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Born Survivors: Three Young Mothers and Their Extraordinary Story of Courage, Defiance, and Survival


[内容简介] 在1944年被送入奥斯维辛二号营-比克瑙灭绝营的数百万大屠杀受害者中,佩莉斯嘉、拉海尔、安嘉各自身怀秘密,穿过那扇臭名昭著、恶名昭彰的大门。她们素不相识,她们刚刚怀孕,丈夫不在身旁,却要面对生死未卜、吉凶难料的命运。她们孤独、恐惧,许多亲人早已命丧纳粹之手,三位年轻妇女决心保住她们仅有的一切:她们的生命,以及她们腹中尚未降生的婴儿。本书为《星期日泰晤士报》2015年度畅销书,荣获“Goodreads2015年度历史与传记类好书”称号。


编 辑:张金勇
出版时间: 2017年07月
语 种:中文
中图分类:E 军事









 一 佩莉斯嘉

 二 拉海尔

 三 安嘉

 四 奥斯维辛二号营-比克瑙




 五 弗赖贝格

 六 死亡列车

 七 毛特豪森

 八 解放

 九 回家




 十 团圆






Author interviews with Holocaust survivors Hana Berger Moran,Mark Olsky,Eva Clarke,Sally Wolkoff,Gerty Meltzer;Esther Bauer,Lisa Miková,Esther Bauer,Werner Reich,Max R. Garcia,and Bronia Snow.

Author interviews with survivors’ families Charlie Olsky,Shirley Speyer,Jana Zimmer,Brian K. Petersohn,Jean Gore,Larry Kosiek,Stephanie Sullivan,Julie K. Rosenberg,David Feder,Miki Feder,and John Tygier.

Author research visits to Krakow,Auschwitz Ⅰ and Ⅱ,?ód?,Pabianice,Chelmno,Prague,Terezín,Horní B?íza,Trebechovice pod Orebem,Zlaty Moravce,Hradec Králové,Drevikov,Bratislava’ Sered’,Freiberg,Linz,Most,Plzeň,?eské Budějovice,and KZ Mauthausen.

Documents and photographs from historian Dr Michael Düsing,and author interviews with him and with Cornelia Hünert of Freiberg’s City Cultural Department,Germany.

Author interviews with Pascal Cziborra of the Faculty of History,Philosophy and Theology at the University of Bielefeld,Germany.

Author interviews with the Horní B?íza Deputy Mayor Zdeněk Procházka,his daughter Michaela,the late historian Mrs Bozena Royová,and locals Jaroslav Lang and Vaclav Stepanek,Czech Republic.

Author interview with Dita Valentová in T?ebechovice pod Orebem,Czech Republic.

Author interview with Martin Winstone of the UK National Holocaust Centre and Museum,Nottinghamshire,UK.

Author interview with midwife Abby Davidson,Bsc [Hons],London.

Unpublished personal account of Anka Bergman’s experiences written for her daughter Eva Clarke,2009.

Unpublished personal account of Klara L?ffová’s experiences written for her daughter Jana Zimmer,2000.

Unpublished letter detailing her experiences from Priska Lomová to the Union of Anti-Fascist Fighters,1990.

Unpublished letters between Tibor L?wenbein and his wife Priska,1941.

Interviews with Anka Bergman by Frances Rapport,Professor of Qualitative Health Research Interview,Swansea University,Wales,2007.

Unpublished survivors’letters,railway and official documents,and photographs with permission from the Museum of Horní B?íza,Czech Republic.

Documents and photographs with permission from the Auschwitz Memorial Museum,Poland and author interviews with Wojciech P?osa,Ph. D.,Head of the Archives,Dr Piotr Setkiewicz,Ph.D.,Head of the Research Department,and memorial guide Anna Ren.

Documents and photographs with permission from the Jewish Museum of Prague,Czech Republic,and author interviews with archivists Julie Jen?ovská and Radana Rutová.

