout,focus on solving acute problems arising from the dual structure in urban and rural areas and accelerate the construction of a new pattern of coordinated rural and urban development

  Theory and Practice for the Transformation of Economic Development Mode in Dalian

   Ⅰ The Scientific understanding of the connotation of the transformation of economic development mode lays a solid foundation for Dalian to achieve the transformation.

    (Ⅰ)Scientific connotation of transformation of economic development mode

    (Ⅱ)During the Eleventh Five-Year Plan period,Dalian has achieved a sound and rapid development in both economy and society

     1.In respect of economic development,the comprehensive strength has reached a new level

     2.In respect of social undertaking,people’s living is constantly improved

     3.In respect of environment protection,ecological environment keeps being improved

   Ⅱ Priorities are highlighted in the transformation of economic development mode by clearly understanding the positive and negative factors in the transformation.

    (Ⅰ)Technological progress is the driving force for the transformation of economic development mode

     1.Enhancing breakthroughs in key technologies and strengthening the independent innovation capability

     2.Focusing on fostering strategic emerging industries and raising the city’s industrial level

     3.Constructing an innovative incubator system and expanding the scientific and technological innovation base

     4.Striving to develop living and agricultural technology and benefiting people’s livelihood by technological achievements

     5.Enhancing open-ended innovation and attracting international new innovation resources

     6.Strengthening environment protection and creating a good atmosphere for independent innovation

    (Ⅱ)Breaking the bottleneck of resources and environment that constraints the transformation of economic development mode

   Ⅲ Dalian has found a clear direction for the transformation of economic development mode based on the target orientation set by the State for such a transformation.

    (Ⅰ)Transforming from a mode by mainly relying on investment and export to a mode by relying on the combination of consumption,investment and export

    (Ⅱ)Transforming from a mode by mainly relying on the secondary industry to a mode by relying on the joint force of the primary,secondary and tertiary industries

    (Ⅲ)Transforming from a mode by mainly relying on the consumption of material resources to a mode by relying on scientific and technological progress,improvement of workers’ quality and innovation in management

     1.Work Program for Science and Technology of Dalian during the “Twelve Five-Year Plan” period

     2.Education Plan of Dalian in the “Twelve Five-Year Plan” period

     3.Resources and environment plan for the “Twelve Five-Year Plan” period
















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