Lomová,Priska,Interview 15134. Web 2014. Visual History Archive. USC Shoah Foundation [sfi.usc.edu]

O1sky,Rachel,Interview 15161. Web 2014. Visual History Archive. USC Shoah Foundation[sfi.usc.edu]

Bergman,Anna,Interview 28239. Web 2013 Visual History Archive. USC Shoah Foundation[sfi.usc.edu]

Wolkoff,Sally,Interview 12886. Web 2014. Visual History Archive. USC Shoah Foundation [sfi.usc.edu]

Meltzer,Gerty,Interview 1686. Web 2014. Visual History Archive. USC Shoah Foundation[sfi.usc.edu]

Freeman,Abraham,Interview 16384. Web 2014. Visual History Archive. USC Shoah Foundation [sfi.usc.edu]

Filmed interview with Anka Bergman by Jean Laurent Grey and Solomon J. Salat for the Mauthausen Memorial

>The Baby Born in a Concentration Camp,BBC documentary,producer Emily Davis,2011

Defiant Requiem:Voices of Resistance,PBS documentary director Doug Schultz,2012

Nazi Propaganda Film About Theresienstadt/Terezin. Film ID 2310,Steven Spielberg Film & Video Archive

Liberation of Mauthausen[and KZ Gusen Ⅰ,Ⅱ & Ⅲ]by Former Staff Sgt. Albert J. Kosiek. Published in:Thunderbolt,the 11th Armored Division Association,Vol. 8,No.1,May-June 1955,with permission of his son Larry Kosiek

Interview with Priska Lomová by editor Eva Richterová in Bojovník newspaper,part of the Sv?z Protifa?istickych Bojovníkov,1980

Interview with Anka Bergman by Helga Amesberger for the Mauthausen Survivors Documentation Project,2003.

A Time to Speak,Helen Lewis,The Blackstaff Press,1992

After the Holocaust,Marek Jan Chodakiewiczs,Columbia University Press,2003

Against All Hope:Resistance in the Nazi Concentration Camps 1938-1945,Hermann Langbein

All Hell Let Loose,The World at War 1939-45,Max Hastings,Harper Press,2011

Anus Mundi,1500 Days in Auschwitz/Birkenau,Wieslaw Kielar,Times Books,1972

Beyond Violence:Jewish Survivors in Poland and Slovakia,1944-48,Prof Anna Cichopek-Gajraj,Cambridge University Press,2014

Bomber Command,Max Hastings,Pan,1979

Defying Hitler,Sebastian Haffner,Weidenfeld & Nicholson,2002

Doctor 117641,A Holocaust Memoir,Louis J. Michels MD,Yale University,1989

Dresden,Frederick Taylor,Bloomsbury,2004

Five Chimneys,Olga Lengyel,Academy Chicago,1947

Forgotten Voices of the Holocaust,Lyn Smith;Avebury Press,2005

Fragments,Transcribing the Holocaust,Francis Rapport with Anka Bergman,Terry Farago and Edith Salter,Hafan Books,2013

Helga’s Diary,Helga Weiss,Penguin,2013

Holocaust Poetry,Hilda Schiff,St. Martin’s Griffin,1995

Holocaust,The Nazi persecution and murder of the Jews,Peter Longerich,Oxford University Press,2010

Ⅰ Escaped from Auschwitz,Rudolf Vrba,Robson Books Ltd,2006

Ⅰ Never Saw Another Butterfly,Shocken Books,1993

In the Shadow of Death:Living Outside the Gates of Mauthausen,Gordon J. Horwitz,The Free Press,1990

Jews are Coming Back,David Bankier,Berghahn Books,2005

KZ Freiberg,Pascal Cziborra,Lorbeer Verlag,2008

Kunst und Kultur im Konzentrationslager Mauthausen 1938-1945,Die Austeller,2013

Landscapes of Memory,Ruth Kluger,Bloomsbury,2003

Landscapes of the Metropolis of Death,Otto Dov Kulka,Penguin,2014

L’homme barbelé,Beatrice Fontanel,Grasset & Fasquelle,2009

?ód? Ghetto Album,by Thomas Weber,Martin Parr,Timothy Prus,Chris Boot,2005

Mauthausen,The History of a Death Camp,Evelyn Le Chêne,Methuen,1971

Mengele,Gerald L. Posner & John Ware,First Cooper Square Press,2000

Never Again,A History of the Holocaust,Martin Gilbert,Harper Collins,2000

On the Edge of Destruction:Jews of Poland between the Two World Wars,Celia S. Heller,Wayne State University Press,1993

Pearls of Childhood,Vera Gissing,Pan Books,1988

People in Auschwitz,Hermann Langbein,The University of North Carolina Press,2004

Poetry of the Second World War,An International Anthology,edited by Desmond Graham,Pimlico,1998

Prague in Danger:The Years of German Occupation,1939-45,Peter Demetz,Farrar,Straus and Giroux,2009

Railways and the Holocaust:The Trains that Shamed the World,Robin Jones,Mortons Media,2013

Shoah,Claude Lanzmann,Da Capo Press,1995

Singing for Survival:Songs of the ?ód? Ghetto,1940-45,Gila Flam 1992

St. Georgen-Gusen-Mauthausen. Concentration Camp Mauthausen Reconsidered,BoD,2008

Survival,Holocaust Survivors Tell Their Story,Quill,2003

Survival,produced by the Holocaust Centre

Survival in Auschwitz,Primo Levi,Touchstone;1996

The Cap or the Price of a Life,Roman Frister,Weidenfeld & Nicholson,1999

The Chronicle of the ?ód? Ghetto,1941-44,edited by Lucjan Dobroszycki,Yale University Press,1987

The Concentration Camp Mauthausen 1938-1945,New Academic Press,2013

The Diary of Dawid Sierakowiak:Five Notebooks from the ?ód? Ghetto,edited by Alan Adelson,Bloomsbury,1997

The Emperor of Lies,Steve Sem-Sandberg,Farrar,Straus and Giroux,2011

The German Trauma,Experiences and Reflections 1938-2000,Gitta Sereny,Penguin,2000

The Holocaust:A History of the Jews of Europe During the Second World War,Martin Gilbert,Holt Paperbacks,1987

The Holocaust Sites of Europe:An Historical Guide,Martin Winstone,I.B. Tauris,2014

The Last Album:Eyes from the Ashes of Auschwitz-Birkenau,Ann Weiss,W.W. Norton & Co,2001

The Last Goodbye,Edith Hofman,Memoirs Publishing,2012

The Liberators,America’s Witnesses to the Holocaust,Michael Hirsh,Bantam Books 2010

The Righteous,Martin Gilbert,Doubleday,2002

The Terezín Diary of Gonda Redlich,edited by Saul. S. Friedman,University Press of Kentucky,2008

The Terezín Ghetto,Ludmilla Chladková,Pamatnik Terezín,2005

The Tin Ring,Zdenka Fantlová,Northumbria Press,2010

The Trains of the Holocaust,Hedi Enghelberg,Engpublishing,2014

The Visible Part,Photographs of Mauthausen concentration camp,Mandelbaum,Vienna,2005

To the Bitter End,The Diaries of Victor Klemperer,Trafalgar Square,1999

Triumph of Hope,Ruth Elias,Wiley & Sons,1998

Wir Waren zum Tode Bestimmt,Michael Düsing,Forum Verlag Leipzig,2002

Witnesses to the Holocaust,Martin Berenbaum,Harper Collins,1997

Memorial and Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau-[http://en.auschwitz.org]

Terezín Memorial[http://www.pamatnik-terezin.cz]

KZ-Memorial Flossenbürg-[www.gedenkstaette-flossenbuerg.de]

Mauthausen Memorial Museum- [http://www.mauthausenmemorial.at/]

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum[http://www.ushmm.org]

Yad Vashem[http://www.yadvashem.org]

Jewish Virtual Library-[www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org]

The Foundation for Commemorating the Victims of Slave Labour in Auschwitz-[www.fcsla.org]

Janusz Korczak Communication Centre[www.korczak.com]

The Museum of Jewish Heritage[www.jewishgen.org]

Information Portal to European Sites of Remembrance[www.memorialmuseums.com]

The 11th Armored Division[www.11tharmoreddivision.com]

The Jewish Museum in Prague[www.jewishmuseum.cz]

Holocaust Educational Trust[www.het.org.uk]

The National Holocaust Centre and Museum[www.holocaust centre.net]

The Educational Website Holocaust CZ[http://www2.holocaust.cz/en/main]

The Imperial War Museum[www.iwm.org.uk]